The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1711 of the Chapter 1711 of the Tennis Prince

bass! The football quickly flew to the Japanese team gardener, Ji Island is busy back, jumping back, trying to reach out and want to go to football.

But this ball Yang Chen is looking for an angle. The speed is not as fast as full, but the angle is excellent, just rubbing the right hand in the right hand of Island.

"No blocked! The Chinese team must be higher than the score!" He Yao's face rose red.

The huge sound, maybe Yang Chen wants to be too embarrassed, football is actually on the corner of the beam of the goal and the door column, and the speed will play back.

"Wow!" The viewers on the stage were exclaimed.

"This" He Wei has closed his crow mouth.

"A ball into the soul!" However, at this time, the night grew is desperate to the left leg injury, forcibly jumping, flip the body in the air, then in the way to fly the golden hook, use the left foot to decide the rebound football .

At this time, the night-hearting wind is completely effort, and his wounds expand directly. The blood is not the same as the money, even will even have the face of the night-length wind.

"Ah!" The fans on the stage rose big mouth.

On the field, the football in the night-long wind is a flash of a golden column, directly running the Japanese youth team.

43! Night-catching bath blood goals for the Chinese team over a score!

Before the Japanese youth team, if the island, the island, the island, the nature of the night, and a little frightened.

At this time, the night's wind is full of blood. It seems to be a bit scary, forgive to completely, let the spheres in the Japanese team's goal have broken a big hole, and the quality is strong, and there is a little dizziness. Excessive bleeding.

"Captain!" The Chinese team did not celebrate, and it was all around the night.

"Team doctor! Come!" Wu Junren waved the team doctor on the tension.

The staff of the off-site looks like the night grows, lifting the stretcher directly.

"Ball! Very domineering bumper, China War gods blood goal, worthy of God of War!" He Wei saw the night long, first, ecstasy, then seeing the night's wind is blood, calm down .

......... ... ...

Hell to getting the ball, he is also more concerned about the injury of the night!

At this time, the entire Prans stadium that should be treasured will appear very quiet. The Japanese team fans suffered from low-spirited relationships, and the Chinese team's fans were an anxious look to the night.

If the night grows again, the Chinese double gods all leave, as long as a super substitute Yang Chen, even if the Chinese team is now ahead, the next game will be difficult to play, almost let the champion gave the Japanese team.

"Night! You are too impulsive!" Yudanz hated himself to rush into the court, to check the injury of the night, and his expression is very anxious, and it is more important than the last time the Chinese team lasts.

"Changfeng, how do you feel? Sit in the stretcher first!" The team doctor gave the night's wind to sit on the stretcher, ready to raise the night length out of the court.

"No need to trouble, a little skin injury!" Night wind sway refused the requirements of the team doctor.

"I will see!" The team doctor saw that the long wind was still bleeding, and touched the bones, but did not hurt the bones, just skin trauma.

However, the night's hard wind has just bleed too much, and the team doctor feels the danger of syncope.

"Well, let's take a break first!" The team doctor looked up and said to the night.

"No, old white, you will give me a bleeding spray, it will be better!" The night-long wind opened the staff, went to the venue, let the team doctor old white bandage the left leg. .

1752 chapter, seize the opportunity (fourth more)

"Well, it seems that the leg injury of Chinese War God is not serious. Now he accepts treatment outside the field, and the referee will continue!" He Wei's gaze has always concentrated on the night. ⌒ § § ⌒

Many Chinese fans on the table are also very concerned about the night of the night. If the night's hurt, the next game will be the Chinese team can't bear the weight.

On the middle of the field, the Japanese youth team with backward goals serve.

When Standing behind the football, Pkarang is looking back at night, although representing their respective countries, but Pkarang's feelings are still very deep.

If the night is not the father of the Yaro, the Yaro-lake has long left the South Ge, and in Nange, the Yaro and Night Great is very good, and the night is unselfish, and there is a lot of ideas and techniques. Sharing gave Parlang.

If the night grows, the game is unable to participate in the game.

"Tailang, give me the ball!" And the big air wings on the side were full of fighting, just now the night's wind in that case, it can still kick out the power of the powerless, the golden hook makes the blood in the large air wing.

As the core of the Japanese youth team, the large air wings realize that it is necessary to save the impact of the night growing, and must then send football into the other party.

Snapped! Pastelang nodded and brought the football directly to the big air wing.

The large air wing started to take the ball to the half of the Chinese youth team, the Chinese team midfield Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu immediately posted.

The bloody and fighting spirit of all people in the Chinese youth team have been completely excited by the night, they fight very fierce, and the action is quite big.

Especially the anger, Wang Zhongming, after returning to the air wings, it is directly behind a shovel.

In the case where the front and back, the large air wings are still flexible, and his control is extremely strong, lightweight flashed Wang Zhongming's slippery, then turned to dial, put football from Ma Mingyu double. Leg Intermediate.

The football wiped her herpes and returned to the foot of the pokeed Pkano, the pool of the pool, and the right foot was stopped.

bass! In the first moment, Pkarang broke through the midfield line of the Chinese team.

In the case where the night length is still treated in the field, although the Chinese team players are very powerful, defense is still chaotic, and the opportunity is seized by the Japanese Youth Team Gold.

"Not good! The Chinese team's defense is broken. China Dragon God Shang Junguang players are still present, the Japanese youth team players a big offense!" He Wei was a game in a game.

On the field, the poke in front of the Pkiro, he kept high-speed with the ball, the Chinese team's side, the two people, the two men, and Hao Haidong desperately rely on the middle, and the two Qi Qi set up a wall blocking in front of the pole.

"Changfeng, I will not lose!" The golden light in his eyes shines. He didn't hesitate to take the ball directly, then flew to Yao Xia and Hao Hao's generos, then he took the ball directly, then overtaking from the outside .

! Yarlang showed his rare tough, and it took two speeds with speed. The front garde of the Chinese team.

"Good, Tailang!"

"Continue to advance!" The Japanese fans on the stage cheered.

"Despicable! It is more than one more than us, but also attacked so fierce!" On the other hand, many Chinese fans complained that the Japanese team had a spirit of physical education.

"Blocking him! Can't let him break through!" Out Ejna is very anxious, the night-long wind is still treated in the field, the Chinese team's defensive unaaged, the defensive defense has taken some of them.

And the night is no longer a court, Li Weifeng and Sun Jihai have not produced the consciousness of the offside trap, still focusing on the big ban. The day in the area and Songshan.

Pasteo took the ball to the big ban. When there is a distance of about ten meters, it looked up and looked at it. Two teammates in the district, and then directly selected a Directors.

! The Barito, this is a fast-free, directly flying directly into the Chinese youth team.

At this time, Li Weifeng wanted to go to destroy this time, but he underestimated the enthusiasm of the Pair of Poland, and the football flew in his foot.

"The mistake! The middle and defenders mistaken, the Chinese team's goal is dangerous!"

Snapped! The day behind Li Yufeng, Xiao Lang, like a beast, is generally flashing, he started to start at the moment of Pkiro passed, and then quickly chased the Ball of Baro.

On the day, Xiao Lang is like a tiger. The front of the Chinese Youth Team Wan Dalei can only start her hands, and it is strongly blocked the ball door.

"Eat my ball! New Mammark!" The day does not want to waste such a great opportunity, he only took a step, then swing directly to the right leg is a plan for a strong force .. ....

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