The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1940 of the Chapter 1940 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

Kresbo is not a speed-type forward, and the location is not too good, it is turned away directly by Torres. Π π ÷ π

"It's so small that Torres is too bold!" He Wei was quite surprised.

However, the next moment, when Torres wanted to continue the ball forward, a golden figure flashed, one foot to open the football to the frontcourt.

"It's so fast!" Torres was stupid, and his rhythm was directly destroyed by the opponent's super fast speed!

"The war is broken!" He Wei was excited again.

It is necessary to say that there is a speed in the Barcelona in the Barcelona.

At this moment, the night-long wind is very strong, and the football is sent to the foot of Kaboli.

Tong Gongzhao is going to turn the ball and turn around, forcibly breaking through Liverpool's defense, just being put down by Gerald, take Calley but a belly.

However, this time the Calley's intent is too obvious, and his teammates have not come up, he should take the ball, waiting for the support of teammates, rather than the forcibly turning around.

! Just after the Alonso, Alonso, the Alonso, who took the Calley, and immediately slammed the football of Kaili immediately.

"Anti-drying! The ball returned to the Red Army. This ball is unfortunately, the ability of General Tongji should be very strong, but he judges that there is a mistake!" He Wei said the sound.

Gerald controlled the foot of the Alonso, but it was the front of the back, and Gerald looked up at the front.

Similarly Gerard is also reading Barcelona's defense, although Gerald's wind is not so delicate, his bulb is actually very high.

"On the ground, it is rid of the midfielders in the middle of Barcelona to Gerard and he can get back the football back.

But no one thought that Gerard suddenly heated his foot.

A sound, Gerard swing the body, and the right foot will pass the football forward.

The football is extremely rapid, this football is very high, and it is passed to the big empty space for the left of the Barcelona.

At the beginning of Gerald, the chasing boy Milek Owen has started. He is like a foot style, and the fall of football in the football step.

"Can't let him touch the ball!" The offers of Barcelona, ​​Marshal, can't sit on, and he shouted in Omei and Fangas in the field.

Fangas and Oimi checked two very speed, Dried Sharis turned too slow, and was passed by Owen whirlwind by an instant.

Fangas and Omei checkings are better than Owen, closer to football.

However, did not run a few meters, Owen's speed is getting faster and faster, he is like a red lightning that is constantly accelerating.

In an instant of Fushus, Fangs, Fangas thought I wanted to use my hands to pull the jersey back of Owen, I can't pull it at all.

Snapped! At this moment, the football is just falling from the air, and the moment, which is bombed, is all in front of Owen, and it is easy to control.

"Beautiful stop! Liverpool's opportunity!" He Wei couldn't help it.

"European! Europe! Europe!" Liverpool media explained high Chao, Anfield Stadium, the Red Army fans also stopped.

Barcelona front door stepped on the column card, and he has been preparing for the ball.

"The boy, I want to go into your grandfather!" Omi checked the big drink, directly fell from the Owen behind the Owen.

Just in Oimi I have to encounter football in an instant, Owen is also inverted, but he will send football to the lower right corner of Barcelona.

"Ah!" The column is flying, but it is still slow, the football is scared from him, then he hits it into the right of the Barcelona gates!

2-2! The chasing a boy is also going!

Gerald has passed the pass of the whole audience, Michael Owen has opened three defensive players with its super-strong speed.

"Hey! GoallllllLLL! Dreams! It's too exciting! Barcelona, ​​we equalize the score!" Liverpool explained the vibration arm.

On the football entry, the Anfield Stadium is once again boiling again.

You will never live aloud once again Raise the night sky, the Red Army is brought on a new height.

Ou Wen after the goal, then juxtapo, then the rushing corner area of ​​Feng Epple.

! After the celebration of the front air of the corner near the corner, Michael Owen expands his arms and welcomes the Crazy cheers of the Afield Stadium.

· ····· Flowers ···

"Drying well, Meerk!" At this time, Gerard also rushed up, his hands were supported in the shoulders of the Owen, and talled.

"The score is equal, this ball is subtle, run through the whole audience, the continuous overtaking of Owen is even more exciting, the key is the last shoot, a hammer sound! This is definitely one of the most exciting goals of Michael Owen career!" He Wei The evaluation of this ball is high.

"Damn!" Faier Fahull took the plastic baffle in front of the premature tension.

Just now, it was a counterattack of Barcelona, ​​but because of a judgment of Calley, Gerard has passed the back of the border in Barcelona.

.. .......

So big geotles gave the European to accelerate space, this goal is really helpless to make Barcelona rear players.

"The door of Barcelona will be a weak point!" Sanshen in the Juventus dormitory in the Italian Juventus is also watching the live broadcast of this ball.

"Well, this kind of goalkeeper, I can enter four or five balls in a game!" The day of the day nodded to Xiaolang.

In the first half, the two teams returned to the same starting line again.

However, the current power of the Red Army is obviously more feat, two backwards, twice, and finally staged reversal, this seems to be the most commonly used script of Changhong Army.

"The kid is really fast!" Even the night-long wind standing in the midfield has to sigh the speed of Owen. It is really going to run, and the night is not necessarily to be better than Owen. Distance.

"The world football is really hidden dragon, there is no end, I have to be faster!" Night long wind is determined to strengthen his training for speed and explosiveness after this game.

The Anfield Stadium, the Red Army's fascinating ear's deafening has been launched for a few minutes.

The circle of the stadium, Take Calley is very annoyed, after the football, the goal just has a direct relationship with him.

"Old, the past, let him go! The focus is now now!" Nightly shot took a picture of the shoulder of Calley, Shen Sheng.

"Ah!" Take the Kali point, he also used the star who used to be big scene, and the mentality quickly adjusted back. .

2029 chapter, attacked (first more)

- As the referee hurts again, the night-long wind will directly bid the football to the pole, the game continues. * ■ ■ insects *

After Owen scored a ball, the Red Army was further enhanced, and the enthusiasm of players defense has also increased.

Pastelang just wanted to read the opponent's defense, Liverpool midfielder Alonso has ran to Pkairo, I want to force the ball under the foot of the poker.

On the court, the left foot back to the left foot, and the right foot was in front of the ball, and suddenly he broke the stretch of Alonso. This game, the state of the pole, the state of the pole, dodge movement It is light and lofty.

"Landy!" Pugang passed the football to the Landius inserted.

Langdius welcomes football, a force to make a ball!

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