The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1685, Chapter 1685, Chapter 1685

Nowadays, the current position of the large air wing is the core of the midfield, he must send football to the foot of the position.

! The big air wing is vacant, the right foot will put the football!

The football flew over the head of Xiao Junguang in an instant, and the accurate landing of the back of the ball is at the foot of the ball! .

1721 chapter, fearless save (first more)

In a moment of stopping the football, Li Yifeng behind him is naturally posted, and Li Yifeng's body can be said to be the best in the Chinese team's guard line, people are high and the muscles are solid, and the day is confronted, completely Do not fall. ⌒ § § ⌒

On the day, Xiao Jiro wants to force and open Li Yufeng and also take a lot of risks.

However, the Japanese players will always be ahead, and there is no hesitation in his dictionary.

When the back is the moment, the day is forced to Xiaolang, and the left foot is dial. The body will flash an angle. It is the fast hike, prepare the shot!

"Remote!" Li Weifeng is naturally stretched out, I want to get rid of the football at the feet of Xiaolang.

bass! At this time, the day, Xialai, actually provoked football, jumping up, and she hid away Li Yufeng in an instant.

"What!" Li Yifeng was ate, from the night's wind, Li Weifeng already knows that the day to Xialairo is the kind of player who is going straight, usually will not dodge, will only force the shot, he has already used the body. The stretchably to the preparation of Xiao Songli.

But this time, the day, Xiaolang made a flexible dodge action, and got a good range angle in the air, at this time he is very close to the goal.

"Danger! The Chinese team is dangerous!" He Wei died.

! Just in the day, Xialang's empty swing, preparing the emptied moment, a person flew out, raising the arms, the arms were in the arms, and the next time and the day and the day A hit.

"Ah!" The audience on the stage held their mouths.

On the court, both Chinese young teams were in front of the gods.

It is the attack of Wang Dalei, he just chose a quick attack, confiscating football before the feet, and the body was directly with the day, it seems like two high-speed trucks hit together.

Japanese! "

"Da Rei!" The Japanese Youth Team and the Chinese Youth Team players surrounded, and the referee also blows whistle, and the game is suspended.

"Avil guy!" The first thing stood up or the day, he was just a place, and his arm was scratched, and the skin broke, and it did not have an income.

"Haha, come, I am not afraid of you!" At this time, the Chinese youth team gate stood Wang Dalei, he was full of blood, the eyebrow bone on the forehead was broken by the knee, the blood flow is not limited, it looks quite horrible .

"You!" Although I can't understand Wang Dalei, I was overwhelmed by Wang Dalei, which was full of blood, and later backwards.

"Team Doctor!" The night's wind pressed the gods and excited Wang Dalei, shouting on the team doctor in the rest area.

"In order to save this ball, Wang Dalei seems to be hurt, he has just been afraid of the fear of saving, let us see the style of China's door, this invitation, the young door will have a lot of greatness! I hope he is not a big problem. You can continue to protect the Chinese team's goal! "He Wei did not worry about the media area.

At this time, the Chinese team was in the field, wiped the blood on Wang Dalei's face with a towel, and then sprayed his eyebrow bone with a quick-frozen spray. Finally, it quickly wrapped a bandage, and wrapped Wang Dalei's head into a mouse. It looks a little funny.

"How, do you have a big problem?" When the night grew, he worried that Wang Dalei was ignorant if the head was hit by the brain, he had to end.

"No problem! Just some scratches, didn't hit the brain, you can continue the game!" The team doctor just tested a sense of Wang Dalei, there is no problem, it is more fortunate.

"Dalei, how do you feel?" Xiao Junguo came over and asked.

"Haha, don't let me end! I am now a great now!" Wang Dalei grinned.

"Dalei, good! That's it, don't be afraid! They are also people, nothing is too afraid!" The night is awkward and took the shoulders of Wang Dalei.

Wang Dalei may still have limited strength, but he has the spirit of a young burdock, not afraid of the tiger. In the key competition of a large competition, this spirit can make Wang Dalei super level to play, playing a long-winding is also difficult to expect.

"Yes, the captain!" Wang Dalei heard the appreciation of the night, and the smile on his face was more brilliant.

In the first two games, Wang Dalei criticized a lot of domestic media and fans because the relationship between the ball was considered to be the weakest ring of the Chinese team .. ....

Today, Wang Dalei is to prove himself. Now he does it, he does not care about the risk of injury, and blocks the Japanese youth team a very dangerous attack for the Chinese team.

"Very good goalkeeper!" In the Japanese youth team, see the coach looked at Wang Dali nodded.

"Wang Dalei! Wang Dalei! Wang Dalei!" On the stage, the Chinese fans also sounded the invisibility of Wang Dalei. He won the cheers and applause for him.

This is a football, as long as you have a good play and performance, you will win the respect of the fans and opponents!

"The referee also blows the whistle started in the game, Wang Dalei players are still present, it seems that there is nothing wrong, it is so good!" He Yulong has a breath.

"It's worth the final, I just opened less than ten minutes, the two teams played a few rounds, the rhythm is very fast! And open the blood, this game is too fierce! No one knows What happens! "He Wei felt that he was very lucky, and he can explain such a Chinese team in the year of the year.

On the field, Wang Dalei also firmly grabbed football, and everyone of the Japanese youth team retired.

bass! Wang Dalei is a hand, passing football to big ban. Xiao Junguo outside the area.

despair! This time Xiao Junguo has no pass, but suddenly accelerates, and the line of defense in the midfield is, China Dragon God is finally launched.

Night live wind is also in the midfield, and the position is slightly retrace, ready to pick Xiao Junguang.

Sure enough, when Xiao Junguang came to the midfield high-speed, Songshan rushed to prevent it.

At this time, when the night long-term wind is back to the ball, the big air wings and the Pkarang also posted.

"I am going, you haven't finished!" The night's wind was sticked to prevent some irritability, the big air wings and the gorges were very familiar with his habits, and the night's wind couldn't easily get rid of two people.

despair! Xiao Junguo swept a night's long wind, and then decided to break through it. Now the defensive power of the Japanese youth team is on the night, and the other Chinese youth team players have a very good chance. Xiao Junguang is a big step. Ball. .

1722 chapter, penalty (second more)

In the face of the defense of Songshan, China Dragon God has chosen the outer road forced overtaking, and uses the body to eat Songshan. Miscellaneous?

Songshan has the outer number of the snow country and the eagle, the physical fitness is quite stronger, but this physical quality and Xiao Junshu are a matter of being a lot, Xiao Junguang's body and day are almost the same, and this outer road is easy to open. Matshan, broke through the Japanese youth team.

Xiao Junshuo broke, and the night costs were started instantly. After he first stepped, he got rid of the stickers of the Baro and the air wing.

"So fast!" The big air wing couldn't help but sigh the first step in the first step. It is really unparalleled. He has already plenty of mental strength. Slightly by Xiao Junguang broke through a god, night long wind Seize the opportunity.

bass! The two white lightning spots in the Japanese youth team, and the continuous feet between each other have broken through the midfield line of the Japanese youth team in an instant.

The two men and the two people have been chasing. In fact, these two mid-site core technologies are biased to attack. Every time they participate in defense, it is actually a very big impact on them.

If the night's wind is a coach, he will never use this tactic.

I can only say that the coach is too want to win, and I am afraid.

In fact, the Japanese youth team has a big advantage in the midfield, the large air wing plus the gap and the day, the Chinese team, the Chinese team only rely on Xiao Junguang and the night-catching two people who go back from time to time. It is difficult to defend a perfect.

But now, on the court, instead of the Chinese team's momentum is more prosperous.

"Advance! China Double God!" There is a Chinese fan on the table.

In the invisibility of Chinese fans, the speed of the two people and Xiao Junshu are getting faster and faster, soon they have arrived at the Japanese Youth Team. District Frontier.

At this time, the Japanese Youth Defensive Core Sanhuo rushed out, rushed to the night-long wind that was with the ball, this is the second front of his and night long wind.

In the first time, the night length is very big, almost let the Japanese youth team get the ball, this time, the night is completely full, and the whole body is mobilized.

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