The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1766 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

boom! Tankball! The night-long wind rushed to the whole body muscles, and directly hit Numanzia's defenders with a tank disc.

Three lines fast!

Barcelona kicked out the offensive style that is completely different from Li Walfold after the night length is a command center.

This is the rhythm, fast, simple, efficient, fast, simple, and efficient in the field, fast, which is the breakthrough ability that is unable to stop the night.

Once the night is broken, the other's line of defense will inevitably shrink, the chance of the two wings is coming.

After this night, after breakthrough, there was no too much ball, but the football was quickly divided into the left side of Numanzia defensive.

Ine took the pass of the night long wind, and the white player was called Xiaobai in the Barcelona, ​​the technology is delicate, and there is a very delicate pass.

! Sure enough, Ine welcomes the fast pass of the night, and the left foot directly puts the football to Nutamas. District is a knock.

It seems that Ine passes mistakes, in fact, he is ahead of the ban in front of Nubanzia.

At this time, a white figure appeared in this unmanned neutral.

That's right! It is a night growing!

"Opportunity! The chance of China's God of War is coming!" He Wei excitedly called, "He will go go to the ball? The hat trick of this game, the tenth game of the three games will arrive?"

"It's evil! I can't catch up with his speed!" Nomiansia's defender is desperately desperately desperate, and the night cost is directly looted.

bass! Let Numancia's fans and players, and even the Barcelon teammates didn't think of the night-long in the big ban. There is no choice of shooting in such a good location, but the fake shoots are sent to the side, pass the football Barcelona, ​​Parli.

Take the Caeli you may not think that the night growers will be sent to such a big gift, and the door of Nuscia is defrauded to find the north, and Calley will easily take empty goals.


Night wind adds a assists, Barcelona also continues to expand the advantages of scores.

"It's just a pass! Why is the night-long wind player selection to pass the ball?" He Wei's disregard.

"Night! It's too wonderful!" Take the Calley ran over and the night is cold, he finally broke the scorpion under the assists of the night, so I was very happy.

This ball took Calley, I felt that the night's style and Li Wal were very different, and the night grew is more and more likely to change.

Lil War is often in accordance with Fahal's tactical system, this tactical system has just been working in La Liga. In the past two years, there are too many other teams, many times are not so sharp.

For example, for a season, this time, Li War will rely on his own personal ability to open the situation, which is also a major cause of the Body burden of the Warr.

.. .........

In the second half, the competition has been completely lost, and Barcelona will undoubtedly take three points away.

Now that the audience is concerned about when the night grows, when the night is growing, it can entered his tenth La Liga into the ball.

After fifteen minutes, when the main referee blew the end of the game, the audience in the scene and the audience before the TV, especially the Chinese fans showed a doubtful expression.

Night wind did not get a goal again, but also sent two assists again.

Once, it was a Assisted Kali's headball. It was once a corner to assisted Dried Sharis to make up, and picked up.

72! Barcelona is in a vivid victory.

In the three games, a total of the ball, the new Barcelona's attack power makes all the clubs in Europe feel unbelievable.

La Liga's random list, the top of the nine-ball, in the assists on the night, the long wind is madly brushing five assists today, plus the previous two times, and the night is in the seven assistance.

Double list!

Night wind leads to La Liga in two two rankings in the individual, can be said to have completed no ancient people, and it is difficult to record.

Now explain that He Wei and fans are confused, this game night is clear, many opportunities to entertaire, the tenth of Hi La, complete ten goals, but no wind does not choose shooting, but will put these opportunities Transformation into assists.

This has become a major historical puzzle of major media! .

1820 chapter, four warfare wins (fourth more)

"Night! Are you deliberate?" When the night's long wind returned to the replacement, Fa Sharm. Shakeed hands finally stabilized, he did not hold back the doubts in his heart, whispered. ""

"This is not important!" Night wind glanced at Faul, then turned to look at Li War, who was still accepting team medical treatment, meaning deep, "The veteran did not die, he will only slow down!"

"You" Faiser was shocked.

"I need the competitors of the same team like Li Wal, I can't get the European Champion Cup!" Night Changfeng left a sentence, and the towel hended, leaving the replacement to the player channel. .

At this moment, I looked at the back of the night's head, Fassier revealed the color.

"Old, I am really old! Night such a young player is the thirsty of victory, I am lost on this bad old man, I lost!"

Fatsair finally realized that he had completely different from himself and just came to Liba. It was completely different. At that time, he had a rushing, eager to victory and honor, willing to dedicate his life for football.

And yourself after six years, every step, you will be cautious, don't dare to change tactics and play, let Lili War transition fatigue, eventually leading to War to practice.

"Coach, I think that the long wind is more suitable for the core of the midfielder than now." At this time, the sound of the Warr in Faiser rang.

Faisal slowly turned, watching the burning look at Li Walda: "No! Never stipulated, a team can only have a core!"

"Coach" Lee Walf, he feels that Fair's eyes are different, full of fighting spirit and self-confidence, everything seems to have returned to six years ago, there is nothing wrong with it in his home. Mr. Fahal.

After three games, Barcelona three warfare high-winning high-winning, the Royal Madrid is also a three-day winning, just one in Barcelona with a weak disadvantage of net win.

Lara Shuangxiong New Season is still a song, and no one can relax in this time.

Moreover, immediately this year's European Champion Cup is to re-ignite, Barcelona and Real Madrid have entered the championship of the Champions League, which means that two giants must be two-line operations.

In this critical moment, Larvar was injured as a big hidden danger that Barcelona continued.

One week later, Barcelona returned to Nou Camp to meet their fourth round of opponent Chelda Club.

The Chelda Club is a mid-tour team, the strength is general.

This game, Li War highly hangs the wag, night long wind continues to start with the position of the offensive midfielder.

A game with no suspense, the first half of the game Barcelona will connect two goals, the second half competition Barcelona will change the night, the two offensive players, and I also entered a ball during the hourly period.

Three-to-zero! Barcelona swept the Chelda club!

The night-hard wind game continues to go through the ball continues to go through the ball, and a assists and a goal will seem to be weakened. It is actually preparing for the night-length wind to prepare for the upcoming Champions League.

In the face of the strength of the Sherda, the night is not necessary to make the whole force, the tennis is about the rhythm of the whole game, even control the opponent's rhythm, or even control the opponent. Rhythm.

The lens is transferred to the Italian Juventus training base.

The transfer of the transfer of the day has been completed. He is now packed his luggage in the locker room, preparing to leave the Juventus training base, and rush to our next destination.

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