The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1918

"The goal is invalid!" When the tribut broke, the goal was directly invalid.

In the first half, the night-long wind opened a wonderful corner, and this time is a turn to Real Madrid.

"How can this be like this!" Real Madrid coach Dilabas disappointed.

"Actually, let's take a look at the slow lens!" He Wei is also somewhat unsteading whether the ball has just been off.

"Ah! It is misjudgment! Ray is just parallel to Dried Sharis's body, it is not a place!" After He Wei read back, it was surprised.

"The first half competition, Barcelona was blown off, this time I turned into the Real Madrid, it seems that today's Spanish referee wants to balance the two teams!" He Wei couldn't help but ridicule.

From the slow lens, Rally is really unworthy, but for the side of the side, this is a moment of judgment. The human brain is not a computer, it is inevitable that it is normal.

"Barcelona is hard to die! But recently the offense of Real Madrid is very sharp. If you go on this, goal is late or later, why is the Faisier coach not to change people? Is it necessary to wait until half a half? "He Wei questioned questions about Fatsale's battle command.

On the field, Huang Madrid is surrounded by the side, and they hope that the referee will change.

The referee did not pay attention to the requirements of Real Madrids, showing them, and the game continued.

". , such a perfect straight ball is actually blown off, but unfortunately!" Natini seems to have not been affected by this misjury.

"Hey, night! This is fair, I must win you, and is the right!" Touxini's gaze always locks the night-length wind standing in the half.

"There is absolutely no longer! Black whistle!"

"The referee is okay!" The fans of Real Madrid on the stage were awkward. They seem to have forgotten the wonderful goals that were blown off when they were on.

"Tan Ni, your feet!" Huang Madrid Zhongji saw that the change was not played, and this noted that the legs of Thareni were still bleeding.

"Oh, I am fine!" Tou Deniti came to the field to weathed some, and quickly returned to the field.

"Le War! You are fine!" Langdio (good) Sir ran to Le War, will benefit Walra.

"Well!" Li Wahn nodded seriously. He didn't think that Tong Ni will use his foot to resist his foot. You must know that there is a very hard feet on the foot.

"Lis Well!" Night long wind turned his head and looked at the attention of War. At this time, Li Wal's legs were turned away, as if the movement of Nati did hurt.

"There is not much time!" The night long wind looked up at the time of the branch, and it was less than five minutes from the end of the half.

On the field, Barcelona gathered the column card to open the football.

This time his foot control is good, the night is very easy to remove the football after the midfield is jumped.

The attack in Barcelona.

In the face of the royal midfielder players waiting for, this time did not cooperate with Pkarang this time, but a person with a ball to kill the envelopes of Real Madrildren! .

Chapter 2003, can not stop (first more)

"The night long player began to accelerate!" Along with He Wei is getting more and more fast. ∞ ∞ σ ∞ ∞ ∞

On the field, the night long-lasting wind did not hesitate to enter the encirclement circle of Real Madrild.

"Come on! Night! This time I won't let you have passed!" The first block is in front of the night, there is no doubt that is Tamney.

In the face of the royal medal, the speed of the night, the speed of the ball is not weakened, but it is getting faster and faster.

One step forward, the high-speed wind with the ball is completely ignored by Natini defense.

Dang! Tamini once again contacted the nightly windy body, in Thareni's view, the muscles of the muscles they have exercised should be at least for a while.

However, in a moment of contact, Tamini suddenly realized that he was so true.

Night wind is like a horsepower tank directly crushed the Tamini's small truck, and Natini is directly hit by night long.

"I want to go!" Before Tami lost his balance, he stood right, and he made a diving boat-style defensive posture, and the right foot was lightning to go to the night long body.

! However, Trumini only hooked the residue, and the night's long wind hit the Turanate, and opened two portions directly.

"Overhab! The God of War is accelerating! Does he have to stage a single ride?" He Wei excitedly stood up, watching the fans of Real Madrid on the stage were quiet. Everyone's eyes are only just Lock on the night of the night.

"Berna Uwu is not the stage of your boy!" After the night's hard work over Tamini, Real Madrid's defensive expert Falavio has soon waiting after Tu Niki, look at night long rush, it is directly The slider of the ground is coming.

Nearly one meter height, plus huge body, Faravio slip looks full.

Snapped! At this moment, the golden light in the eyes of the night, and the football in front of the foot was flashing.

! In the surprise eyes of Falavio, football and night growth are almost playing, and they hid his slippery in an instant, and jumped to his head.

"This guy is too fast!" Faravio is also fighting, and the hands are caught in the grass, and after the inertia of his own slipping, Faravio has stretched the left foot, go Soccer bouncing in the empty.

"Can be evil! Is this not my seven-stage defense!" Omei to check in the backfield, surprised the eyes, and the Omi found that there was no strength, plugged into help.

Snapped! However, on the left foot of Falavio, I have to touch the football, and the night long-lasting feet grabbed the football forward, and the body was thrown in the air.

There is no longer borrowing in the air, and the front is also a temporary idea, but he is done, and the action is very smooth and perfect.

This is the night growing, this is the body quality and waist force of God of God.

"This is impossible!" Faravio couldn't believe his eyes. He looked at the back of football and zero jersey from his head, but there was no way.

For the first time, this world-class defensive expert felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

"Unbelievable! He has fallen Faravio! Continue to take the ball!" Barcelona's local media commentary is completely excited.

"Advance! God of War! Advance!" The Barcelona fans before the countless TV.

On the field, after the night's wind turned over, just continued to bring the ball forward with the right foot, step by step, and the speed came again.

"Let's go together!" At this moment, Real Madrid is banned. Carolshi and Oudeo on the left side of the district rushed to the night lengthy wind.

At this time, the speed of the night long wind has arrived at the extreme, the frequency of the two leg swings is enough to make any players in the world, and the world's first step in the world.

The step is not big, but the speed is fast, the figure is like a blue-purple electro-light.

When Carross and Ogado have surrounded by two Real Madrids, the night length is not changed, or the ball of straight line.

"Actually Ignore us!" Brazilian superstar Carolshi face rose red, his country Derby has been caught in countless times, this time has experience, not immediately close the night, but follow Night long back.

Ogado is a half-step protected in Carol Shi, which does not allow the night long-term power to force the outerway to overtake.

However, the night grows, regardless of the opponent, no matter what the opponent is strategic.

I just have to over, no matter what kind of method, what kind of skill is used, that is, there is no one to stop my footsteps.

· ····· Flowers ····· ········

bass! Since the opponent does not stick, the night is driving to the two people, and then the left foot is onto the left.

"Opportunity!" Ogado on the left side thought that he saw almost, he smashed the football of the night.

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