The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1955 of the Chapter 1955 of the Prince of Tennis

"You have been tens of thousands of years!" The next moment, the sound of death was around Rena, and he was in an instant.

In the eye on the Eyrade who turned back, the night length of the wind rose football, and the whole person flew through the air.

"Wings?" Gerard didn't dare to believe his eyes. He seems to have seen a pair of transparent black wings behind the night.

! At the end of the whole game, the night long wind chopped the ball and passed the ball, and the last player of Liverpool, the door will be Rena.

Even five people! Night wind is a typical night long-style scorpion method in the decisive battle of the Anfield Stadium.

Before the two sides of Russe and Karag were desperate from the left and right sides, the night is in the air, and the football is in the air, and it is easily pushed into the empty door.

7-6! Barcelona will kill Red Army Liverpool! .

2044 chapter, you will never be alone (fourth more)

"Goallllllll! Barcelona gods, long-distance hits, even five people, my God! I saw the miracle, night! Night! Night!" Barcelona's explanation must be crazy, "he is today's football Strong player, no one! "

"It's a single ride, it is killing, and it is a night long player. Why is it always!" He Wei is full of blushing. * Miscellaneous? Worm *

The smashing of the entire Anfield Stadium abruptly, under the long-standing goal, the red army fans, the red army, becoming the foot of the legend.

"There is no more perfect game than this!" Chinese fans in front of countless TV were drunk.

"Ha ha ha, what is the king of reverse, what is not dead red army, is a slag, Barcelona is the king of the world!" In a domestic key university bedroom, in the middle of the night, a Barcelona died in the fans. It spread out throughout the entire building "zero eight" .

The students who follow the random of countless stay in the student dormitory also screamed mad, and the students who have been opened from the water bottle are left from the balcony.

In the morning in the morning, the whole school is boiling!

"Ah! What happened, is there a terrorist attack?" The school is scared by the night's security guards that suddenly broke out.

The lens returned to the Anfield Stadium.

After the goal, the night length of the cold landed, cold and cold, and the district is still in a stagnant red army, and then slowly runs to the corner.

"Long wind your boy is invincible!"

"Changfeng, too handsome!"

"Night! You are my teammate!" Barcelona is full of ecstasy to the night.

Barcelonou front door couldn't help but fill the two flocks, and the vibration arm shouted.

And the night-long wind in the corner of the corner is, is open, looking up looking up looking up at the quiet night sky of Liverpool, just like being crowned.

That's right! At this moment, the night-lived wind is a well-deserved king of Anfield.

Perhaps the Red Army fans are reluctant, but reality is the night's wind with four perfect goals to conquer this court.

"How can this be this!" The red army coach Lugez sat on the grass on the field.

If it is still rolled by strength, the Red Army of this game has played a super god, the Gerald hat trick, the chasing the hair boy, the performance of the young man, and the remedy of the remedillars, being temporary Crawch on the game also staged a performance of a career unique to the golden hook.

But Liverpool is still lost!

If you lose, you will be in the mouth, you can't say anything!

At the last moment, Barcelona can use the backfield to leave all the time, Liverpool wants to force football at the foot of Barcelona, ​​unless it is penalty, otherwise it is almost impossible.

But Barcelona chooses to knock down this red giant on the way that is most like to make Liverpool nothing.

It turns out that no team can live with Barcelona.

Because they have the most horrible offensive midfield on this planet, God of War!

A king of Barcelona in the court!

- When Gerald hugged the football in the door, the main referee looked at the table and then directly blown the whistle of the end of the game.

The Red Army did not have the final opportunity, and the time has exceeded 95 minutes, and the night grew is in the last moment of the completion time. The Red Army is not allowed to leave the Red Army.

"We won!" When the game ended, Barcelon replacing all the players held the hands and rushed to the stadium, just like the European Champion Cup.

The player of the Red Army on the field is a lot directly straight down, and it is already a dissection. Especially the captain Gerard, the whole person sits on the ground, keep breathing.

The goal of the night, the goal of the night, let Gerard have forgotten exhalation, this moment is a fatigue.

"We lost!" Gerald looked up at the quiet night sky, and there was not much regret in his heart. "We still have a chance, wait until the passenger, we will revenge! Finally, it must be us!"

There is no one in the Red Army to think that this quarter is over, although Barcelona has achieved seven away goals, the Red Army wants to turn it in Nou Camp, hoping to be minimal.

But the Red Army has already proved that he can play the last moment you can play with the top team of today's football.

There is nothing in the football field!

At this moment, when the Barcelona player is celebrated at the scene.

On-site, six thousand Red Army fans did not leave, they waved the red towel and Liverpool banner in his hand, and 60,000 people began to sing Liverpool songs.

"When you pass a storm

Please high your head

Don't be afraid of darkness

At the end of the storm, it is a golden sky

And Bainger's sweet song

Through the wind, pass through the rain,

Your dream may be destroyed

But with the hope of your heart

you'll never Walk Alone

you'll never Walk Alone……"

You will never be alone, the Red Army fans use the bright songs to refuel, no matter what the results, no matter how many years of Liverpool can't get the championship. .....

The Red Army fans will always wait behind the Red Army player, and they will never give up.

Every Red Army player listened to the song of the fans is a tears, and the most loyal fans in the world are very proud of the world.

No matter where it is, as long as the Red Army fans sang such a song, Liverpool players have unlimited power.

"It's amazing, Liverpool!" When the night's wind was in the song of the audience, when he turned back to the player passage, the night did not help the loudness.

With such a lineup such as the Red Army, it is a miracle that is unclear in the last moment of Barceloni.

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