The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1764 of the Chapter 1764 of the Prince of Tennis

"Ah, Li Wah is too serious, it is no longer able to play, the Barcelona's main coach made a removal adjustment!" He Wei said in the explanatory room.

"Focusing this ball, the other's core is ending, we have a chance!" Nummancia's head coach took this opportunity to call the door, solemnly.

"Know it!" Numancia door nodded, and he also knew that if this point can be thrown, Nomian's chance is coming.

"Night! You come over!" At this time, Barcelona main coaches Fa Roshier waved at night, and called the night's long wind.

"Coach, what advice?" Asked at night and asked.

"Now you come to kick off the midfield! This ball is also made by you!" Faisier took the night's long wind shoulders, no serious way, "Remember! Don't give Nusci any opportunity!"

"Is this not a decision?" The night is helpless, laughing, twisted, glanced at the painful rival, and the heart has decided.

After Lay War off, the captain's sleeves were brought to the midfielder Landios.

At this time, the football slowly went to the twelve points position, Barcelona's super new starry night, the night, the night, will take the penalty for this by Li Wal.

"Don't pied with this point of the night, the night-long player, can he withstand this big pressure?" He Wei didn't worry about watching the football in the spot.

At this moment, the entire Pajaritos Stadium is a snoring. The Numancia's rice after the Numansian goal is a desperate screaming and waving everything in his hand. It is extremely desirable to interfere with the night.

Because this ball is punished in the night, the third ratio is likely to directly declare Nomamas to lose this game. .

1817 chapter, unexpectedly connected (first more)

Standing in Nusmana, the length of the twelve layers in the district, the night is free to sweep the door of the front of the front of the door of Nativea. Miscellaneous

Ant in front of the door, the left and right jumper, the heart of the night, and Antmen will generally, but the technology of his pocket is a master in La, often fell out of the other party. ball.

But this time, when the night's long winds simply slammed the left foot, when they slammed on football, Nutamasia did not move, and he couldn't move his step.

The night's strength is directly on the left foot, and the soul is sued!

The football is turned into a golden light into the NET in the middle of the mid, and the trajectory of Antalian football flying is not clear, let alone the ball.

"Enter! China War's stable penalty is a penalty, Barcelona three more than zero leading Nutsia, has basically locked the victory!" He Yuli took a breath.

The home court of Niu Mancia is instantaneous, and the fans of Nusama crazy shouting have gone, and the speed of the Violence of Violence, the high-speed camera is not fully captured.

Such a near distance, as long as the night is shot within the door frame, Ander is impossible to pounce this.

"Finished!" After kicking in the spot, Nomiacia's head of the coach came back and returned, and this game had not been saved, and it was a big score.

Although Li Wal hurts, the night long is still in the field, and the attack power of Barcelona has not weakened.

"Shooting! Night!" Barcelona's front field rushed to the night and the night was cold.

The sudden injury of Li Wal is to make Barcelona people panic. It is good to stabilize the hearts of Barcelona.

So far, night long winds have already entered eight balls in the top three games, and only about two goals from ten goals.

The competition continued, and Nomiacia was circled.

Nusman's players felt a little in the night, and it seems uncomfortable. It seems that some gave up this game.

However, when the last half competition was carried out to the replenishment stage, Nomama suddenly took the swaying ball in the right front of Nomia, and the magical hit Barcelona banned. The middle of the zone is in the back of the zone, then It turned out to be a refraction that bounced into the dead angle of the Barcelona door.

3! Nusman's magical pulled a ball, and Nomamasa had suddenly ignited his enthusiasm in the eyes of the glimpse of the eyes.

"Come on! Nusana!"

"Enter a ball!" The audience on the Papjaritos Stadium began to re-enhance the team, and the trainer of Nusmancia didn't sit. He stood up and let himself. The offensive player began to warm up.

The main coaches of Numanzia intend to let go in the second half, the style of the typical La La team.

! Didn't have a referee blowing a whistle that ends in the first half, the first half competition, Li War undoubtedly the brightest, he is alone in two dollars, but also a little bit, but unfortunately He suddenly hurts, there is no way to continue the game.

Secondly, the night is growing. Two assists plus a goal, this game is still right in the game.

Ten minutes later, Li War received the treatment, re-putting on the jacket, sitting on the troops, although the expression is still a bit pain, but it is already possible to watch the game.

The second half competition, Faisal adjusted tactics, and the night-long wind appeared in the position of Barcelona offensive midfield.

As the referee retires again, the Middle Field players in Nuscia began to organize their first attack in the second half.

When the midfield was rest, Nomami's head coach directly replaced a striker and a midfielder, and the two players were offensive players.

Opening, Nusansia is a big shot, and the overall front of the front is pressed.

This strife received a fantastic effect, Barcelona's old. The problem of the problem of Barcelona. When I first debuted, I was not concentrated, and I was continuously transmitted by the frontal player of Numanzia. Directly broke through Field line of defense.

More speechless is that when Numanzia's players have passed the football to Barcelona. When the district, Barcelona's middle-and-defense Dried Sharis actually swim Ulong, I want to take football to the beam, but my feet Slim, I actually took the football into my own goal.

twenty three! The two lucky goals in Nuscia, and narrow the score gap to a goal.

"Great!" Nusman's players cheered on the court, and Nomami's standing fans were also extremely lifted. Today, the goddess seemed to be gradually tilted to Numanzia.

At this time, Barcelona defended everyone looked at Dried Sharis, and Dried Sharis didn't lose the soul, and it looked at the football in the door, and it was unbelievable.

In his more than ten years of football career, the elante in the official game is still the first time.

"Ah! It is an elante! The tactics of Nusancia's short-minded tactics! Lis War's lower estate is great, and the link between the players has a problem before and after!" He Wei Look with the explanation room.

"What are you doing!" Just at the time of the game situation crisis, the night-hearted wind came to the big ban on Barcelona half.

"Changfeng, I" Dried Sharis looked up was a night grew well, and his face revealed the color.

"Old sand! Isn't a mullan? Hey, you have no interest, then enter a ball will not make up! After I just arrived in Barcelona, ​​you and I have done the attitude towards the time!" Night long The wind swepts a favorite of Barcelona, ​​"Li War downloads, I am a command tower, everyone attacked me!"

"From now on, our motto is not only to win the game, but also have to win beautiful!" The night's voice is very strong, and the people of Barcelona have found the main bones at once, and the mood gradually moves.

"Night is really like Li Wah!" Looking at the night long wind turned to the midfielder jersey back, Oimi touched his head, couldn't help but he.

The field midfielder, night long wind and Lamudio are stationed after football.

The night's wind brought the football to Randio, and then waved his hands forward, and Barcelona's prestige player immediately pressed against the half of Nuscia.

"Look at my breakball!" Numansa just pulled two balls in a short time, the momentum is prosperous, and the Landius, the movement of the ball, fierce, and the first half of the time. West Asia is two teams.

This is the case in the football field, the team's strength is changing, the momentum and self-confidence can make a team's strength! .

1818 chapter, skills, Soria (second more)

"Randy, give me the ball!" Night lives, Langdio was surrounded by Numanzia players, and immediately responded. - -

"Night!" Langdius looked up at the night of the night, then left the football, and the football broke through the clippers of the Nusian player from the air, accurately fell under the foot of the night.

Barcelona's players are world-class players, as long as they are calm and treated, and the La La-level players in Nuscia want to break the ball.

The night long-lasting foot is relaxed to unload the football. At this time, the night is standing in his most familiar offensive midfield, standing in the center of the stadium, the vision of the night, can come to the entire Niu Mancia's half .

"Blocking him! Don't let him go to go out!" Numansa's main coach was yelling in the field, the first half of the game, the three lost the ball in Nummansa were actually related to the night, and the night long wind, Barcelona attack The force is at least half.

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