The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1925 Chapter 1925 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

This country is really important. If you lose it at home, Dilabas is a little worried about his own coach.

"Okay! Why can't you move!

In fact, Rally's shooting ball even if Lin Yuan is not necessarily to be able to rush, angle, strength, speed is a great level, today Ray's state seems to return to the top. Peak.

Berna midstream, night length and Pkiro stand after football.

The situation on the field began to go back to Real Madrid, but as the process of the game, Barcelona players still did not find a state, but because the physical fitness is further consumed, the legs becomes more and more heavy.

"Why did the Faisier coach don't choose to change people!" He Wei looked at the Faisale outside the field.

The young players on Barceae can not sit on, and the entire Barcelona starts to fill an impatient breath.

This game is too important, it is likely to directly affect the Tielan champion at this season.

"Tailang, don't panic! Adjust your breathing, come slowly!" Night shot took the head of the sweat.

"Changfeng!" The breath of the poor stagnant, then breathed a deep breath, slowly adjusted.

"Very good! I believe in me, give me the ball! The football game is 90 minutes, their state is not so good, your state is not so bad! Don't lose confidence!" Night long-faced eyes It is firm.

Real Madrid's superstars are world-class players, and Barcelona players are also.

Moreover, the night-length wind knows that the pole of Pkaro has potential, and he needs to be a key battle that can break through the self.

This country's Derby is the best opportunity of Pkarang.

Snapped! On the field, Pugan brought football to night long wind.

After the night, after the ball brought the ball, it took the ball to break through the midfielder of Real Madrid.

"The God of War has to open the unconventional personal offensive mode?" He Wei looked at the night's wind and the wind, he had already remembered this is the game, and the night is the first few times. The envelope of the other party.

One ride is thousands! He Wei can only use such words to describe the feeling of this kind of lone hero of the night.

"Now we are leading, kid!" Murian in the midfieldst rushed to night.

"Tankball!" Night and cold, drunk, the body muscles turoned, then the straight line broke through the ball, completely did not change.

A slam, Malian was crushed directly from the night, and the body was hit.

It was not good at defense, how could it be a pair of frontal contexts with a night.

"It's been here!" When the night's front breaks from Maryz, Ogado and Faravio one left one left one left and right prevented before the night length, like a white high. wall.

However, this moment, the night-lived wind made a move that made Real Madrid's star did not expect. He left a ball back to a ball.

"It's a pass!" He Wei is also surprised.

After a long feet, he followed the ball, followed by the Barlang after the night length, welcoming football, put the football with the left foot.

! The football draws a beautiful arc in the air, just over the top of Ogado and Faravio, and it is accurately unmisthed before the night length.

"The two cooperation before and after, have the gold combination back?" He Wei was surprised. .

Chapter 2011, State Recovery (Third)

On the field, the night-lived wind is accelerating, waiting until he picks up the accurate pass of Pkarang, and the night long has accelerated the speed of unimaginable. ω ● ● Ω

"So fast!" Ogado and Falavio reserved the chasing the night's wind, but found that the back of the Night Breeze jersey became farther and farther.

"It's a horrified speed!" He Wei is straight, and the ball of Real Madrid on the Bernaba is also mentioned.

"Blocking him, Bru Road!" Real Madrid coach Dilabas is very speechless, the situation is just going to Real Madrid, and the night is actually this time this time this time is so easy to break through the two defense lines of Real Madrid.

In the end, Real Madrid has not solved the strongest point of the night, Barcelona. Real Madrid is not a defensive team. He rely on the super personal ability of the Emperor Superstar.

Many times, Real Madrid's defense can be said to be very bad, so young Karazas can grow up quickly in the Real Madrid.

No way, often save, it is difficult to grow up!

"It's so far!" Bru Road and Iyunkyo Bruges and Iyunji were brought out while rushing out.

But no one thought that the night grew is actually banned in Real Madrid. There is a football on the area, and the whole person instantly opens the body, and the right foot suddenly swayed.

"To shoot it directly? Is it directly below the right foot, or a night arc?" He Wei sat down his body.

In front of Real Madrid, Karahas instantly tense, his hands trying to start, ready to prepare for the ball.

"Revision of shooting!" At this time, Bru Road and Yunji have paid together, and the two superstars have formed a double slide, and the speed of the night is extremely speed, almost blocked the night. The angle of wind all the angle of wind.

Moreover, Bru Road and Yunyun have made up his mind. If the night long wind is blank, they will not hesitate to pull the night long, even if they pay the price of the red card.

But let the whole fans and players have stunned that night long winds don't shoot at all, but the right foot picks the football in front of it.

! The football crossed the head of the blur of the blur of the ground, and at this time, a blue-purple figure was out of the night, and it was a big ban on the bruises in Bru Road and Yunji. .Area.

"It is a Pkarang player! The player is back!" He Wei was surprised.

The passage of night long-lasting is rushing into the big ban. The left foot is relaxed to the left foot, followed by the right foot.

! Pkarang and Karazhas a one-to-one dialogue!

"I actually chose to pass the ball! There is no relationship, no matter who, I will not let him go into the game!" Karacus directly okay to choose the attack, a confidence.

Following the night long wind, maybe Karacus will also be drums in the heart, but in the face of poor Pkarang, Karazis, Karahas, has absolute confidence.

"Shoot! Tailang!" The substitute for Barcelona shouted.

However, Pkarang did not choose to shoot directly, because there was no flaw in Karacus.

! Pkarang did not stop the ball forward, two geniuses played in a moment, and the Yaro was finally hung up behind his left foot.

"Remote!" Karahas super fast response, flipped directly, pounced on the football at the foot of the pole.

! In this moment, the Pkarang fake shot the ball, directly put the football, then the right foot, the whole person flew.

Choose the ball over the air!

The Big Lang used a slogan to use some fancy-eyed movements in the case of single-handed ball. This movement is far from the expected Karacus.

"Is this guy really not good?" The incident looked up and looked up from the sky, and Karazis couldn't help but issue questions.

"My God! Over! The Pkarang players pick the ball to karacus! The ball magician is back!" He Wei excitedly called.

Pugan did not wait to take the football into the empty door of Real Madrid in the air.

4-4! Barcelona gold combination reappeared, Barcelona will re-equalize in Bernaru!

"Go to the ball! The game of the night long player, the Pkarang players picked the entrance of the door! This ball is simply destroyed, wonderful!" He Wei kept nod.

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