The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1934 Chapter 1934 of the Prince of Tennis

This guy is plus training, and its exaggerated training exceeds the imagination of all Barcelonans.

Mainly, there are not many games recently, and the night-length winds will rely on exercise to maintain their excellent state.

The performance of super gods is to support the ultra-imagined training intensity of the field.

Even if Barcenger's best Langdio does not dare to practice the training exercise than the training exercise, because there is no more than.

This kind of team atmosphere, Barcelona's stars are embarrassed to lazy.

The team's family is so hard, what qualifications do you have to lazy or flowers?

This is the leader of the team leaders to the team and leadership!

You are hard to imagine if the team's boss, when the family is a nightclub party, become a natural bubble, how is this team going.

In fact, such a genius player is a lot, they are almost fast like meteors, no exception. .

2021 chapter, Liverpool (first more)

One week later, England Northwest Merraside Port City Liverpool. ξ ξ

Liverpool is the fifth largest city in England, and the second largest commercial port, which is now the most famous manufacturing center of England.

There are two things worldwide here, making countless people, a Beatles band that makes countless pop fas, their fans all over the world, have a deep impact on all parts of the world, leaving a song of countless population .

The other is the Red Army Liverpool Club. Before the rise of the Red Maganda, England has only one red, that is, Liverpool and Liverpool Dynasties.

Similarly Red Army Liverpool has countless fans around the world, and Liverpool's fans are generally the most dead fans, they will not choose to leave because of the team's trough.

Manchester United is Manchester United of the Buddha, and Liverpool will always be Liverpool, never alone is the spirit of Liverpool.

However, today's Liverpool Anfield Stadium gathered a lot of red army fans, they waved the red scarf and Liverpool banner in their hands, and the whole site was a red ocean.

Today is the sustarating day of the Champions League, Red Army Liverpool will usher in the most powerful opponent Barcelona at home.

In order to support your own home team, at least nearly 100,000 fans came to the Anfield Stadium.

Although the Anfield Stadium is only less than 50,000 seats, the Red Army's fans would rather watch the big screen outside the court to help the main team, and they are not willing to sit in the TV.

The atmosphere at the scene was unprecedented. When the truck in Barcelona was opened into the Afield Stadium, the 100,000 Red Army fans began to come to Barcelona.

The snoring almost fly directly into the air.

"The fans here are true, honestly say that I really don't want to play here!" On the bus, Oimi looks at the window and can't hold it.

"Haha, Omi check, your kid will be scared every time, there is no interest to` ! "Dried Sharis haha ​​laughed," Liverpool now lease the fourth place, we will abuse Manchester United, Manchester City, Afraid of him!"

"Old sand, you are not right!" Langdio couldn't help but insert, "Liverpool has no income, but in the Champions League, they often go to the final!"

"Yes! Liverpool is a team with championship, we must not underestimate them!" Li Wal also agreed nodded.

"Changfeng, what do you think?" Yaro glared to see the night long asked in listening to singing.

"Win!" The word at night solved the problem.

"This kid is still arrogant!" The people in Barcelona in the bus rushed to the heart at the same time, and they all knew that night live wind could not just talk.

One child, when the night long wind led Barcelona, ​​I walked into the Anfield Stadium together with the players who walked gold jersey and Liverpool.

The 60,000 fans in the Anfield Stadium are gone to sing the Liverpool's team songs - you will never be alone!

"When you pass a storm

Please high your head

Don't be afraid of darkness

At the end of the storm, it is a golden sky

And Bainger's sweet song

Through the wind, pass through the rain,

Your dream may be destroyed

But with the hope of your heart

you'll never Walk Alone

you'll never Walk Alone! "

The clear song echoes the beautiful night of Liverpool, and fuse together with the Anfield Stadium.

The Red Army fans around the world, regardless of race, no matter the country, began to sing with songs.

"This is Liverpool. Is this the spirit of the Red Army?" The night's heart is full of blood, he heard the sorrow from the song, heard the shock of football.

Football is not a life and death problem, but football is higher than life and death.

Regardless of the strength, and such a team that has the spiritual pump spirit, kick out the beauty in front of the world's most dead fans. What else is more exciting than this!

Ou Wen, Gerard, Risse ... and Barcelona players walk into the Afield Stadium every Liverpool's players.

Although Liverpool has not been dyed in the Premier League in the past 20 years, it is also five years away from the Champions League champion, but the Liverpool player has a spirit of Liverpool.

This season's league is not expected and the incomparable desire for the Champions League of Champions League is a power of Liverpool players.

Even in the face of the European football, Barcelona, ​​Liverpool is still full of confidence, because in the Anfield Stadium, every player and fans are all right, never alone.

After entering the game, the players were immediately awkward, and the atmosphere of the Anfield Stadium was nervous.

The Champions League, the European Champion Cup kicked here, and every opponent facing it would be weak.

Liverpool representatives are more than just clubs, they are still using the unique single seedlings, in order to maintain the British World's First League, Red Army, must have across powerful Barcelona.

" CCTV, CCTV! Audience Friends, everyone is good! I am your old friend He Wei, today I am very happy to arrive at the Anfield Stadium for everyone to broadcast this world-famous Champions League! "The voice of He Wei is very excited.

Sitting on the monetary stand, He Wei can clearly see the countless red army fans in Anfield Stadium, although Anfeld Stadium can only accommodate 45,000 viewers, but He Yulong is poured, and today flooded into the stadium. The fans are absolutely 60,000 people.

If the tide (obtained) red sea wave, the fans will undoubtedly cause a large oppression of any drums.

"We know, Liverpool Club has not got a champion for many years. Whether it is player or fans, their desire to the champion should be more imagined. But they are very unfortunate to Barcelona's most difficult to deal with opponents, I don't know if the Red Army can create the miracle of the year? "In the heroic tone, it is still optimistic about Barcelona.

Like He Wei, many countries' media explanations also predicted that Barcelona can take away victory in away.

The biggest reason is that Barcelona's nearest state is still hot, and the amazing performance of the hat trick in the league is completed, and the current Champions League night has been broken into the seventeen into the ball.

Such a player, such a state, the media comments believe that it is unable to resist the back of the Red Army. .

2022 chapter, flashing battle (second more)

For half a child, the Lord Master Ottor walked into the Anfield Stadium with two international sides, and scattered the two teams that were warm-up in the middle. ∞ ∞ σ ∞ ∞ ∞

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