The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1741 of the Chapter 1741 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

Fassier has some happening. He didn't think that the night length would be so strong. According to the reason, the main coach is the most fear of players, because the coach directly determines whether the player can play, master the bonus of the player, the general player is not Will be easily coaches.

Unless you are a real sky star.

The night-long wind is just a newcomer, but it feels like a superstar like a famous name.

This is confident!

Absolute confidence in your own strength and ability!

"This is you still talking about your own ideas!" Faisal took a long time, and he took this sentence. He also didn't have a good way to get the night.

Everyone knows that this new Jin Rising Chinese War is not tuning, even if the world famous head of Faier is not necessarily compressed in the night.

"Honestly, from the day I played on the first day, I never thought about my own position. Because I can play anywhere on the court, including the door!" Night long wind, one, one The face is serious, "But since you have already asked, if you want to say a position"

"I chose to attack the midfield!" The golden light in the eyes, "I am not used to being a deputy of others, as long as I am on the court, I must be the core of the offensive, all the attacks. Point!"

"If you want to win, you must give me an unlimited fire protection right and the right to dispose of the ball at will!"

When the night lengthy, the Faisa was stunned. He thought that the night-long wind will raise the requirements of the midfielder, but he didn't expect that the night is so straightforward, and the name is to be a team. Absolute core, in the Barcelona lineup in Fayal, Lanah is absolutely core.

Snapped! The Fats of the reaction was slightly red, and suddenly suddenly took a look at the desk in front of it, "Night wind players, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course, I know! Coach, you may not listen clearly, I will say it once again. As long as I am present, it must be an absolute core!" The night-catching Fausier faced Fats is also a color.

"You are a boy!" Faisal was mad. "If you really want this, go to Barcelona second army!"

"That is sorry, I don't do it!" The night long-lived is dragging down the Barcelona training suit, and throws them directly on the work desk of Fat.

"You have already signed contracts with us, the default is 200,000 euros, you can't afford it!" Fats did not think that the night length reaction was so big, where did he knew that night cost is most hate others threaten him.

"You are wrong!" The night grew is full of disdain, "200,000 euros? If I am willing, I can become Barcelona's largest shareholder, then let you go!"

The night long gardens leaks, Maxier stunned, where did he knew that the night's longevity is only lost! .

1789 chapter, various news (first more)

Of course, the night-catching wind is just a pana, it is not so easy to become Barcelona's largest shareholder, even if the night grows, it is enough to buy N Barcelona, ​​but it also requires the consent of the original Barcelona's original board. . Miscellaneous

However, it is still a professional club. As long as the money is in place, the night, the long weather can become the shareholders of Barcelona.

0,000 euros of breach of contract, can be said to be nine bull, not worth it.

"Well, I finally knew why you refused all the club business contract!" Faiser took a breath once and then slowly sat down.

The top of the Barcelona club knows that the night's wind is joining Barcelona. They want to let night costs in the first time to participate in various business activities.

More than 100 billion people in China, the market is too big, as long as it can open this huge potential market, you can see the future Barcelona will be very likely to be the most profitable club whole world.

However, the night-long wind makes a broker to push all business activities with a reason to train, which makes the high-level headache in Barcelona, ​​and complained to Fats.

"Nothing, I will go first, what is the problem, you and my manager!" The night's long wind turned to leave the coach office.

"Wait!" Faiser immediately called the night's wind.

"How, what other advice do you have?" Night long wind turned and looked at Fat Salt biting the two words.

"Well! You can serve as the main lineup to attack the midfield, but the premise is that you have proved your strength, and in the three games of the Barcelona, ​​we can put it into the ball plus a assists, this is my condition!" Faisal Or I said the beginning of the idea.

"No! My strength, I believe that you are already very clear, I don't want to waste time in the classification of La Liga!" Night's eyes in the eyes, "I reiterated once again, I came here to help you Make money, not to let you grind! "

"I came here", I'm looking at the foot of the world, "is to conquer the world's top player, conquer the European continent, I don't have time to play this kind of grinding player!"

"You are a little!" Faiser filled with dressed in the night, and the night grew is much smarter than he imagined.

"I want to say is these, I will go out first, what's the matter, you talk to my manager!" The night is lazy and frank with Fajar, directly turned away.

With the character of the night long, Fassier actually threatened him, and the night's long-lasting is about to leave Barcelona. Anyway, now every day, the scouting of the emperor is going to call the night, still persuading the night long wind. Royal Madrid.

However, there is another week of the La Liga League, and the night-long wind is already familiar with Barcelona players. At this time, it is not a thing that is not looking at.

Who knows what the headline party's reporters will write again!

"This kid is too mad!" Fatsah was left behind, first shot first, then slap on the desk.

, Faisal has encountered a lot in his coaching career and players, but there is a personality like night, and the bodai is a hard guy, Fassier is still an encounter.

"Hey, it's trouble, it's confusing!" Faisal touched his baldness, then picked up the phone on the desk, thinking about it, and finally dialed a number originally he didn't want to dial.

The owner of this number is Faisal's old friend and is also the coach Juns who has just taken office of the Chinese national team.

On the other hand, the night long wind in the suburban home is also attracted two hours on their own court.

Night-hard wind knows that the trust of the main coach is not so easy, especially the night long name to replace Barcelona's king's position in the Barcelona, ​​which sounds like a heaven.

But the night-long wind has no patience to play the ball like Fatsale, which is purely a waste of the world.

Night-hard wind knows that Faisal wants to grind him, but the night is not a piece of jade early, in the past many games, the night long-lasting style uses his own way to make yourself into a difficult gemstone!

Time is in the evening, the night is specially chef for two sisters, he really can't stand the dark cuisine that is more and more mature by Ji and Niyou.

After eating, the night grows and has some special programs that are played by Ji and Ma You.

After that, the night is back to her room, after taking a shower, open the Sony laptop on the table.

The night's wind first checked the news of Saint-Germain in Paris, recently he was busy with training, and did not have a call with Pkarang.

·· ···

However, there is no news on the Internet, and Paris Saint-Germain seems to be intentionally hidden the news of the new Joining players.

"I don't know how Tailang is. This little child doesn't have a phone call. It seems that it is also busy training! I don't know if he can adapt to such a cruel professional football!" Night wind and point me a mouse, then use keyboard input Juventus.

Juventi's news is the top one is a injury news. Its forward main Diby Road left ankle sprain will take the battle for two weeks, and the Japanese player of the new Jojo will have the opportunity to open the battle in Xiaolang and San Shi.

"Sanxi's ball is very suitable for archigia, becoming the main force, but can this guy live in Serie A?" Night lived on the screen on the screen and the photo of Juventus.


For Sanhuo, the night is always very optimistic, as well as the talents, the Sanhuo is not poor than the big empty wing or the pole lady, and even the two people are said.

Sansi is just a lack of a stage suitable for him, and now he is coming.

On the day, Xialairo will choose Arabian's expectation to be unexpected in the night, in the eyes of the night, the day, the wind is more suitable for La Liga.

The defensive strength of Serie A is too high, the day, the striker is likely to be crushed in the defense line of the cruel standle steel flood.

Then, the night is still concerned about the news of the big empty wing. The big air wings join Brazil Sao Paulo seems to be very smooth, in the Brazilian league that has begun, the big air wings are very different, and the three games have been pushed. Sub-assisted.

From a newcomer, it becomes the absolute main player of St. Paul.

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