The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1924, Chapter 1924, Chapter 1924, Chapter 1924

"Tan Ni!" Karahas is full of surprises.

On the occasion of the millennium, Tamney has used the way to save the Royal Madrid in the first half of the night.

"Unbelievable! Topreni players blocked the ball of Kaboli!" He Wei is also surprised by the big name, this country is too much about surprising scenes.

This is the case on the football field, which is always full of accidents.

"This steals the madness, I learned me!" The night is concentrated on the position of Bruili and Yunji two, and did not pay attention to Trothali to return to the big ban.

Real Madrid's counterattack, Trodini took the football, did not control the body, and fell in front of the Real Madrid, and that desolved the ball, it was unloaded by the midfield.

"Not good!" The offers of Barcelona coach Fahar is not good, Barcelona is very empty after the line is very empty.

"It's great, the good opportunity of Real Madrid counterattack!"

On the field, Lai Lai is driving, it is directly to bring the ball to Barcelona, ​​the speed is very fast.

Berna Wu's princes, Malian and Maxi high two people left one right behind Rally, Real Madrid three-wing fly.

"Forward, Real Madrid!"

"Go on the ball! Anti-score!"

"Real Madrid! Real Madrid! Real Madrid!" On the Bernaishu watch, the 70,000 Real Madrid's ball fans should help, they also know that the game is a key moment of the winning and losses. .....

"Revision is easy to go!" Landius first appeared on the line of Railbeller, his feet stepped, sinking, and made a complete preparation.

However, Rally did not have a Randy. The meaning of the entanglement, the fast attack, the chance, the slightire, can not waste one more time.

Snapped! Rail directly divides football to the foot of the right routine, Portuguese. The king of Niko does not stop the ball, directly welcoming the football forward, starting the slant line to Barcelona. The front edge of the district is high. fast.

"Be evil!" Randius is very annoyed, even if his state is good, it is impossible to predict Ray's movements, let alone this game, Randy has not found the best state.

"I won't let you shoot!" Omi checked the big ban on Barcelona. The zone rushed out, the rushing method was high, and a pair of the rack of the law directly.

However, in this moment, the law showed the value of 60 million euros worth, he left the football back to one, and the right foot clamped the football, and then ticked forward.

! The football crosses the top of Oimi, at the same time, the law has passed from the right side of Oimi to the right!

Is a rainbow! And it is just the right rainbow!

"Beautiful people, the law has entered the ban. District, the good opportunity of Real Madrid's goal!" He Wei drunk.

"Good! 2.0 is like this, the law is high!" The double boxed double boxing of Real Madrid coach.

"Worse!" When Omi checked the head, the back of the law has been brought into the Huangma. District.

"It's not so easy!" However, at this time, a blue-violet electric light on the side of the magic.

Is Huaell!

Two Directs between the old teammates who have worked under Barcelona will be directly large.

Li War's body instantly sinks to make a diving boat defense.

And the law is in the case of the football in the event of the football, and he is passed by the football.

! The eyes of all people are gathered to the rollback to the big ban. Above the football of the area.

"The danger has not been released!" He Wei drunk, another white figure suddenly appeared in Barcelona. District frontier. .

Chapter 2010, Prince Sliding (Second More)

It is Raier, who is Bernaru, and the first half of the stone breaks the ring. ζ ζ


"Go on the ball, the prince!" "The audience shouted.

"Here is my site, I am the owner of Berna!" Jin Guangmun in Rally, he rushed to his football, his body turned on.

Then, it is a foot and right feet.

At this moment, the night-catching wind is rushing to go back to the midfield, only look at the Railfang slam.

"Give me a block, column!" All Barcelona players will hopes that they will be on the door.

"I want to go into the ball!" In the face of speed of snakes, the headow door, the column is very fast.

However, the desire is beautiful, the reality is the backbone, and there is still no column to jump, and Rally's almost perfect vigorously has entered the left corner of Barcelona.

4-3! The fifteenth minute in the second half, Raier Mei opened a second, and the Berna Wu is the retrieval of Real Madrid! 15

"Wow! Goal!"

"It's worthy of the ring king, Rally is amazing!"

"I love you, Ray!" In the moment of Raier into the football, the entire Bernaba is unprecedented, and 70,000 Real Madrid fans are so happy.

Just now, the Real Madrid door is still thrilled, turned to the blink of an eye, Rayl will once again show the wonderful performance of the prince of his Berna, this is the football.

"Going to the ball! It is one of the world's top strons, Rally and Barcelona will have the ability to reverse the situation!" There is no surprise in the congratulations.

"GoAllllllLLL ~ Great Royal Royal, the great Real Madrid, this fierce country Derby, Victory will belong to the Real Madrid. Barcelona will take away three points here!" Madrid's local media explained excited.

"Good power, this is the prince of Berna," San Shi in Italy is also watching the live broadcast of this game.

It is very honest that San Shi is also called the court prince, although the two princes are in different positions, but the wind feels very similar.

"What is the prince of Berna! I will step on us!" The day, the day, I watched the fist, and I looked at the 11th of Barcelona in the TV.

"What is the guy of Pkiro! It's so bad today!"

"Tailang should be a physical problem, Barcelona's recent devil race is too horrible!" Sancun's call.

"These are excuses!" The day is obviously standing and talking without back pain.

After the lens returned to Berna, the Bernaru prince Rally is also an unprecedented excitement.

He has been known as Barcelona killer, and he has entered countless key goals in the national Derby, but this time Rally is strong than before.

The sense of oppression of the night grows is really great, which makes Rayer feel like the finals of the Champions League.

On the court, Rally to the corner of the corner is staged a lot of meter of celebrations, and the fans of Real Madrid on the stage are even greater.

"Ray, good!"

"It's great, we are leading!" Real Madrid's superstars surrounded, put Rally to the ground, starting the stack of Luo Han, as if it won the championship.

"Finally lead!" The Empress Dilabas of Real Madrid of the field is coming out.

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