The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1959 of the Chapter 1959 of the Prince of Tennis

In addition, the Fats coach also emphasized an Asian player, and the day to Xiaolang.

After the Skilo, Xialairo, after being recalled by Juventus, the body was exercised into steel-like days stabilized with standing.

His excellent shooting technology and the wild beast are in front of the door, the day is a crazy goal on the standing court, although he participated in the game number is not enough.

But the day, Xiaolang has played more than twelve into the standing race, which is already a record of the new show.

It is important to know that the difficulty in Into 10 balls is not the other league.

On the day, Xiaolang has stabilized the absolute main position in Juventi team, and there is a trend of faint super striker perto, which has just been completed in the team.

After half an hour, Barcelona and Juventus two team players entered a full-filled Noukamu Stadium.

"Wow! Go forward! Barcelona!"

"Barcelona! The strongest!" "The 10,000-year-old fans of the Noukam is swept the whole course.

"Haha, or our home is good!" Dried Sharis haha ​​laughed.

"CCTV! CCTV! Good morning! I am a commentary, today I am very happy to invite Director Zhang Wei, director of the National Football Association, Zhang Wei, and I live in Barcelona. The world-famous Champions League semi-final! "

"Barcelona and Juventus's top. The battle of the peak!" He Wei sounded in thousands of thousands of households in China, "Zhang Guide, say hello to everyone!"

"Oh, good! The fans are good, I am Zhang Wei! I am very honored to explain the king solo. I am a little nervous. I am not a place, and the audience is more, hey!" Zhang Wei is also The old fritter is nothing to see if there is any nervous place.

"I am going ~ this is the beginning!" Many Chinese fans complained before the TV.

For this Zhang Wei, Chinese fans gave him a foreign number, just Zhang Hao.

Because when he is explaining the football match, I always like it, no one knows what he is laughing.

In addition, Zhang Wei also has a very famous thing, that is his crow mouth, a few times a few times more than He Wei.

"Now the two teams players have entered the stadium, first look at the first lineup of the two teams we got!" He Wei took a form.

"The lineup of Barcelona and there are no differences, but Ine replaces the injured lord, Germany's door will replace the previous first-handed gathers. Barcelona's main lineup, it seems to be The competition for this home will be! "

"As for Juventus, it is also the main force. The main force of the battle in the last position is full. The Zebra Legion is not good! Zhang Guide, how do you think, you predict which team will win? ? "He Wei gave the problem to Zhang Wei.

"Hey ... this is not good. Barcelona's offensive ability, recent defense is also reinforcement. That has not been defeated this season, and occupied the day in the homeland, it is very beneficial. But Juventus is now a strong horse, their A defensive is more European ... so ... "

"Winning and negative and difficulty!" Zhang Hao took Hu Bao and said that he did not say.

"Zhang guidance analysis is very reasonable!" He Yumi despised someone, but he was still worth it.

After twenty minutes, the Nou Camp is medium circle.

Juventus and Barcelona two team players stand in their own half. .....

The West Dan guess the coins, Juventus won the ball.

At this time, the day will stand behind the football in Xialairo.

Night long-awaited looks at the day of the black and white juiso jersey, many days have not seen, the body is much more strong than before, and a dark skin.

It can be seen that the last year has experienced complete changes from the body to spirit.

Since he can stand opposite his opposite, the night's wind has already determined that the day has reached the level of European top forward.

"I finally climbed here! Changfeng, today, I must defeat you!" The day in the eyes of the cold, in order to stand on the night of the night, he worked hard to imagine the efforts.


"Three pine!" On the other side, the two genius teenagers are also relative.

From the intimate teammates from the national team to the opponent of the club, the two people are very complicated.

Especially three pine!

From the position of the court, the day is in fact, it is not right with the night, and there is no challenge.

And the current midfieldinal position and night length of the Sanmin now are direct competition, and the aggressiveness of the spirrel is not so strong.

But the inner heart of the court prince Sansi is still behind the night.

Every time I saw the night-catching winds in Europe, the Sansi will recall the rain war in the Musashi and South Ge.


The best night long-term winds meet the best Sanhuo, the two will leave everything that is shocking.

"The same game, I want to come again!" San Pine was determined.

In this year, he learned a lot in Series, and there was a world-class player in Xidan to do a predecessor, and the San Shijun is happy.

Two people are like a mentalistic tacit understanding, which is the reason why Sanhuo can stand firm position immediately after landing Series.

Unlike the day, I have also experienced a horn of hell.

It is difficult to climb back to the top Championships from the co-level league.

At this moment, the European Champion Cup semi-finals, on the world's eye-catching stage, four Asian players have become the most dazzling shining star!

The landscape of the world football is still getting more ....

2059 chapter, different opponents (first more)

- With the German referee whistle, Juventi Super Pioneer Piero puts the football to the day to Xiaolang. @ @ @ @

If it is a day ago, the team leading to the night-hearting wind, after getting the ball, will definitely touch the night long, one-on-one challenge, one-to-one challenge.

But now the time is completely different. He is already a mature professional player, as a striker, he knows that organizational attack and breakthrough is not good at it.

A slashing, the day, Xialairo returned the football to the three behind, and then ran to Barcelona halfway.

At the same time, Juventus two Mid-Field, Qiando, and Claudoli, one left, two wings, two wings, Barcelon, half-ray.

As for the four defenders of Juventus, there is no movement, maintaining the defensive position of this half.

Different from Liverpool or Barcelona, ​​Juventus is more focused on defense, and then fights against defensive counterattacks.

Especially in the face of Barcelona's club, the coach Carlont is very careful. If the last moment, Juvent is not fully pressed.

So they don't have much number in the offensive end.

But this does not mean that the 15th attacked power is very weak. In fact, they can open the offensive space in the half of the other party.

On the court, Sange After the left foot stopped, the right foot will put the football forward.

The San Shi is starting with the team's core Xidan's continuous feet, and the tacit understanding between the two is not poor than the gold group in Barcelona.

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