The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1743, Chapter 1743, Chapter 1743

The two team players quickly walked into the courses from the player channel, seeing the players admitted, the fans on the stage were more crazy, and the entire Juventus Athletic Stadium is like a black and white boiling waves.

"This is the real football!" At this time, the night-hearted wind sat in the private room of the VIP, surrounded by the lounge, and the night's live wind finally felt the charm of European professional football.

Here everyone is deeply loved in the heart and cheers for your team. Proud.

Juventus's player is not very familiar, his eyes are naturally locking the two black-haired people who are warm up on the court.

On the day, Xiao Lang wears the jersey, and the three shirts wear jersey, and appeared in the position of the circle of the stadium, which represents the position of Juventus's midfielder.

"Well? It seems that Juventus's coach is very optimistic about the three sho!" Night long-awaited floating into Juventus Athletic Stadium.

! With the whistle of the referee, the first game of the Italian Grade A League officially begins.

On the court, Sanyi snorted, filed the football directly to his teammates.

Today, Juventus Parma sent a full main lineup, including the three major defenders of Parma, Parma, Torm, French family, lassi, Italy, respectively.

Three guards are world-class guards, plus the Italian national team god Pu'an, Parma's back lineup lineup is also famous in Serie A, very powerful.

"Today, I must tear this steel defense line!" The day quickly runs forward, and its eyes once again reveal the wilderness of the wild.

On the field, San Shi stood football to Juventus's current offensive midfielder core player Xidan.

Xidan is Juventus's No. 10, French national team captain, he is the world-class offensive midfielder of Helhi War, all aspects are the top.

Originally, Xidan was injured at the end of the season, directly leading to Juventus to throw away Series championships last season, and this season opened, Xidan's early return undoubtedly injecting a strong agent into Juventus.

On the opening of Xidan showed his master's organizational skills, he and the three consecutive feet of Parma's half, broke through the midfield line of Parma.

"Great!" Night's eyes lit, Juventus this new midfielder is very dazzling, especially Xidan is just a few simple movements, showing the skills behind.

Xidan and Li Wal are two completely different types. Xidan is more inclined to tissue sex and the ball of Sanhuo. The cooperation between the two is like a feeling of more than ten years. It is very smooth and free. .

bass! At this time, Xidan received a rebounded ball from Sanmin, suddenly left football.

Very beautiful hanging, the football just crossed the top of the Parma defensive player, and the exact is to have a big ban. Division in the middle of the district.

"Young people, show your strength!" After Xidan passed, his eyes drift to Xiaolang.

At this time, the attention of the audience is put on the back of the jersey. Everyone wants to know what the strength is in this new Jin Joof.

"Day, can you hold?" The night long face is also an exclusive.

Snapped! At this time, the day is suddenly turned, then directly started, ready to bring the ball.

At this moment, the two of the two guards of Parma have come to the left and right sides of the day.

The two people have very fast, and when they cut the day, it is the intense body contact and confrontation.

Snapped! On the day, the right foot is barely stopped the football, but the body has been hit by the two world-class guards to lose balance.

"McCadini, you are right, the balance of the day is indeed very poor, the body is completely unbalanced!" Ju Wencheno, Ju Wenca, said, watching the court.

However, the two big guards of Parma did not think that although the day lost balance, he had to fall in the moment, and the day will return football back to the football.

The football rolled back to Parma's ban. District Frontier, at this time, a black and white body greets football, and it is directly a vigorous dragon.

Is Juventus Middle Field Core Xindan!

Xidan's anger is shocked, football is like a shell, the upper right corner of the Parma ball door!

Juventus has just opened a while, and the fans of Juventus in the audience have boiled!

"It's a good world wave! The day, I can also pass such a ball. It is really difficult for him!" The night-long's goal is also slightly surprised.

"It is good, the captain!" The day rushed to Xidan.

"Good, Xiao Lang!" Xidan has erected his thumbs up to the day, and the three people ran over, and the three hit the celebration.

"Wow! The two Japanese players just joined are very good. Is this Juventus in this season to form a dreamy golden three. Is the angle?" The explanation of the scene was very excited.

The goal just now looks really beautiful, Sansi and Xidan's continuous pass, plus the day to standpile-style strong backhand, and finally the hammer sound of Xidan.

The whole goal is very smooth!

"There is this! It is our great idea!" The two big defender expressions in Parma changed, it became very serious.

And the day to get an assists in the eyes of the eyes is more prosperous, and his self-confidence is further improved.

"This time I must use my right foot hole to wear Parma's goal!" The day is turned to the feet, and the eyes look at Parma's goal.

On the field, Juventus occupies an absolute advantage in the midfield.

Compared to defense, Parma's attack is weaker, it is impossible to break through Juventus's midfielder defense.

After the two teams have a fierce confrontation in the midfield, the football has come to the foot of Xidan.

West Dan is worthy of world-class master, left foot and stop, and the right foot is directly sent forward.

The football brushed the midfield line of Parma, at this time, in this case, Sanhuo appeared in the most important position, and completely without stopping the ball, and the football will enter the ban. Range.

It is also a great opportunity to ban. Division China Day.

"This ball is mine!" The day broke out in the eyes, then left the left foot to steadily stop the football, the right foot is instantly swing! .

1792 chapter, realistic gap (fourth more)

! At this moment, Toram suddenly appeared behind the day, and he used him strongly slammed the day from behind. ? Miscellaneous?

On the day, Xiao Lang instantly lost its balance, just like a truck, flew out, heavy in Parma's big ban.

"Kid, you are so true!" Torm left the ball, and then the right foot will send football forward.

Very successful defense, it can be said that it is not expensive.

The counterattack of Parma, the day, because of the poorness of physical fitness, a perfect goal opportunity.

"Daily, this venue is no longer the battlefield that you can take the ball in line!" The night's eyes looked at Parma Bain. The day in the district.

At the beginning, the night is not recognizing the training of Jigliang old man to the enlightenment, Jiliang is the legendary striker in the Japanese, but the Japanese legendary striker is not worth money at the football teenager, and Ji Liang itself has not played in the European League. .

Its understanding of modern football has long been outdated, and in emphasizing higher and stronger Serie A League, the health of the body is too big.

In Japan's domestic student competition, the number of straight lines in the day may be unmanned, but in Serie A emphasizes the high-counter competition, the day to the left and white body is seriously unbalanced, and the day will not be able to ban the high strength of Series. Survival in the area.

If the location of the day and the midfield, there is also a transition process, maybe you can keep up, but now the day is the center of Juventus, in this position, the strength can be said to be Serie A, or even Europe The strongest position.

Yiliang's old man puts all the strength to the right foot from the small training day, so that the day is long-term unbalanced body, which greatly limits the potential development of the day.

In the past, the day, the day, always difficult to break through the night of the night, the insurmountable high wall is also a big relationship with the long-term mistakes.

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