The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1686 of the Chapter 1686 of the Prince of Tennis

Continuous shaking shoulders, the night-length wind is like a motor launched motor, and three remaining images are different from a moment.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

When the night's wind opened, I used this game that can't use the dawn goddess of the dawn, for the opening, the opening of the Japanese youth team, it is best to get a goal first, such words, the next game is good Most of the kick.

"Ah, what is this!" Some people who have not seen the night, the spectators who have passed the night, are stupid, and other fans are nervous to hold the fist.

Night costs have used many dawn gods, and they have not failed once, and they have never seen this vulnerability.

At this time, the golden light of the three shots was flashing. He suddenly stretched out the right foot, kicking the residual shadow of the night length of the right side.

The slamming, the football was kicked by Sanhuo, flew to the high altitude.

"What!" Chinese youth teams and Japanese young people were stunned. Sanhuo actually judged the body of the night's wind, and it was destroyed by the night.

Especially for those who are familiar with night long wind, this is simply incredible.

"Is it luck?" Big Zi. Ishikoaki rose sharply.

"This guy!" The night's wind jumped to the air, and Yu Guang swept the three-eyed three, two people competed in the air.

! In the end, I haven't waited for the Sanhuo full to jump, and the night's live wind will give the football back to the big ban. Xiao Junguo in front of the area.

It is necessary to compare the ball speed and bounce, no one can close to the night.

"Good!" After Xiao Junguo took the ball, it was preparing to shoot directly with the dragon.

"Remote shot!" At this time, the Japanese youth team was banned. In the district, Siki is rushed out, and a pair of face stamps.

"After him, Dragon God!" The fans in China were shouting.

bass! Xiao Junguo is really chemical into a white lightning, and the football is dial, and then directly into the banned Japanese youth team.

"Not good!" San Pine looked back, Xiao Junshuo stepped into a very dangerous location, if this place chooses to use the dragon gun shooting, even if the goalkeeper is if Lin Yuan three, three people do not think that hundreds of percent will hold the goal.

"Look at me!" And just at this time, the Japanese young team on the body of Xiao Junguang rushed over, and it was a lot of movement of a big action, and it was a razor.

And this time Xiao Junguo made a price in the early farm, and his left foot dial, and then instantly fell.

The razor shovel shovel shovel shovel shovel shovel, but did not encounter football!

"Ah!" The Japanese fans on the stage were shocked.

"Click on the ball! Click on the ball! Draw the ball!" The Chinese team's fans are shouting.

! The whistle of the referee sounded, he quickly ran into the big ban. District, and stretched. Go to the right finger to ban the position of the spot.

The master referee is very clear, he gave the Chinese team a little bit!

"It's great! China Dragon God won a bit of a bit!" He Wei jumped.

"What!" Japanese Youth Team Respuncture is seen in the forehead. Although he knew that the early Opening is easy to move, this time he actually banned. Directly shovel Xiao Junguang in the area, this is to send the other party Point the ball.

"Referee, I don't have" early farm, hurriedly climbed. He also wanted to complain with the referee, and the referee did not hesitate to pull a yellow card from the pocket.

Outdoor, I have got a yellow card, in fact, the action is very dangerous, I can correct the red card, but the referee has left the Opea.

"Don't say it! Opening!" Sange ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"Bastard!" Outdoor in the early Opening, but the penalty has been sentenced, he can't say anything, only bite the teeth, an indignant look.

"This guy is a fixed bomb!" The night's mouth flashed a context. If he is the Japanese youth coach, it will never call the team.

Outstanding strength is still possible, defense and assists are not bad, but he is too temperament, this player is a double-edged sword, and it is a timed bomb.

On the field, the Chinese team got a penalty, night lengthy and Xiao Junguo got together.

"Who will be the main penalty of this, is the captain's night growing, or Xiao Junguang players?" He Wei stared at the two people.

It eventually hugs the football to the point-to-point, Xiao Junguang! .

1723 chapter, unexpected opportunities (first more)

"Ah, this ball's main penalist is not a king card at night long player, but the Chinese dragon god of China, the Chinese dragon god Xiao Junguo players!" He Wei sighed, he originally thought that the Chinese youth team is 100% Penalty by the night length. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Of course, Xiao Junguo is also a routine choice. The foot and strength of Chinese Dragon God are also quite powerful.

The main reason why the night is not taken, this point is not the main reason he doesn't want to take this pen, but because he is too familiar with if Lin Yuan.

At South Ge, if the two people in the wind and night, the two people must be trained almost every day. If Lin is the habit of the nights of the night, it is very familiar.

Although the night grows can also deliberately change habits, but if so, I can't kick the best shot.

And Xiao Junguo has almost unable to pass the three, in the previous game, Xiao Junguang has no shot, so let Xiao Jun Guang come to kick this little bit is a rational choice, because the night grows to Xiao Junguang's ability trust.

On the field, Xiao Jungua put the football on the point of the point, then withdraws two steps and started to take a deep breath to adjust his rhythm.

At this time, the fans in China and Japan at this time are quiet, they are all nervous.

Japan's fans are eager, and Chinese fans are expectations.

At this time, the Chinese Youth Team and the Japanese Youth Team two teams are standing in the big ban. Area, Japanese youth teams are banned. There are only two people left in the district, and they are really a contest. .

After Xiao Junguo took a few mouthfuls, Xiao Jun was looked up at the three-handed three-handed three, and the eyes became firm.

Getting the ball for the Chinese team, breaking the deadlock, is the thing that Xiao Jun is currently most do.

On the other hand, if Lin Yuan three is very calm, powerful confidence gives Ruin Lin seems to have a magical gas field. In this gas field, if Lin has a confidence to fade out of the shot, no matter who is the opponent.

In the football career in Johinde, he has not lost in other one-to-one contest, including the German emperor Schneider, and it is impossible to win if the forest is also impossible.

The German professional football career has made Ruolin to regain new students, and now he re-has powerful confidence.

Looking at the expression of Lin Yuan three, the night-length wind seems to return to the world of the football, that time, if Lin Yuan three confident, South Ge Primary School. The sports handball player, rugby player, even baseball players Unable to break the door of Bayin handle.

! Finally, the referee made a whistle, Xiao Junguo finally spit a breath, then stepped forward, and the whole person expanded into a bow.

"Come! This is the ball, can the Chinese team break the deadlock?" He Wei stood tense.

"Dragon cannon!" At this time, Xiao Junguang flicked in the eyes of Xiaojun, and finally gathered to the upper right corner of the goal, which immediately pulled an anti-bow in an instant.

A loud noise, Xiao Junguo's right foot is solid on football.

bass! In the first moment, football is a golden light, and the golden light is a golden dragon who blends roaring.

"It's a gorgeous gold dragon!" Night's mouth is slightly fighter, Xiao Junguang once again improved the level of the dragon gun, this shot is not inferior to the night's ball.

The speed is like a golden lightning, and the Jinlong growlves in the upper right corner of the Japanese youth team.

"Ah!" The fans on the table have spoke.

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