The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1954 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The time on the scoreboard passed by one minute, ending from the full game, plus the time for less than 7 minutes.

In more than 80 minutes of competition, the two teams played Mars and splash, two kicked teams were attacked twelve goals, which was already breaking the goal record of the Champions League. .

The rest of the rest is true!

This game may be said to be no loser, but kick it on this, no one wants to be a lost home! .

Chapter 2043, killing Red Army (third more)

- Anfield Stadium, with the referee whistle, the hot flame explosion in the eyes of the night, the whole person seems to be burned. ≯ ≯ ≌ ≌ ≌ ≯ ≯

His eyes are bright, heart is jumping, blood is burning!

In the unintentional case, the night-catching wind automatically opened its own skills, the whole person's state and just completely different.

"Tailang, give me the ball! Let me end the game!" The eyes of the night's eyes have told the Poland everything.

"Changfeng!" Pastelang did not hes himself to allocate football to the night.

Night wind left foot, a ball, followed by the face of the pursuit of the hair boy, the ups and ends, the night is going to pull the ball.

Marseille returns!

The night long-lasting air has a moment of Owen, and the moment to turn began to speed up!

"The beautiful Marseille returns, the movement is big and stretched!" He Wei couldn't help but praise.

At this moment, the Anfield Stadium has a deafening buzz, and all the Red Army fans are in the cold.

Because they are afraid, the night grows have grown into three goals, and there is a assists, and the Barcelona almost all goals are related to the night.

As the most popular recorder of the Champions League season, the movement of the night-catching movement made all the Red Army's balls.

On the field, after the night is getting rid of Owen, the left foot is a big step.

Under the blessing of this skill, the physical state, speed, etc. of the night long wind has returned to the best.

After a nearly 90-minute incomparable competition, the Red Army's midfielder is all invaded by sweat, and their physical strength is very powerful, all relying on a spiritual force in support.

On the field, the night lengthy wind turned on the personal takeover competition. He didn't choose to pass on the Barcelona teammates who rushed to the Liverpool Stadium, but continued to bring the ball forward.

The speed is getting faster and faster, the fans in a row of near the stadium even seem to have seen the golden residue left after night growing.

"It's been our site!" Alonso slammed out from the night length of the wind, and the desperate block was in front of the night, and kept defensive position while retreating.

Alonso didn't choose to reach the feet, because the movement of the night-catching movement is too fast, it will not come at all.

Snapped! The night's wind is completely regarded Alonso, he left the football to the right front, and the football will pass through Alonso.

"What!" When Alonso returned to God, the night long wind had passed quickly from the other side of him.

The people are score!

The passenger Alonso is completely played by night long!

Even more than two people! Night wind speed is not weakened!

"Over! The God of War is going to open the unconfilled mode? No, this game has repeatedly passed the ball after several people, will God continue to be strong or pass?" He Wei can't predict Motion and idea of ​​night long wind.

The Red Army player in the game is in the game is not, and the night is full, and it can be emitted to pass.

Once such a player reaches a big ban. The front edge of the zone will become extremely dangerous.

"Blocking him, must block him!" Lugers, Lugez, no remember how many times they shouted their players must block down the night.

However, in fact the whole game, the Red Army's defense line does not have a person who can block the back of the night.

Even if you are world-class, Longjrad is not good.

On the field, the Red Army captain of countless miracles, Gerald and Borg, one left, one left, right, in front of the night, and the two ghosts closed.

The breakthrough of the night, reveals the straight line, although the speed is extremely fast, but Gerard and Bog have reacted.

At this time, Yaro and Ine are in the left and right roads of Liverpool, and there is no way to keep up with full state.

In fact, the Red Army has completely abandoned the defense against other Barcelona players.

In Gerald's view, just block the night, the Red Army has the opportunity to turn over.

If the night is high, let the other players in Barcelona defeat Liverpool, they also recognize it.

At least it will not make Barcelona, ​​the most terrible guys in the goal is much better than letting other players shoot.

However, let Gerard and Bar have not thought about it, although they stand in advance, the two ghosts have no vulnerabilities.

However, after the night grows, after the two people, it seems like it is to bring the ball to hit the people, and the night-long wind stopped the football.

Time seems to be stopped at this moment.

Gerald is unbelievable looking at the back of the night long wind zero jersey, the back seems to be enlarged in an instant.

· ····· Flowers ·· ·

Next moment, the night length of the wind did not look into the next time, the whole person instantly hit the left of Gerard.

The wind turns around!

Night wind is in the most critical moments, and it is fast than any time.


Gerard and Big have not responded at all, and the two are in the event of a high-frequency, like two mummy usually stupidly standing in place.

"Turned! Leave it! Even four people! Barcelona god into Liverpool's big ban. District! He wants to end the game?" He Wei excitedly roaring.

The fans of the Red Army on the Afield Stadium did not dare to look at it, and they held their own eyes.

Countless fans around the world are dead staring at the picture in the TV, I am afraid to miss a lens.

..... .........

Night long-range winds have entered Liverpool's ban on Liverpool.

In modern football, the era player's night's ability to make the world will be quiet.

Before the Liverpool doors, the gods Lena spiritual power is unlimited. This game, Rena super level has completed many world-class saves.

This time, when Rena chose to attack in advance, he also lined up, he firmly believed that he can rush to the night before the night, and then launch fast counterattack.

"Victory belongs to Liverpool!" Rena drunk, unfolding his hands, and fell to the night.

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