The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1765 of the Chapter 1765 of the Prince of Tennis

On the field, after the night is on the ball, turn around the high speed, directly from the big ban on Nusci.

Nusman's two tall defensive players immediately stopped in front of the night, and the double ghosts formed a wall block in front of the night.

At this time, the night long wind shoulder began to jitter quickly. When he ran to the two defensive players in front of the two defensive players, the night long wind suddenly differentiated three residues.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

"Come! Chinese War God made his stunt!" He Wei excitedly stood up, this time, the night's long-lasting wind will always stand all the time, whenever this time He Wei will feel blood as a Chinese.

"What!" Nomiansia's defensive players were stupid. They looked at the three dozens of different movements, and the night lengthy winds that broke through different directions for a while.

When the three reshugenes are integrated, the night is relaxed.

"Awesome! How much technology is hidden at night!" Barcelona is amazed.

"Sure enough, the technique of Bayern Stephen Limei is almost amazing, a player actually has such a top-class star technology, how did he do it?" Faiser's eyes looked at the night growth on the field. The wind is thinking in the heart.

"Give me a block! I have to pull him with a foul!" Seeing that the night's wind has broken through the big ban. The frontier of the district, the coach of Nusci is dancing.

It is difficult to see the hopes of equalization scores. If the other player goes with super personal ability to go, this way to lose the game is the most depressed.

On the field, the two players who were overnured by Numansa turned to chase the night, the night is big. The people in the district are also fast, and the lightning stretch is off. The football in the loud feet is the most unjust, and it is directly in the ground.

At this time, at this time, the night length wind left suddenly changed, dialing the ball on the left, and the body started to quickly with the left.

The slave, Nusman's player wants to put the night and fall down, and the result is like a piece of steel.

At this time, the night-catching feet is the same as the wind turbine, and it is like a mad motor.

"What is the step in the frequency! My day is too fast!" Seeing the long-winding swing double. Leg, suddenly kicking the distance and the defender, Nusman's local media is going crazy .

It is the coil of Messi!

Night winds use Messi's tray technology in the package holder, and suddenly opens an angle.

At the front of Numancia, the ante is full of sweat, he is engaged in his hands, and you will sink to the extreme, ready to save the long-winding of the night.

At this time, the night-length wind is actually the right foot to put football forward, and the whole person slashed into the big ban in Niu Mancia. In the district, it rushed into the surrounding circle of Numanzia.

"What! It actually invested in the net, this stinky boy is too big! Give me a ball!" Nusman's coach waved his arms outside the field, and he can't wait to put the night long style to the ground.

However, in the night length of the wind, the lift of the lift, the night is on the left foot to the right, and then the right foot is quickly dial.

At the same time, the night length wind shape is like a ghost, and the two consecutive changes in the elevation, and the night-catching winds directly break through the surrounding circle of Nu Mancia, and their last line of defense.

"Ox!" Anture in front of Nummancia couldn't stand it again, directly selecting attack, flipping around the night long wind cover, a pair is quoted to put the night long style The frame.

At this point, the angle of the night length shot is already very small, but he is actually unexpectedly expected to continue to the bottom line, bring a step.

It is this step, when the night is falling off, when Ant, when Ant is falling, the two hands also want to go to the football in the cold feet, but I can't touch it.

In the face of a minimal angle, almost equal to zero angle, the night length of the left foot is fast.

The football flew up, crossing the top of Ant on the ground, drawing an arc in the air, eventually flying into the gates of Nusa.


This long-distance rushing, even six people, and finally the goal will be shocked!

The entire Pajatos Stadium is dead, and almost all Numancia's fans on the stage have risen their mouths, they can't believe what they see.

If you have a night, you will arrassate the entire line of Niu Mancia. Plus the door will have a seven people. This wonderful lens is simply like a football game.

"It's too exciting! Chinese War god saved Barcelona, ​​he is the new king of Barcelon!" He Wei is still a glimpse, and the night's wind is really too fast, let people don't turn my eyes, I am afraid to miss a wonderful moment, as a professional The explanation of He Wei forgot his own job.

The Chinese fans who are far away from the Oriental mainland, the Chinese fans who are watching the ball are screaming, and huge cheers will float in the quiet night empty.

"The dead fans, the big night is not sleeping, is these guys are crazy?" A family, a middle-aged man who is completely not paying attention to sports, can't hold two sentences.

"The long wairt is handsome, I want to marry him!" At this time, the middle-aged man heard the sound of the living room, pushing the door of the bedroom, middle-aged man almost gone.

My wife actually looked at the picture on the TV in the living room, which is the game of CCTV broadcast Barcelona and Nummancia.

Middle-aged man dreams also thinking that only the wife of the Korean idol drama suddenly looks late in the morning.

"Who is this big charm?" Middle-aged man depressed back to the room, sitting in front of the computer to start online search recent football news.

This sitting is a whole night. From then on, there is a dead belly fan. .

Chapter 1819, double list (third more)

The lens returned to the Papjatos Stadium. § § § §

After the long-term driving of the night, he has completed the second goal of the game, three games, and the night-lived wind is already a bomb, which is the first in the long history of La La. Items of players.

Nine ball! The night length happens and the ten goal of Fathal is only a distance of a while, with the state of the night, this ball should come soon.

In the second half of the game, the night's long winds opened, and the hopes that Nomami just burned, and it was flying at night.

"Too handsome! Night!"

"Awes! I am addressed!" Barcelona held his hands and rushed to the night.

The night grows after the goal, it is fast to run to the corner of the ball, where the dead loyalty fans come in Barcelona crazy flushing in the hands of the red blue towel.

Open your hands, looking at the night length of the Papjaritos, like the king is the same as the cheering of his people.

This celebration is recorded by the super clear camera of the off-site camera, one of the classic pictures of the night long.

Barcelae retrieving the mats, replacing all the people vary, Li Wah is burning, watching the back of the night long wind zero jersey.

He seems to have seen yourself in the night, and only the night grew is more young than the year.

"Coach! Just just a ball!" Barcelona assistant coach couldn't help but remind Fahal.

Faisa has no expression, no one can see what he is thinking, but he hides the hands that are hidden in the cuffling, but also sell this old man.

Fassure is now very nervous, since it is quarantined in the media in front of the media, if the night is heavy, he must overthrow the tactical system that he worked hard.

"Barcelona is going to become a day, their new kings are going to go to the grass!" "" Nummancia's local media commented.

Circle in the field, Nusman's attack.

The night-catching, the ball, the ball, let Nutcry morale, the player's attack is significantly declining, no momentum, Nummanzia is the Western Launball team, which is completely unable to fare in midfield.

Snapped! Barcelona's defensive midfielder, Lantio slotted in the midfield, and turned over to the front field at night.

The night is on the left foot, and the momentum is turned directly, then the high-speed straight line.

Flying after the night length of the body is Barcelona's side line double wing, Ine and Wilson, both of which are extremely speed and technology.

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