The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1919 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

At this moment, the night length of the left foot bow lightning is back to one.

It is a cattle tail!

Ogado is completely trusted by the night long-lived movement, the body is completely lost.

"There is me!" Carolshi was not right, immediately fell to the support of the night's support, this is to take the ball to take the ball to the ground.


"Danger!" He Wei said the sound.

Night winds seem to have already been added to Carolshi's movements. He turned momentated, while at the same time, the right foot was launched back.

! Ice prince's footsteps!

The night-length wind dance-like gorgeous dance step hids Carol Shi's shovel, and the two are completely blocked behind.

At this moment, the fans of Real Madrid on the standstick began to lauginate the gorgeous and chic in the night.

The Royal Madrid can be said to be the most expensive line of the football in the present, and the scene is very shocking.

"Night! Night! Night!" Barcelona's local media explained to be crazy, he kept called the name of the night, just like a fanatic fan.

"Too wonderful!" In the roaring of He Wei, the night long wind treasure knife east-sheath is generally in the big ban.

"Blocking him !! Can't let him go forward!" Karazhas caught in front of the Royal Gate, yelling in his teammates, night long winds have been connected to the four big superstars of Real Madrid, if he will over, Real Madrid in Berna Dignity will be completely stepped on foot.

At the critical moment, the Bruges of the old captain who had saved Real Madrid were stood up.

"You have some young generations, you know one-on-one, stupid!" Bru Road strong body rushed up, Yunji followed Bruili, preparing to be able to prevent night long winds at a critical moment.

To know this country Derby, Real Madrid's first ball is to lose it. .

Chapter 2004, no promise (second more)

In the face of the last defensive front of Bruple and Yunyun, the big defensive line rushed into Real Madrid. The night long wind in the area is already blushing. ""

"Shuguang goddess!" The night grew and drunk, the master's dawn goddess broke the night-length wind, and the three resumes were made.

"Ox!" The consciousness of Bruce's consciousness to one of the feet shot, and Yunji rushed directly to the front of the night.

Different movements in the night, breakthrough to different directions, at this moment, do not distinguish it.

However, this time I Yunji's luck is good, he guessed the real body, or accurately said that I just encountered a night grew that two people had to flash in a moment.

However, in the Yunyuni and the night-catching body, the night long-lasting feet is on the right side.

The impact of Yunji's full hit did not "Jiu 5th" can shake the night's long style, but it is bounced for half a body.

! At this moment, the night long-range winds passed through the middle of the two.

At this moment, countless silver shadows after the night length wind is chasing, but the distance is not reduced, but it is more larger.

"Karacus! Blocks him!" The Excelle of Real Madrid Dilabas put the final hope to play the gods of Karais in this game.

Karacus did not hesitate to rush.

"Even more than six people! The God of War is already killing red eyes, one-on-one single-knife ball, can this goal be the last time in the last time?" He Wei is nervous to the tremble Dou.

The entire Bernabe is coming, and many of the colonies have a desperate color in the eyes of many Real Madrid.

"Karazhas!" Night windfall in front of Karacus, suddenly looked up at Karazhas.

Its ice-cold eyes make Karahas somewhat hard, so fierce, Karacus has never seen it in other players, including Real Madrid's top Tale.

! The night's long wind suddenly came back, followed by the left foot pulling ball to make a lightning action.

"I am evil! I actually use this action!" Karacus is completely angry with the night's play, if the night's long style selection directly burst, Karahas really doesn't have a good way, because this goal It is too close to the goal.

With the foot of the night, if you choose to take the ball, the probability of Karazhas can be almost zero.

However, the night-long selection of juggling action played Karacus, which gives Karacus an excellent opportunity to felt a single-handed ball.

At least, Karacus himself thinks.

Before the Real Madrid door, Karahas did not hesitate to eat the right side of the right side, and the hands were unfolded, just to go to the night, the football brought by the night.

However, Karazis did not think of this action is just a fake action, and the night is suddenly pulling back to the ball. This time is 360 degrees turned.

Night-hard wind uses a very common experience in basketball, the only difference is that he uses the left foot to complete.

"What is this action!" Even Barcelona players were shocked by the movements of the night.

Night wind a three hundred and sixty-degree ram turned, thoroughly over Karacus.

Even more than seven! Barcelona will play an incredible performance show in Bernaba.

If Ray is Basaka, the night is the death of Real Madrid!

Death is coming, Berna is playing the undead, and the whole Berna Wul is dead.

! The night is relaxed to advance the football into the empty door of Real Madrid.

In the world's attention, Berna, the night-long's wind, hero, he raised his right hand, and then made a lower gesture.

This gesture is to indicate to Real Madrid fans. Now it is my site, you can shut up!

"I cao! This is too big!" Numerous Chinese fans broke out before the TV.

"GoallllLLLL! This is a magical goal, a person single, the entire Galaxy fireline, this is already a feat of the Barcelon War for the second time, but still in Bernard! It is not enough to describe this Ball! Maybe this is a few decades I have seen in Derby, the most unexpected goal! "Barcelona's local media explained crazy screaming.

"3-2! Barcelona will open the second day in Berna Mime, the 41st ball of the league! How many balls will he still have to stop?" He Wei seems to have never returned to God, he is complete Nothing to see how the long winds have passed the Bru Road and Yunyun.

The big screen of the scene starts back to the night long-distance long-distance rushing goal, and the night long wind is so fast, even if it is played back in slow lens, it causes the lives of Real Madrid fans. .....

"Enhance!" After the night is so good, it is more exciting than night long winds to Barcelona teammates.

"Perfect goal!" Yaro's excited running to night long style, today in the case of other people in Barcelona, ​​the night costume can be said to have a whole team in his shoulder, and then constantly Forward.

In Bernaba, the defense line of abused the Yinhe Battles in Berna, in today's football may only be done.

After the goal, the night long wind quickly ran to the corner.

Then, the right-handed right hand grabbed the corner club, and the left hand was unfolded. Such a celebration of the movement, but it seems to be domineering side leakage in the fans.


"Night!" Barcelona's teammates hugged the night.

The off-site Real Madrid Dilabas is like a dead gray. He has arranged a lot of detailed defensive tactics in front of the night long. However, when the real arrival, Dilabas found that everything was futile.

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