The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Chapter 1710

"The overtime game is finally started. How will the next game? Let us wait and see!" He Wei just fell.

The middle circle in the Presnd, and the night-long winds brought the football to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen's most common position is the striker, but the Chinese team already has two strikers, Yang Chen retired, and the position of the lounge, the position of the movie.

"Ah, the Chinese team's hero Yang Chen played, will he bring us new surprises?" He Wei is very expected to the performance of Yang Chenjia Time.

In the case of Xiao Junguang injured, the Chinese team needs a person to stand out to help the night, and everyone will hopes that it is in Yang Chen.

bass! On the field, Yang Chen took the ball immediately, started to take the ball to the Japanese youth team halfway.

And the Japanese team, Yang Chen protected, the big air wings rushed up and prepared to stop the attack of the Chinese team.

! Yang Chen did not have more sticky balls, directly pushing football, passing it to night long.

The night is on the left foot, the right foot is pushing, and the football is divided into the foot of Hao Haidong on the side.

When the Chinese team overtime, the offense is the row of water, very tacit.

Yang Chen played the ball and passed the quality of the pass, showing a good technical level.

The previous game Night is not a helper that can work with partners in the frontcourt. Although Xiao Junguang attack is strong, but the technology under the feet is slightly poor than the long-term matching of the night.

After Yang Chen played, the night-lived wind felt returned to Nan Ge, with Yang Chen transition football, and the pressure of the night is a lot.

The large air wings and the Yarota two can't get angry at any time, because Yang Chen's attack has just been present, they dare not, only focuse on the two.

This night's frontal offensive attack is much easier, no longer need to have a breakthrough by personal abilities.

"Harmony! Block him! Don't let him lower!" Sanyi commanded the Japanese team's defense.

After Hao Haidong took the ball, he began to bring the ball to the bottom of the bottom, and the husband was banned from the Japanese youth team. The front of the district rapidly runs quickly, blocking the road from Hao Haidong.

"Captain!" Hao Haidong saw Hao Fu's blocking, no strong breakthrough, but the left foot stopped, the right foot passed the football back to the night.

When the night grew, the poker was immediately posted, he didn't make a feet, just following the night grew well, not let the night's relaxed breakthrough.

At this time, the night-catching wind does not have to break through, and he dials football to the left, then brushing the Pkiro from the right side.

"This is" The football of the Yaro, the football kicked out, flying from his head.

It is the pass of Yang Chen, Yang Chen used the left foot to give the football to the night long, and the two made a very fast and beautiful hit wall cooperation in front of the Pkarang.

"Perfect cooperation! It is simply a gold combination of the Chinese team!" He Wei was very excited.

"Have a good, Amperm!" The night's wind is relaxed to remove football. At this time, he is already easy to have a Japanese youth team. District frontier.

This is the difference between pass and strong breakthroughs. As long as the ball can be guided, it will be easier than the night's ability to use personal abilities.

"Don't panic, keep a line!" Sanhui reminded his teammates, still manufacturing off-line trap defense.

Under the command of Sansi, the Chinese team is banned. The two forward flying and Wang Zhongming in the district are in the position of the offside.

Their position is not very good, can't go upstream from the front line, looking for murder.

This Yingzi-style talent is not hard practice, this is a category.

"Suspei this guy!" The night grew in the eyes, he originally wanted to pick a football directly, let the flying fish jumped to the top.

In this way, night growth has to break through the Japanese youth team.

Another night's long-term righteousness rushed into the surrounding circle of the Japanese team, this time, the night is no longer a lone hero. He is also rushing into the ban. In the area, his speed is not slow! .

1751 chapter, blood god (third more)

"Rush in! China War god rushed into the big banned Japanese youth team. How will he handle football? Is it a shot?" He Wei said. Π π ÷ π

Rush into the big ban. The night long wind in the area, the direct tank hit the government, and then crushed into the big ban.

As for Yang Chen on the side, it is dead, and the night is long and the wind will continue to stroke the ball, a unstoppable posture.

"On this time, in this case, San Shi is the opportunity to see the opportunity, first start rushing to the night, and the rattan and Jiki are followed by his left and right, three people Qiqi rush to the night.

Slip slouting, this time the Japanese team three people directly seleaned to split the shovel completely seized the line of any breakthrough at night.

The time of the Sanhuo started, when the night long wind ball forward, when the football lost control, using the ground SHI slippery directly, almost instantly hit the football.

In the face of the slippery of the three people, there is no scruple, the night is in the right foot, the whole person is like the cheetah, and the front!

bass! The night-long wind still touched football, and the left foot provoked football.

Then, the night length is in the air. It is the air people who are good at Sansi. It is only this time, when the night is getting angular, the positive three-in-law is eager to break the ball, right foot The foot of his shoes hooks to the calf of the night.

! After a very clear voice, the night-long face was torn, and the blood was flowing, splashed with three sings, and the night's wind also felt a pain in the calf.

boom! Despite this, the night length is still forciting with the waist and abdomen forces over the three-person slippery, and steadyly falls on the ground.

"Captain!" Wang Zhongming, the next night, did not stop blood, and his eyes were red.

"Bastard! Referee, they are penalized, click the ball! Lite the ball!" Wang Zhongming rushed to the main referee.

The main referee is in the big ban. There is a clear understanding outside the area, and the three sizhong is really lifting high, and it has encountered a night.

However, when the night is falling, the football is still in front of him, and the night cost is not to fall to the ground.

The referee hide up his hands forward, which is good for the Chinese team attack, and there is no penalty!

"Breakthrough! Chinese War broke through the Japanese team's line of defense, good opportunity!" He Wei couldn't help but agitate to roar.

At this time, there is only one people in front of the island, a single knife!

At this time, the left leg hurts, and the Japanese youth team is not hesitant to choose an attack.

"Blocking the long wind! If Island!" If the field, he can't help but shout.

If the island is on his hands, the center of gravity is sinking, which has been drifted thousands of hundred times, and has also blocked the long-winded single-knife.

However, this time, the night-hearting wind did not choose forced to shoot or sway directly.

The left foot blessed, the night length is still affected, and he uses the right foot to pass the football.

"What! Passing!" If the island, the island is suddenly contracted.

! At this time, a white figure got rid of his defensive people, caching the flying football, directly the left corner of the left foot bow.

Is super substitute Yang Chen!

He got rid of the big air wing, because the big air wings had just concentrated on the night's wind.

"It is Yang Chen's shoot!" He Wei excitedly called.

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