The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1675 of the Chapter 1675 of the Prince of Tennis

At the time of the German team coach, sometimes when the ball, Schneider, who took the ball, suddenly flashed an angle, and then the ball.

! Football rubbed the grass accelerated into the big ban on the Chinese youth team.

"Ah, is it a mistake?" He Wei looked at football because of the big ban. There is no German player in the area.

"No! It's not a mistake, Germany's Gee should catch football!" He Wei was blocked in an instant.

Because the Chinese youth team is banned. In the district, the gerice of the Night Head is called German, and there is a sudden ban on the Chinese youth team.

Even if you don't find any night, gems is when you use MISDIRECTION, so that everyone's attention is removed from him.

Snapped! When Gregor took the ball, the Chinese youth teams finally noticed him. This guy is like ambushing in the Chinese team. The ghost in the area is ready to give the Chinese team's most violent blow.

Fortunately, this time, the Chinese team is bustling. The number of people in the district is enough, and after the ball, Li Weifeng and Sun Jihai are still in front of him.

"Well, give me the ball! On the football court, the winner is king!" At this time, the German emperor forcibly brushed over the night, and squeezed into the big ban on the Chinese youth team.

"I want to have to go!" Xiao Jungua went to the front of Schneider and wanted to block the footsteps of Schneider.

And this time, Schneider has been accelerating the limit. In the face of Xiao Junguang, there are two of him. The blockman of Chinese players, Schneider is also fighting, the speed is not reduced, directly forced directly.

"Bastan!" Xiao Junguang and his side of Yao Xia and Hao Haiwen were actually hit by Schneider.

"Ah, Axo is hit!" China Youth Team is banned. The other players in the district have exposed the color of surprising.

"Come on!" At this time, Wang Dalei, the Chinese youth team, Wang Dalei, has been completely prepared, he stepped on, his teeth were tight, and they wanted to fell out of Schneider.

"Captain!" At this time, the roots of the ball took the front of the right foot, the football flew down, brushing two. The Chinese team player's blocking, quietly fell to the front of Schneider.

"Said!" Schneider drunk, not to stop the ball, because he knew that the night's long wind must be in his body, Schneider suddenly sways the right leg, ready to directly extract, so close distance , Wang Dalei is enough to felt the flash shoot of Schneider.

"Danger! Schneider wants to shoot, Wang Dalei can hold the anger of the German emperor?" He Wei said the sound.

A red lightning figure suddenly dive behind Schneider, he supported his hands, then shotped. Out of the right leg, I hooked the football in front of Schneider.

It is a night growing!

"It is the captain's diving boat defense!" Jiki's nervous yelled on the stage.

"And it's both hands!" The big air wing on the side observed that the night's wind is used with both hands, which means that the night's strength is full of deaf boat.

He moved electric firing, the location of the Schneider, but not able to meet the football first.

"Flash shooting!" At this time, Schneider is already on the strings, and he has to send it. He also hooks the football, and Schneider is round, the football in front of the football.

Flash shooting, full! .

1709 chapter, winner is king (fourth more)

! A dull voice was blown up before the Chinese Youth Team Gardens, and Schneider was full of flash shots, and the night grew is that it is taken to fly. + Miscellaneous ∪ ∪ +

"Not good!" Xiao Junguang watched the night, the wind was bad, and the night-lived wind was used to defend the football in Schneider. On football.

Schneider has all played, and the night's long wind is supported. Even if his strength is strong, there is no effort to resist the flash shoot of Schneider.

"MD!" When the night's wind was called, his right foot came from a pain. Schneider's flash shot was enough to let Ruin's hands were injured. The power can be seen, and now the night is very unfortunately The right foot to resist the full flash shot, which is undoubtedly dying.

"Dangerous! This time I can't even stop the German emperor." He Wei is full of sweat.

At this time, the night length is also a dead, his arms are exhibited, then open ten fingers, plug directly. In the grass below.

"Drink!" The night is long, and the fingers have a powerful point. The lunch and waist is also a receiving, the powerful waist force and the strength of the finger wrist have stopped the night length of the fly. The whole person is like a horizontal stop.

"I am still a person?" The German fans on the stage have grown their eyes, a ghost expression.

"How is the power of this guy?" France Core Pierre dreams will not think that there is such strength to have such power.

Just put the flash shot of Schneider with a finger wrist and waist force, this can only be described in the enchanting.

"You!" At least Schneider could collapse.

"Beautiful! Beautiful! Pretty! China War Show ten fingers, he did not give the German emperor to equal opportunities! When the night grewer players learned martial arts in Shaolin Temple? This is just Kung Fu football!" He Wei It is excited in the media area, and there is a bit wrong.

"It is a long wind, so you can block the shoot of Schneider!" Justic Linyuan, the three bodies of the most resolution of Schneider's power on the table were shaking.

He is not afraid, but excited, if Lin hated, it is now playing now and night grows.

"Don't we lose today?" Today, the German fans looked at the scoreboards and muttered.

The second half has been carried out twenty minutes, and only ten minutes left from the end of the game.

Just in the Chinese youth team. All people in the district are relieved, and the night-long wind is forcibly unloading the power of football, and the football is transmitted to Xiao Junguang.

A white figure flashed out, and the passage of the night long wind in an instant.

It is also a gesture!

"What!" Chinese young people were very shocked.

"I cao!" The long wind in the night can't help but squat.

After the fight, the right foot is a counting, and Wang Dalei, the Chinese youth team. Wang Dalei stroves to be saved, but football should be invisible.

33! Gee should appear in the most unexpected position, entered a crucial goal, the Chinese youth team and the German youth have returned to the same starting line.

"What's going on?" He Wei looked at the football in the Chinese youth team, completely did not see clearly the process of goal.

"Enter! We finally catch up!" The German fans on the stage can go to the ball, how can I go go, they only know that the ball is in, the German team has equalized score.

"Finally, the victory is a German team!" The German fans on the stage were very excited. They have forgotten this only a semi-final.

These fans who love football are like a German team to win a great gourd, boiling, German team fans. The number of people is more, so that the entire Pland Stadium has become a black and white ocean.

"Beautiful, gerice!" In the German Youth League, the German coach hung shouted, he took a long time, there was no such thing. Effectiveness.

The part of the German team coach midfield is undoubtedly saved the German youth team. If it is not a gerice, the score on the scene is definitely not!

"Well, you are shot too!" The German youth team is most excited, but Schneider, the gesture's goal is largely saved Schneider.

If the ball is not entered, Schneider is likely to regret it for a lifetime.

After the goal, the gesture is still a low-key, when the German player put him, the presence of the gesture disappeared, as if this person never existed.

"See the ghost! Why didn't I see him!" Wang Dalei, who was in front of the door, took the grass.

"This kind of opponent is really trouble! This ball is me!" Night wind slowly stood up, patted the grass and dirt on the body, and the night's long-term dying lock was in Geng.

Just now, the night's wind is originally wanted to pass to Xiao Junguang, and then quickly launch a counterattack.

But he did not pay attention to the gems, or the gems used MISDIRECTION to transfer everyone's attention to Schneider.

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