The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1767 of the Chapter 1767 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, the daily translation of the sea pushed the door, "Japan!"

"Miss Naha" has a slight glimpse.

"Too good, you haven't gone yet! Give you this!" Miss Nebache handed a thick notebook to the day.

"What is this?" I doubtful to the doubt.

"This is the training plan for you Mr. McChinini. It is a year. It is very detailed. You can continue to train in this plan." Inner Sea smiled.

"Mr. Maccha" did not think that McCadini actually cares about himself.

"Ah ~ Ha ~" Inner Sea has a big yawn, "I have already translated it into Japanese overnight. For it, I am not sleeping overnight!"

"Thank you, Miss Naha, thank you for your care for this time!" The day is very grateful. Out of the right hand.

"Xiao Lang, you are a polite! I am your fan, I hope you can play your own strength in the new team!" Inner Sea smiled and cleared the day.

"Be sure!" The day, the golden light, bid farewell to the inner sea, and the day came to the standing station in Juventus base, and finally overlooking the entire course .. .....

"Japan!" I saw the day of training, I saw the day to packed the bag, "My Achola is the world of weak meat, I will not give you a good year!"

"Because I know that you will come back!" Sanshen and the day have a teammate for a long time, and he is very clear about the character of the day.

The Tiger's Day does not need to be comfort, and he needs to go into the ball, the continuous goal.

"Juventus!" The day offered the baggage, raised the right box, suddenly rushed to the court, "I, the day, Xiaolang, will be back! And with a large number of goals!"

"Daily!" Juventus was attracted to the day, and the twist looks to Xiaolang, the physical fitness McChina's mouth is even more unaware of smile.

"Coach, the kid will be able to do it!" McCidini suddenly said.

"Ah! I like his confident look!" Carlon Tidi nodded.

Since then, the unknown date is sitting on the train rushing to the Class 5 Ray Jiaona.

The lens is returned to Barcelona in Spain.

Barcelona main coaches Fatshar studied a day of tactics and lineup, and did not take care of me.

In recent time, the Barcelona high-end continued to press Fahal and saw that the nightly wind was amazing.

Barcelona's high-level decisions are thoroughly bundled with a big contract in Barcelona's chariots. Barcelona only needs a core. Barcelona high-level wants to make the current Barcelona, ​​build a new night For the core of the team.

They mean that when he is still in the peak of career, it is a high value, and it is the greatest benefit when he still has a high value.

Because these high-level know that the Body of Level is no longer in the past, and the injury will be more and more, and it will eventually be eliminated by the era. When he still sells the price, he traded him, in exchange for some A player who can assist the night long wind.

This is the thinking of the top businessman of the professional football, they regard players as goods, making money machines.

Employment and past honors don't need extra things for these guys.

PS: Highly professional sports model, this kind of thing is too common, such as Cup of Cassi, sad Hill. .

1821 chapter, Real Madrid (first more)

Faisal has recently negotiated with high-level, and strongly claims that he must leave Le War, he may find a new Wang Dao tactical system that coexist with the two people in the night, and won the European championship for Barcelona. cup. - ∮ ∮ ∮ -

However, Barcelona's high levels don't have much patience, etc. At the end of this year, Fassier must take a score in a short time.

The most critical battle is the traditional war between Barcelona before the League before the Champions League, Barcelona and the enemy Royal Madrid, each year, Barcelona and Real Madrid will attract a lot of attention in the world, this year due to night growth and some This is even more likely to join Real Madrid.

This game will be held at home in Barcelona, ​​and Barcelona has never lost to Real Madrid at home. For Barcelona, ​​this is not just a contest, and it is also a failure. the match of.

In Liba, other teams and Real Madrid, Barcelona have a distance. For Barcelona, ​​Royal Madrid is a true test, and the strongest opponent!

Real Madrid is a traditional luxury club, and the number of times to win the La Liga is also better than Barcelona, ​​and the world will seize the most clubs of the European Champion Cup. It can be said that it is a glorious history that Barcelona can't match.

This year's Real Madrid is stronger than any season, and their annual strategy has made them have a super luxury lineup that all clubs all clubs all the world this year.

On the right, the top of the sky is high. This season, Real Madrid spent a huge turnover fee from Barcelona's super superstar, and the captain of Portugal national team, the ball technology is the world's top level, Barcelon can take three crowns in six years. The law is not good.

Real Madrid's door will be Karazhas, Spanish genius youth, in the year of 20 years old, became the Chief Door of Spain.

In the previous season, Karazhas became famous in the Champions League final, and he fell out of the Points of AC Milan Ju Xing Shuwa in the Point Mars, and finally helped Real Madrid!

If this year is the most popular in Europe. The hot door will be a word of Lin Yuan, last year is Karazhas.

In the midfield position, Real Madrid has two Spanish national hands, Bru Road and Yunji, and two people are stable and world-class players.

The position of the left defender, Real Madrid has a random master Carolshi, Brazil is currently a state, passing and free kick is very sharp, a player who cannot be underestimated.

On the front line, Real Madrid has a double arrow. The last season of Sijia shooter Wang Lier and the same Malian, which is the world-class forward, especially Rayl in the history of Real Madrid. The efficiency is very amazing.

The above is the core player on the three lines of Real Madrid, almost every player gets another team is absolute, and Real Madrid gathers these superstars together.

This is just the main force, and the replacement of the collar also sits a lot of famous superstars, and even some of the aura superstar, these people are only sitting in the tension for the team's victory.

This season, Real Madrid is also a song, the four games in the top four games are all in Barcelona, ​​flexion in Barcelona.

Obviously, this time, this time, the fifth battle of Novamp, is also crucial to them, and it is impossible to win.

Spain Madrid, Real Madrid Training Base.

At this time, Real Madrid will be training and exercise tactics for the fifth game of La Liga.

"This year we should be able to take away from Nou Camp!"

"Of course! Now our team is so good, and I heard that Barceloni Walda is hurt! There is no guy who makes us a headache last year, this year should be a lot!"

"I don't want to! You don't forget, the first place in the shooting and assists will take the same player by Barcelona!"

"You are a Chinese boy who is called the night and long! I see him just a brush on the weak team, the strength is very rusatar! No need to worry!" The imperial public will chat with the side, one Vice is very easy.

After the warming up, the Real Madrid will turn to a Brazilian player to the latest Jincai, "Hey! New boy, start practice!"

"I know!" The young woman who combed a little scorpion slowly looked up, his eyes were very bright, full of confidence and happiness.

The player is Brazil this year, such as the rise of the comet, a player who has only used the player who only used the game with a game.

"Tan Ni, you seem to have a good mood today!" Malian looked at the excitement of Nasi sideways.

"You don't say that the city here is far away than your hometown, let your mood have always been very bad?" Rayer couldn't help but ridicule.


"This boy!" Huang Madrid's superstar looked at Thareni, like a child, couldn't help but laugh.

The lens is transferred to the Italian train.

On the day, Xialairo looks at the scenery outside the window, and you can see a stadium every time you have a distance. There are often many young people in the courts and even children play.

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