The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1742, Chapter 1742, Chapter 1742

"South American stadium is really suitable for the big air wing, but I don't know what he can grow in the future!" The arc of the night long hair is slightly.

The last night's long wind pays attention to the news of Bundesliga, and Bundesliga has been playing more than a week.

China Long Shenjun is in Bayern, and China's domestic concern is high, and it has gradually exceeded the trend of the night.

"It's a shadow, it adapted to the professional league such as the intensity level!" The smile of the night's mouth is thicker. .

1790 chapter, the Top of the Top (Second More)

Of course, Bayern is currently more dazzling, the German emperor Schneider, and the top three games in Schneider have entered six goals, and there are two games, known as the goal machine in the new era of Bayern. "Miscellaneous - Zhi - insect"

After the three battles, Bayern is a big score to win, and the first, German shooter list and assists in front of the Bayern players.

It was a strong Bayern. At this season, I showed the momentum of the king, which made many Bayern fans on the performance of the new season Bayern in the European battlefield.

In addition, the NPTRP is a newcomer of Hamburg, and the first three games. The Hamburg is not lost by Ruilin's play, all of the bib of the opponent, there is no shortage of bremen and Schalk. .

On the standings, Hamburg is also in the second place, and the points of Bayern are exactly the same, these two teams are the biggest popular in this year.

"Everyone has started to have to force, the new era of the world's football is coming!" When the night's hands were in the brain, the eyes were glaveled to the black starry sky outside the floor.

Three days later.

Night-length wind received a broker with Ji Hong's news, Fassier did not file any application to the high level of Barcelona, ​​and the press conference before the new season will be carried out as usual.

Today, all the new promotions of the new promotion of Barcelona came to Nou Camp, and several people wearing a new Barcelona jacket appeared in front of the media.

Night wind is still wearing iconic zero jersey, Fassier is around the night, and smile can be like anything like there is no matter what happened.

After a simple performance, the newcomers and Fassier came to the news conference on the scene of the press conference.

Today, due to the relationship between the night-length wind attended the press conference, the stage is full of Chinese media reporters.

All Chinese media reporters are concerned about the arrangement of Barcelona's Bishops, the night length can't appear in the main lineup, and what position will be played again.

At the opening of the press conference, Fassier talked about a lot of nonsense, and then cut to the topic to the Chinese reporter asked.

"This season, the night long player will serve as a center position in the main line of Barcelona!" Fatsale let the Chinese reporters under the stage are excited.

"Why do you make the long wind player play forward, is his best at the midfield?"

"Excuse me, because of the replacement of the night long player as the replacement of Lili War, let him join Barcelona?"

Chinese reporters have been continuously questioned, and the flash in the room also flashed.

"This is our tactics, sorry, can not be told!" Faisier slightly, then slammed a night-long wind, and finally slowly, "If the first three games in the new season, night If the long wind player can play the goal, he can choose any position on the court, I will never intervene! "

"Wow!" Fatsale didn't explode the reporter under the stage. His words had to let the reporters looked for more than one day.

"Excuse me" The following reporters are already squeezing, desperate, and desperately want to ask.

"Sorry, friends, today's press conference is over!" Under the barrier of the staff, Fatshell et al. From the channel. The news conference site.

The whole press conference, the night's lives are not issued, because the night's hard work knows what is excessive in this time.

Since Fahal wants to make the night's strength to prove their strength, the night's long wind will certainly do not hesitate.

The first three games have been hitting ten goals, which seems to be impossible to complete the task.

However, here is the La Ora League, advocating attack, everything is possible, it is better than threats, and the night is more likely to challenge this.

"Sure like the same! This kid eat soft!" Faisal looked at the back of the night's wind turned and left, he was still worried that the night's long wind will say more, let the reporters of the scene Handle, and now the night-hearted wind is unfair to leave the venue.

This is already the best result for Fatsale, he doesn't want to see the situation of two defeatings.

He will call to Barcelona to create a dream team, not to destroy the new season of Barcelona.

The next day, China has set off a big news.

The attention of the night-lived wind is really unprecedented, and all version of the news is endless.

"China War and Barcelona Ten Ten Ten"! "

"This kicks the center! Chinese war god Europe frustrated!"

"Month China God of War Lightning is gone to the team, transferring Real Madrid?"

Various news covers the day, most of them are title party, night long-lived, and Barcelona official did not make any explanation. .....

Such attitude is not only a great concern of China's domestic fans, but many people in Japan in Japan are also extremely concerned about Barcelona.

Especially the players who have been handed over and night and his teammates in South Ge.

"Captain, the center of the center, Barcelona's coach is crazy?" Ishiki called the newspaper.

"What is the European famous talker, he does not know how strong the captain!" Senaki gods threw the newspaper on the ground.

"It seems that because of the relationship between Li Wal, Barcelona coach believes that the long wind is still unable to replace the position of Lectees!"

"This is the center, this is the meaning of the guy, or the arrangement of the coach?" The day in Italy is also very concerned about the long-term winds of the night.

"Three games are hitting 10 goals, even if the long wind is not too might!" Situ Sanzhen was interested in Fial.

And all of this public opinion does not have any effect on the long wind. Now there is one thing in the night, that is, in the first three games, it is hitting 10 goals.

At that time, Fassier has nothing to say.

Using the goal to prove your strength, this way is that night long is like and is good at.

No matter how to evaluate or speculate outside, the night grows in the Barcelona team, which makes Barcelona people call the change, and the veneer training has been far from the premium, let Lili War are also smoother.

Three days later, the Opening of the Italian Grand League of Italian, two days.

The first game of the game is Juventus's game. Juventus in front of the game will rush from the training base from the training base, which is the home of Juventus, Juventus Athletic Stadium.

In the big buses in Juventio, the day before the game, the day, Xiao Lang, holding double punches, all in jitter.

"Hey! You are fine, how to shake into that look!" Juventus has a teammate to be shocked by the day.

"Holly! Don't worry about this guy, he is excited!" San Shi smiled in the side with Italian.

Just as the spoirite said, in the face of today's first professional competition, the day has been excited in the heart. .

1791 chapter, Serie A start (third more)

Juventus Athletic Stadium. ω ● ● Ω

Juventus's first game, the audience can accommodate the fans of Juventus on the standstill of 40,000 viewers.

"Juventus! Must win! Juventus! Win!" Tens of thousands of people in the Taiwen Tunus, all kinds of Juventus's momentum was floating on the Juventus Athletic Stadium. The scene was very spectacular.

Juventus is the first game, its opponent is not weak, and it is also a heroistic team of Series, Parma!

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