The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1941 of the Chapter 1941 of Tennis Prince

! The football is rotated, and it is accurate to the front-in-in-insert. "Zero six"

At this time, the position of Libeahow is already the left of the Liverpool half, and the first is the red army, the Red Army, the Red Army.

Garcia's offense and assists capacity, but defense is very general.

After retreat Well, Garcia was directly broken by Garcia.

"Overhab! The offense of Barcelona is really strong!" He Wei couldn't help but praise.

A team has an offensive master that is very rare, and Barcelona has at least three world-class offensive masters. Once the team enters the state, the attack power is very horrible.

Because you can blocked one, you can't block three, even if you are a team of defensive.

"Go back!" Gerard actively organized the Red Army's arms in the half of Liverpool, and Liverpool's defense began to retreat, in order to compress Barcelona's offensive space.

From the attack before Barcelona, ​​Liverpool coach Rogers has probably guess the tactics in Barcelona, ​​which is to use Barcelona's best to attack the attack, with the whole attack to kill Liverpool.

So Rogers did a gesture to show the defense of the Red Army, and the iron bucket was also in the bar, and the Liverpool wanted to hold Barcelona's attack. At the very least, Barcelona is still so relaxed.

In the first half of the first half, the two balls lost by Liverpool were positioning the ball. How much less allowed Liverpool's players to pay attention to their defensive movements.

"Le War!" At this time, the night cost also came to Liverpool halfway, and he called Li Wal called.

Li Wal does not look back in the night long wind, directly left the football behind the football.

! Night-length wind welcomes the back of Lili War, and directly moves directly.

The moon bending knife out!

The football draws a beautiful. The wonderful arc is accurate and correct, and it is checked in the court's left idle position.

"Beautiful transfer ball! Libelo is waiting for the defense line!" He Wei couldn't help.

"Damn, is this guy's feet that the foot of this guy is also very precise?" Alonso was desperately chasing the direction of the poble of the Pkarang.

bass! On the field, the Yarlang did not have too many balls. When the riddle was forced to grab, the Pkarang took the football directly to the bottom line.

! A golden figure flashed from the pole of the pole, after speeding up the riser, litted the football of speed rolling.

It is Oimi to check!

Omi check rare front plus help!

Since the night's wind and the poor and the poor, the most horrible attack trident in Europe, Omei checks.

This makes many teams forget that Oimi check is also the assists in the Barcelona in the last season, often inserting the creation of threats.

"Ball is coming!" Omei checked the football, suddenly he was swearing, and the football was rotated, and it directly arrived to Liverpool.

Barcelona's high-altitude bombing tactics!

"Bath of the bottom!" Barcelona chance! "With the resolution of He Wei, Liverpool coaculates. The two major strikers in the district, almost simultaneously jumped, and desperately want to fight the football in the air. .

"This time I changed my tactics?" Suddenly in the eyes of Rogers in the eyes, Barcelona has been changing from the opening of the offensive.

Like this bottom-bottomed tactics, it is generally the style of the British team, and this Barcelona uses a model, even faster.

"Revision of the top!" When the football fell fell, Liverpool defended Finnan grabbed the first drop, and the football was directly banned. Zone.

"This guy!" Take Calley is directly hit by Finnan, and the location of Finnan is very good, showing his defensive style. .....

"Ah, being convinced! But football is still at the foot of Barcelona players!" He Wei looked at Lamudio on the field to stop the football.

After Langdi unloaded the football, first looked up at the night's wind, the night Changfeng was moving toward the central location, and Gerar was dead and looked at night.

Landy was originally wanted to pass the football to the night long wind, but Gerard defended too tightly, Landy hesitated, or chooses to return football to Dried Sands behind him.

Barcelona's offense has been re-cleared in the midfield, and the night length is retired to the middle court position, and finally I received the ball of Fangas.

"Gerald, it's great!" After the night's livestock, looked up at Gerard, returned to the back position.

Jerald's running seems to be used as unrequenified, but because of Gerard's run, let the night long can't be banned. The frontier of the district will take the ball, Barcelona's offense has fallen into a state of stagnation.

Today, Gerard's state is indeed very brave. When I encountered soft ball, Gerard, I really didn't see it, but I met the fast Barcelona, ​​Gerard kicked very comfortable. The rhythm of Barcelona is the rhythm of Gerard's most habit.

bass! On the field, after the night's wind re-took the ball, the first time I chose the ball breakthrough.

When the situation can't be opened, the night-length wind and go to 3.5, I like to force the situation on the field.

"I want to go!" Alonso and Borg two major midfielders block on the route of the night long straight line.

"If you want to block me too?" After two steps in the night, it had been fully accelerated. In the face of Alonso and Bum, the red people have formed a red people, and the night costs did not do fake actions or sway.

Instead, it is straightforward!

The full body of the whole body is pulled up, making the tankball ball.

Alonso and Borg are not a muscle-type player, and the night cost is hit by the ball, but it is directly hit to fly out, and it is almost on the ground.

"Ox!" Alonso's right shoulder was hit, a pain, "How can this guy have such a big strength?".

2030 chapter, ignite the audience (second more)

"Forced breakthrough, God of War is accelerating!" He Wei got a breakthrough in the night, and immediately became tense. "Miscellaneous "

On the field, the night-lived wind is forcibly breaking the Alonso and Burg, and there is a red lightning figure rushed up.

Is the Red Army, Gerard!

"It's coming! The first front conversation between the two teams, can the Red Army team leaders block the footsteps of God of War?" He Wei said the sound.

At this moment, the night length wind continuous sway in front of Gerard, Gerard did not move, he did not dare to stretch the ball, he knew that as long as he stretched, he would be willing to break through the night.

Sight, Jerald is not fooled, the night grows does not stop, but the left and right feet start continuously in front of the football front circle.

Is a super bicycle step!

The whole gods of Gerard immediately wrapped his eyes, and there was a moment of ignorance in a moment.

! Just in this , the night is moving, he puts the football forward, followed by the whole person brushing from Gerard.

"Don't think in the past!" Gerard still responded over, flashing, directly on the night length shovel.

Gerard is also no way. Once the location makes the night long wind break through the past, the consequences are 15 unimaginable.

However, Gerard's shovel is encountered in the night of the long wind, and the night long-faced plugs will send football into the big ban on Liverpool in advance.

At the same time, the night length is gently rid of Gerald's shovel.

"Sharp! Go in!" He Wei drunk.

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