The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1933 of the Chapter 1933 of the Prince of Tennis

This game, the night's live wind is also watching live in the live broadcast. The whole game, Tamini is like a dream tour, and it is good to show it in Berna Mime.

However, this competition is not a Tintan, but is a Ray of Bernar, Rally, and Rayle has completed the hat drama, this continuous completion of the hat trick, the goal is also a wonderful.

Finally, 4 to 2, Real Madrid won the third place in Valencia, re-enhanced morale.

Ray is even a force to defeat Bayern in the Champions League, prove that he can play with Barcelona in the Champions League final.

Two days later, Barcelona also welcomed the Hispanic team of the league at home.

Resting in the nearly one week, Barcelonia recovered in most, plus the rainbow momentum of the Real Madrid, a big victory of Noukam, 7 to 0 Barcelona blood, the Spanish team.

This game, the night is still full of firepower, one person is four goals, brushing their own goals to 47 incredible, and the other three goals are by Take Calley and Kresbo.

Barcelona is still firmly occupying the list of La Ora League. With Valencia to give Real Madrid, the First Legion of Barcelona and Real Madrid has opened the gap between three or four.

If you can't say anything, the Lala Champions in this season will be born in the middle of these two teams.

As for these Larariqi, Valencia and Villa Rayl, only won the qualifications of the Champions League next season.

The next day, Barcelona, ​​Spain.

This season's fire in Barcelona. Hot state, let Barcelona's sedimentary registrations have soared.

The so-called young training camp is a young player's training system, as long as the giants will build their own young training camp to ensure the delivery of fresh blood.

Putting young players or even 5.7 is a talented gathering together, while playing on school, while practicing playing ball, cultivating their professional football habits, is the most robust cornerstone of professional football.

Football experts have always said the importance of system football, what is the system, first of all, you have a huge talented system that transports blood, this is the greatest role in the Qing training camp.

U10, U12, U14 ... has been until U20, each two-year-old Barcelona will have a team, which is different from the coach and trainer, and then the Barcelona second army, and finally Barcelona.

From top to bottom, a strict system can be called the system's professional football club.

Companies, China's so-called professional clubs, more than two teams, and the real professionalism is 12,000 miles. .

2020 chapter, Michael is the fourth more)

And the giants' young training camp is not what you want to enter, such as the Barcelona Qingjun Camp, known as the best talent to be selected into the Qing training camp, every year, there will be test day, only through strict test talents Enter the elite system in Barcelona. ♀ ♀

Today is the test day of the Qing training camp, the Barcelona U12's coach Louis is watching the trials of the trials to play the trials.

"Today, I want to enter the Barceloni Youth Training Camp twice as many years, a lot of children!" The middle-aged man in a suit stands behind Louis.

This suite is a senior reporter Ganbino, Barcelona, ​​has been engaged in football reporters for more than 20 years.

"Oh, it is Ganbino! This year, the number is much more than last year, I will take care of it. Do you want to come to the Barcelona club to help me?" Louis turned his head smile.

"I am," Ganbino swayed, "This is also something that there is no way, Today, Barcelona is too strong, the night players are too powerful!"

"Yeah, I have been teaching for more than 30 years, I really didn't see so comprehensive young people, I really don't know how he trained!" Louis smiled.

"Right, talk about Tian 15, have you encountered a child with imagination?" Ganbino suddenly passed.

"Well ..." Louis suddenly fell into memories. "You said Mija, have been more than ten years. He left me so far, it is still in love, it is twelve years old, but Even if the adult can't grab football from his feet! "

"His action is like his name, Angel is dancing, and is the strongest angel!" Louis is full of Mija, "In order not to let him go to other teams, I also let the assistant coach Sign up immediately, don't have all the price! "

"I know him, and finally he did not enter Barcelona's young training camp!" Ganbino nodded.

"Hey, how do you know?" Louis is full of confusion.

"In fact, when he participated in the Qingjun Camp, I was here. I also saw his genius performance. I also believe that he will become a world-honored sky star, so I interviewed him specially!" Ganbino also Falling into memories.

"But he said he just likes football, do not want to be a football player, but want to work as a god!"

"This is this! It is a well-known reporter. You actually be more surprised than I know!" Louis is a bit surprised. "Why do you suddenly mention him?"

"Because I have received the news, Mija has recently appeared recently, and it is intended to join Niu Mancia!" Ganbino said complex.

"Hey! Is this true? Ganbino!" Louis is aesthetic, "No, I have to inform Faisur coaches immediately!"

The lens is transferred to the Nuscry training base.

The blonde Miller put on Numanzia's jersey and began to participate in the team's constructive.

"Call! Sure enough, I haven't carried out actual training, actually started to gas!" Michael stepped on football, and sent football into the goal.

"What are you talking about, we can't grab your football in your feet!"

"My God, are you really amateur?"

"Why haven't I seen you!" Nusman's main players called Yisheng, just being played by Mijapus.

"Coach, I didn't say anything, hurry to sign him, I know that the giants know it!" The Friends of Michael Raphael turned to Niuman's coach.

"You are right! Raphael, this time you are doing great, I will let the team give you a salary!" Nummancia's coach just looked stupid.

"Thank you"! "

"But he is now like too long without high-intensity competition, the physical fitness needs to be strengthened immediately!" Nusman's coach face, such a player, if the physical problems cannot be played, it is a pity.

And the key is that Nomiansia is currently in the 20th place in the La La League, which is just near the downgrade, very dangerous.

If the team's downgrade will be devastated to Nuscia, Nunci is currently a strong combat power like Michael.

"Reassure, coach! Mi Girke as long as it is determined, he will work hard!" Rafair took the chest guarantee, he was a small partner of the small partner of Michael, nature, nature How ternary potential is.

"This is good! I will break to upgrade him, let him play in the key game!" Nummancia's coach nodded.

The lens returned to Barcelona.

Night wind and Barcelona are training the new routine in the base. The remaining stations in the league are not very tight, Barcelona has enough time to focus on the European Champion Cup.

Especially they immediately face the Champions League Broadway Red Army Liverpool, one once in England, built a dynasty.

This weekend, Barcelona will serve the Anfield Stadium to meet Liverpool.

For this old man who has not been able to enter the leader of the Premier League, there is no despise heart in Barcelona.

Red Army Liverpool often reverses the unfavorable situation in the competition, they are a small strong team that can't die.

Whoever looks at the Red Army, it will definitely pay a painful price.

So after defeating Spaniaries, the coach Fahal has been studying 837 The current Red Army tactics and players, and instilled the information you summed up to Barcelona.

I know yourself knowing each other, knowing the opponent is the first step in defeating the enemy.

What makes the Fa'er coach is very satisfied with Barcelona, ​​but it is more effort because of the most recent momentum of the rain, it is more effort.

There is no way, there is a BT night long style in the team.

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