The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1709 of the Chapter 1709 of the Prince of Tennis

In the eyes of the night, Yang Chen is the Chinese team's Solskia.

How do Solskia?

The absolute superstar of the Red Maganda, who has the strength of him, but often sits on the mat, because Manchester United has Kancong, has a ban. District Wang Vanny.

But when Manchester United needs Solskia, he will not hesitate to give yourself everything.

As a recognized super substitute, Solskia will have a magical play. It is the most shining twice in his career. Once, it is a four-go ahead, and once is the Champions League. Solska, which debuted, in the last minute of the game, won the winning ball, helping Manchester United to complete the great cause of the three crowns.

Such a player is super substitute, in the history of the world, such a player is not much, and it is even more less than this extent of Srskia.

The Chinese Youth Team has just been famous Yang Chen completely with this potential. He has a striker technology that is not weak to Xiaolang, but he is willing to sit on the tension.

Juns has always used Yang Chen as a secret weapon. In the last critical moment, Yang Chen did not contravene emotions, and can maintain normal heart, and have the last moment of equalization of the big heart.

Such a player is not a fame in the eyes of the night, but the future of the Chinese team 'Srskia'!

Just when I met the coach to replace the Island, I changed the time that my hands had lifted.

! On the court, the referee was highlighted at the right hand, and the whistle that ended the game!

"The game is over! The two teams draw, according to the rules of the invitation, the two teams will enter the next half of the overtime plug. The rules used by the overtime game are silver ball competes. Who is twenty minutes There are more inner goals, who is the champion! "He Wei's mood is completely calm, as an explanation, he still have professionalism.

"Can be evil! It is actually entrail, I thought the long wind will shoot!" Ishikasaki, etc. I have just returned to God.

"I won a little bit!" I showed a remorseful look on three pine faces.

At the end of the competition, the two teams returned to their own seating.

"Everyone has worked hard, you kicked very well!" I saw the clapping of the coach, and then turned to look at Ruolinyuan three, "Source 3, the overtime, you rest!"

"Coach, I", if Lin Yuan slammed his head, his eyes were still in battle, he also wanted to fight for the Japanese team.

"Don't say, source three! You still have a big mistake, you have to believe your teammates!" See you.

"Don't I believe I can hold the ball door?" Ji Island is stood up, and the entire World Youth Invitation Competition, if Shimazujian is a replacement door, there is no opportunity to play.

Because if the performance of Johinde is too perfect, now the opportunity to become a hero now is finally arriving, and if the island is naturally full of confidence.

"Ah! Hand it to you!" If Lin sighed, I watched the Island, I was dragged down, and then I was dragged down my blood, and threw it to Zuojinjian.

"Be sure to win!" Ju Lei flicked in the eyes.

"Yes!" Ji Island is standing hard, his chest is bloody.

After the Chinese youth team, after the people, they were cheered by the tonic players and the heroes of the coaches, especially Yang Chen.

The unknown player in this a few minutes ago, it became the Chinese team's super star.

"Dry well, Ama!" Xiao Jun shot. Hold your right hand, hold together with Yang Chen, two people look around.

"This ball is the credit of the captain. He passed the ball too bit. There is also the door of the other party is also hurt because the captain is shot. In the end, it is a thrilling, if the other party will be intact, I will be awkward this ball! "Yang Chen did not have a happiness of happiness.

Just killing goals, it is indeed a fulfillment of the lifetime, and the night long has attracted most of the defenders of the Japanese team, and it is also the shooting of the night, so that if the forest is out of strength, no hug Football.

"Source three!" At this time, the night long wind wiped the sweat with a towel, and then his eyes drifted on the sub-seat of the Japanese youth team.

If Lin Yuan sits on the tower, cover his head with a towel, and no one can see his expression.

However, the night is known, if the expression of the forest must be very unwilling, he can defeat the Chinese team, defeat the night!

Ten minutes of rest time in the cheers of the Chinese fans in the cheers. At this time, the rain has been stopped over the Prans Stadium, and the sky is gradually released. There is still a touch of seven-color rainbow in the direction of the east.

The Prans Stadium is a professional stadium. It has a professional drainage staff. Under the efforts of the staff, the water on the court is discharged in ten minutes.

The stadium turbid is finally unlike the SHI before, the referee blows whistle, and the team to show the two finals again.

In the last twenty minutes, I will decide the first World Youth Invitational Championship.

Of course, if the two teams continue to draw, in order to win, the game will enter the brutal misbidden. .

1750 chapter, China combination (second more)

As the Chinese team, I naturally don't want to drag the game in the game, although Lin Yuan three has been injured in the end, but the Island, I am also a master of saving the downtime. Magazine

However, the Chinese team only has Wang Dale, and at least five or six-meter players at least five or six meters are a master of shooting. Wang Dalei wants to flew out their dots, very difficult.

Therefore, the Chinese team wants to get the gold cup, we must try to win in the silver ball in twenty minutes!

"The game kicked here, I have no tactics can be arranged, I believe your own strength!" Juns glanced at the Chinese team.

"Yes, the coach!" The Chinese youth team nodded Qi.

"Changfeng, what else do you say?" Youhus turned to ask the night long wind.

The night's wind is thrown on the replacement, then the mouth is slightly piloted: "Old, you, you really have to bear, actually the last round of the talents, Yang Chen, almost played!" "

"Hey, this is not you!" Juns smiled, in order to get a strange victory, Juns did some delayed fighters. If he passed Yang Chen before the Japanese team, the result of Yang Chen, the result of the game It is likely to be different.

"Okay, now I don't have to use it!" Night long wind turned his head and looked at the Chinese youth team, stretched out the right hand.

Snapped! Snapped! The Chinese team gave all the best in the right hand in the hands of the night.

"History will not remember the second place, we only need the champion!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, and the tone was very firm.

"Champion! Champion! Champion!" The Chinese youth team did all three, then throw the hands high height.

"Well! Let's take the championship back!" Night long-term winds raised the meteor to enter the stadium, and the Chinese youth team also ran into the court with night length.

On the table, I experienced this thrilling game audience all looking forward to the player on the field.

"Although the Chinese team is flat, they are still disadvantages, after all, Xiao Junguo also ended!" At the heart of Argentina, the core Dias analysis.

"On the overtime, the Japanese team will definitely strengthen the attack. Now the source is at the bottom. The key to the game is who can enter more balls. Who is more attack power!" German emperor Schneider looks very good. quasi.

"Come on, Japan!"

"Be sure to defeat China!"

"Rely on you, day!"

"San Shi! High!"

The Japanese fans on the stage began to refuel their team.

The Chinese team's fans are naturally not to show weakness, and Yang Chen's goal has just been excited to make Chinese fans.

"Go again, super replacement!"

"Ah, Chinese War!" The Chinese team's cheers, cheering, and a time, it has passed the Japanese delegation.

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