The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1960 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Barcelona midfield defense is instantly torn with two mid-site masters, and the defender on the back of the defense will immediately feel the pressure.

At this moment, the teenage Ine had to go back, and the desperate returned to the three challenges, and the chances of relaxing the ball will not be easily passed.

The captain of Barcelona is in front of the West Dan who stops the football.

In the face of today's football, it may be the best player Xidan, and Landy is a bit nervous.

Juventus has not been more than Barcelona, ​​and Lantio has never remembered the West Dan. He does not know how strong the player who is touted for the world's first midfield.

"No matter who you are!" Don't think of it! "Landius took the head and left the distraction in his own heart, then rushed up to hit the West Dan with the body, then stuck him, in order not to make him easy Foot.

At this time, Xidan did not pass or remove it, but the golden light was flashing, then the left foot dial forward, the body turned around in an instant, right foot in front of Lamudio.

It is Marseille round!

If the Marseille swirling in the present football can be said to be a god level skill, that person is undoubtedly the West Dan.

"What!" Landy only felt the black shadow of the eyes, then he was perfect after being completely back by Xidan.

Suddenly, a heart that is weak in Upper Lanti, this feeling is only when he meets at night in the lord.

"Beautiful Marseille Round! Today, Juventus is very good, the state of the defense of Barcelona is noticed!" He Wei couldn't help but praise.

"Yeah! West Dan is Xidan, even the basketball legend star player said, if he pays for him to watch a person's game, that person can only be Xidan, because he can see the command from West Dan. The feeling of the family! "Zhang Xi and quickly attached.

A commentary one guest sing, coincides with a lot more interesting than single-mouth cross talk.

"Don't panic! Stay in the formation!" After breaking through the defensive defense of Landius in Xidan, Barcelona's defense line was confusing, but at this time, the steel door godmare roared.

He is like a lion-like voice to make Barcelona's defending three people.

This is an excellent door, but he can not only save the team on the gate, but also the commander of the latter line, let the team's back lines can keep a focus regardless of the time.

"It's amazing, following this master player, it is no wonder that Sanxi this child grows so fast!" Night Changshi Station in the middle of Juventus 10, the heart of Juventus.

This game, noctual wind did not take the initiative to participate in the defense, because he wants to put more energy into the attack.

All the teams that Juventus and Barcelona have different teams, and their defensive power is completely on another level.

Even if you don't dare to waste your physical strength easily.

And the night is very trust in the giant guy in front of the Barcelona ball - Leicesmile.

"Look at my snake!" When the West Dane came to Barcelona. When the front of the district, Fang Gas rushed out, and quickly attached to Xidan, so that the famous stunt snake Stare at people.

West Dan's side of the opposite of Gas is a weird defensive movement, there is no big meaning, it is a time to take the football in an instant.

The convergence ball wants, this is the world's top midfielder.

He knows how to do what should be done is the best choice, such a player is terrible, he uses a visible line to manipulate all the attacks of Juventus.

! At this time, Sanhuyun flew to the frontcourt from the half, welcoming the back of the back of Xidan, and the three sinensis launched the body and made a shot action.

"Do you want to take a shot directly?" He Wei exclaimed, "They have seen Barcelona and Liverpool's game!"

bass! Next moment, He Wei was blocked in an instant.

Sanshen no 500 have a choice direct shooting, but a false shoot, divide football to the left road of Barcelona, ​​and Qiao Wenke's feet. .

Juventus, Juxtory, only one meter six. IV. It is like a primary school in front of the two teams.

But his speed is very amazing, and it is abundant, all the way halfway, you can't see any sweat on his face.

His body is like installing a nuclear reactor, running never stop, so he often attacked and defensive both ends very positive, and the opportunity will appear on him.

Juventus's fans said he called him for atomic ant!

"It's a ball!" He Wei has grown his eyes.

At this moment, the day, the day, Xiaolang and the Barcelona wild beast, Dried Sharis is fighting for Barcelona.

If it is a year ago, the body balance in the day, Dried Sharis can complete the day, and launch Barcelona in the moment. Zone.

However, in the past few days, the body has become a year in the past, and the body becomes the general, the whole person rely on Dried Sharis, and the dead will be behindhar.

"This boy!" Dried Sharis eyes were angry, and was killed by a player than his small one, which made Dried Sharis remembered the scene of the night's first day to Barcelona. .

2060 chapter, overall defense (second more)

At this time, the atomic ant Qiao Wenke's right foot back unloaded the football in the air, followed by Qiao Wenko looked up and looked at it. The two Juventus strikers in the district, then the left foot, in no one In the case of staring, it is easy to send the ball. ℡ ℡ V-Zhi Veter

! The football is rotationally rotated, and it is banned in Barcelona. There is an arc in the area.

Barcelona is banned. The two Barcelona defenders and two Juventus strikers in the district do not have enough football to fall.

Instead, it was suddenly started to enter the big ban. Juventus in the area jumped high, a lion gathered head to the upper right corner of the goal.

"Xidan ... head chasing the door!" He Wei said with its extremely magnetic sound.

The football in the top of the West Dan is like the shark of the string, the speed is very fast, and the power is also quite good.

boom! However, the next second, the banquet. Juventus in the district stunned, the steel door god Miller after the front of Barcelona, ​​gently, with the body's extremely inconsistent, one palm Xindan The header is shot.

Simply destroyed, it is like a fly that is shining.

"Well ... I am so domineering!" He Wei saw his eyes round.

"Well, a single paid, Miller easily resolved Juventus's first sharp offense!" At the side of Zhang Yujia.

"It is worthy of the leader, if there is Miller, the consequences are unimaginable!" The offers of Barcelona is the frown, Juventus is faster in Nou Camp than he imagined.

On the field, the football shot by Miller fell under the foot of Landyos.

Landy left foot stop, the right foot is turned around, Barcelona's counterattack!

! Landy did not hesitate, after turning, and sent the football directly to the feet of the midfielder.

Pastelang does not stop the ball, and the left foot will continue to pass continuously, push the football to the front of the night.

Barcelona dazzled passed, the live Barcelona fans excitedly cheered.

However, when the ball is in the moment, he looked up, Juventus's line of defense is already waiting, there is no chance to attack.

Taking Barcelona's attack and defense conversion speed, today's football may also only maintain a perfect formation in the counterattack of Barcelona.

The players are very fast, and the first block is in front of the night. It is his old opponent court prince.

Sanshen is mainly responsible for attack in the Juventus team, but it is originally played in the Japanese team to be the back position, and the defensive ability is not weak.

This year, I was influenced by myself defensive culture, and I have grown into an excellent midfielder defender.

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