The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1926 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Is it finally recovered? Tailang!" San Shi smiled in front of TV.

"This is right!" The day on the side twisted the cans in the hands.

On the field, the pugar pairs after the goal, roar!

Such a vent-type lens is never recorded in the career of Pkiro, and the camera is perfectly recorded.

"Drying, Tailang!" The night is happy to rush to Pkarang, with his hands on the shoulders of the pole, and make a celebration of a strut jump.

The night long is more likely to have a cooperative goal than the hard goal of personal abilities.

Football is the movement of eleven people, one person can fight, two, but do not fight tenth game, and now Barcelona's opponent is also Real Madrid.

". , then go to Barcelona!"

"This game is too intense!"

"No, then go on like this, I have to make heart disease!" Bernaba's fans on the Territory.

"The two teams are very powerful, it is a long history of European! Football is really interesting!" The highest layer of hardcare to wear a hats on the stage has won his hat and exposed the blond hair.

"I really want to play football!" The mysterious wearing a hats launched up the golden football under the feet, before the chest, the face was actually two lines of tears.

On the field, Barcelona also ran to the celebration of the poor and jumping around the poker.

In the second half, the two teams became 4 to 4 more hands. This country Derby fierce fierce exceeded the national German in Novan (obtained).

"The Pkarang went into the game, we have to work hard, can not be dragged back!" Li War solemnly looked at Barcelona.

"Yes!" Barcelona nodded, the game was here, they have broken through the first fatigue section, ushered in short physical recovery.

"Night!! Next time, I will be me!" Toudui Niki looked at the celebration of Barcelona, ​​"I have to use no one to use it so far, shocked the world! Victory forever entered Madrid!"

In the middle of the Bernabar, the world's eye-catching competition entered the stage of white heat.

With the state of other players in Barcelona, ​​the situation in the competition has fallen into a confusing glue.

This stage, which first achieved leading advantages, it is likely to be able to break the powerful opponent.

Snapped! With the whistle of the referee, Tamini filed the football to Ray! .

Chapter 2012, Decisive Battle Stage (fourth)

After Ray bless, did not choose a positive breakthrough, but the football back into the law behind him. + + worm

Real Madrid's offense has become cautious, the players are no longer easily passing football to the frontcourt, in order to reduce the mistake, Nen None does not easily choose to go and one-to-one one-on-one.

The next ten minutes, suddenly became dull, Real Madrid and Barcelona players kept in the middle of the field, the physical energy consumption was large.

Although the scene becomes dull, the atmosphere of the game is increasingly tension over time, and the audience on the Bernaishu looks that the air should be solidified.

At this time, Pkairo was very sensitive to the horizontal ball of Faravio in the midfield.

"Good! I have a break! Barcelona finally started to fight against it?" He Wei did not fall.

The shame of Faravio directly turned back to the Baritaro, shovel the Pkarang directly.

"Wow!" Yaro was yelled, fell to the midfield, the whistle of the referee also sounded.

"Be evil!" The Pkano glared in the abdomen and was hit.

"Bastard!" The night is cold and cold, I am afraid of Faravio's fierce action, but the tacit players of Pkiro are easy to be Faravio.

"Yellow card! The referee shows a yellow card for Falavio. I think he has already guessed that there will be this consequence!" He Wei is deeply sick for this dirty than the player.

"Tailang, you are nothing?" The night grew to the side of the pole and pulled him.

"I am fine, the long wind! We took back the ball again!" Yaro is barely laughing at night.

"You rest assured! I will not let your efforts!" The fire in the eyes of the night, "I will let them pay the price!"

"This kid is burning again!" Langdius on the side felt the eyes of the night, and the time when the night was very windy, it was when he opened the unconfilled mode.

"Ine! On the game!" At this time, the offshore of Barcelona, ​​the squad, is an anxiously waiting for an anxiously waiting for the troops.

"Yes! Coach!" Ine didn't worry, and suddenly stood up.

In addition, the fourth judgment official raised the number card.

"Ah! Fats coach thinks about this time? This game almost invisible Cresbo players have been replaced, and the young people debut!" He Wei is a surprised Fasier to change this time People adjust.

"Give you!" Kresbo was very depressed to the field, and he was a palm of Ine, which was very low because of physical fitness.

After the confusing, Ine quickly ran to the midfield and began to tell Barcelona to the Tactical arrangements of the French coach.

"Old fox! I will take this time!" Dillabas, on the other side of the stadium, looked at Faisal, and looked back at his replacement, but did not make any corresponding action.

"Lis Wardess, the coach said that you have to participate in the attack ..." Ine turned to the Large Walhel.

"I know!" Li Warn nodded, with Fassier six years, Li War is very familiar with French advice style.

In Ine, the double forwards of Barcelona became a single front, then the night is long, the Yaro and Lille and the Alien I have formed the strongest offensive midfielder in Barcelona.

"It seems that the Faisal coach is planning to let go, Barcelona is taking three points, rather than taken away at the away! It is also, now a little slightly impact on the Xica columns!" Analyze the idea of ​​Fatsale.

"Night! Rest assured to attack, this game will be given to you!" Faiser's eyes looked at the night long-lasting wind that stands behind the football.

"Faisal old man is intended to be desperate!" Night long-lasting horns slightly forsake, if he is a coach, the night grows like it is very chance to make a change.

Faiser can endure it now, enough to prove its foreigner.

"Only fifteen minutes!" Countless Chinese fans were tensive before the TV, and the game finally entered the final decisive battle.

"Good! I'm gone!" After the night's wind stood in the football, the football brought the football to Lawl.

Snapped! When Malian was forced to grab the Well, Li War passed the football back to the night long, and the night grew did not stop the ball, and the football was allocated to Ine.

"Super fast short pass, Barceloni is coming back!" He Yao flashed in the eyes, Barcelona's gazard's offensive style finally showed in Berna.

"These bastards are actually passing in our site!" Faravio is very unhappy because he is played.

He has not dared to do it too much about a yellow card, and the four people who have been squatted by Barcelona.

At this time, the football returned to the foot of the night, and the four people in Barcelon broke through the first line of defense in the middle of the field.

"Who will it be passed?"

"Is it still personal offense?"

"It's really a hateful style!" Real Madrid began his heart.

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