The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1956 Chapter 1956 of the Prince of Tennis

Before coming to Liverpool, there was no in the eyes of the night, and when the night's long wind walked back to the player channel, even the Yaro Lang in the side felt that the night grew is in the past. different.

At this time, the night is hot, and the whole body sweat is in the rain, it seems that the body is still in the 2.6.

"Changfeng actually flows so sweating!" And the night grew fashion for his teammates for such a long time, the poker is the first time to see so many sweat in the night.

"It's a hard-wrapped team. If it is not the final outbreak of the long wind, the result is really not necessarily!" He is still in excitement with Dried Sharis and others after night length.

Winning this excitement. Love four-shot competition, is a ball and spiritual improvement for each player.

Barcelona coach Fahal took place in the end, after the ecstasy, the calm down Faier was frowned.

This game is, but Barcelona has exposed too many questions in the game, the most important thing is the problem of defensive, and the older injury of Barcelona will be in Barcelona. Snow on snow. .

2055 chapter, Miller arrives (first more)

Next day. "Miscellaneous "

Barcelona and Liverpool This survival of the League of the League accounted for the headlines of European and even the Chinese media newspaper magazines in Europe and even the world.

"Barcelona dreams, no death Red Army falls Anafield!"

"Barcelona god big four happiness, Champions League twenty-one ball without people!"

"The universe team is falling to Anfield, the king of reversal can not create a miracle!" China's domestic media is even more than three seven twenty eleven, and one is blowing Barceli, and Barcelona is blown into the universe built team.

The six balls of the six balls lost by Barcelona will not see.

Many domestic media are like this. If you win, you will blow it. If you lose it, you will find a variety of reasons, it is to attract attention.

CCTV stadium replayed this European epic in the gold time on the next day, even more replayed, basically all fans already know the results of the game, but replayed ratings still broke the record

CCTV's leadership is already laughing, so high ratings, the price of the break in the competition is very likely to create a new astronomical figure.

Spain, Barcelona Training Base.

Barcelona flying back to Barcelona did not finish with the victory of this game, because Barcelona also lost six into the ball.

This is a game with all the lots of the number of balls in Ji Barcelona.

In the early morning, Barcelona came to the training base to continue the usual practice, especially the fact that the defensive formation is focused, and there is a mistake to analyze the mistakes made by the game.

At this time, the coach Faisal stationed outside the course and his face was dignified.

Lee Wal's injury report has already come, and the old injury is quite serious and extremely serious, and surgery may be proceed.

This season, Li War has been reimbursed directly.

In other words, when I wait for Barcelona more severe competitions and more powerful opponents, Li War cannot come to contribute to the contribution.

Barcelona gold trident only two people, there is no assistance in Lyr, Barcelona will continue to expand.

"It's evil! It's time to transfer the deadline. If you can't recruit a good defensive player, the future game is more difficult. Every time I expect the night, the kid, I can't say it, I can't do it." Faisier is in front of the scene step.

Barcelona's dozens of scouts have been fully launched by the club, and the scouts have played a lot of scouting reports around the world.

Among these hundreds of scouts, Fassier did not see the world-class defensive players who excitedly excited.

One of the only one that makes Fahal is the Brazilian Sao Paulo Club's family ace big air wing player.

Barcelona, ​​who is the core of the two Asian players, can be said to be the world's first nor, the performance of the night, and the manifestation of Pkarang makes Fatsale to Asian players get more and higher.

Especially the birthday players called the large air wing are all in the Brazil's Grade A league. In less than a season, it becomes a play player.

And according to the scout, the big air wings also have a teammate in the student era.

So Fassier is very interested in the big air wings. I hope the club can get the big air wings to Barcelona.

However, the Brazilian Sao Paulo lion is open or they don't want to let it go at all, and I have issued a 90 million euro's high price transfer request.

20 million is the limit that Barcelona is currently given, and 90 million euros is the heaven.

There is no player in the football today to reach the price of 90 million euros.

Of course, this year is different. Some experts estimate that the quality of the night is probably more than 100 million.

In other words, if there is a team you want to dig night from Barcelona, ​​you need to pay at least 100 million transfer.

Just when Faisur, there was no first, the night length of the first day, the night length of the training base was strong, and the guy who had to be a big one was coming in.

"Night! Is this?" Fatsale looked at the high-rise man behind the night, asked in confused.

"Miller, this is Barcelona coach, the next thing is to talk to him!" The night did not have a positive answer Fassier, but introduced Faisa for Miller.

"Coach, good afternoon. I am Ricemler!" Miller greets with Spanish and Falar with a feet.

"Miller? Wait, I seem to have seen you!" Faisal and Miller have a handshake and started to study.

"The old man, he used to be the main goalkeeper of the German youth team. It is famous in Europe. Don't you know?" Night wind is very despised.

After the Chinese Youth Leading China Youth Leading, the German Youth Team was a deep impression on the night long wind.

During this time, Barcelona spokes to explore the flies around the world to find a best gates or defender.

Night-lived winds are also very concerned, and recent night-long discovery is that he seems to become the first door of the future world will have no news after the World Youth invitation.

So, the night-length wind allows the manager to have the power of Ji Hong to find Miller.

As a result, I really gave a Ji Hong to find it. The frustrated loss of Miller, which lost the World Youth Invitational Tournament, selected to temporarily bid farewell to the professional stadium.

Then I returned my hometown alone, I found the enlightenment coach, and continue to hm down my own door.

Because Miller hopes that one day can prove herself, prove that he can pounce any shot of night long.

After hearing this news there from Ji Hong, the night-long standing immediately came to Miller's hometown, and Miller persuaded Barcelona training base.

Night wind did not try to convince Miller, he just hopes that Miller will come to Pakistan (Wang Lihao) Cely, can look at the Noukamu Stadium.

Miller puts forward a request, I hope that one-to-night is one-on-one pair.

The bet is your own career football career in the next ten years.

As long as the night cost can be banned. Foreign shot in the area, Miller will take the initiative to join Barcelona.

"., You will have disappeared the steel door god Lysimille for a year!" Fats finally remembered Miller's identity under the night's reminder.

"My God, where is your kid I found to find him?" Fathar was surprised to rise.

"Okay, old man. You don't talk nonsense, today's training time is almost the same. You now let the brothers rest first, I have to play with Miller!" Night lived on Faisa, the mouth is slightly .

"No problem!" Faisal didn't know what night's lives were doing, but he felt that this would be a great news. .

Chapter 2056, Champions League (second more)

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