The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1980

No matter how popular the majority of the media can't know the situation of the two teams, all everything is only after the finals.

The next day, England Top 7 local time at 7:00, the night is empty, the climate and temperature are very good.

It should be a quiet night. At this time, it is a voices outside the old Trafford Stadium.

Countless fans in two major camps wearing blue purple jerseys and white jersey are keeping a ticket gate of the dream theater.

There have been a large number of fans have entered the dream theater waiting game, and more fans are not buying tickets that have been fried to the high price, decided to watch this world-famous Champions League final outside the field.

! ! When Barcelona and Bayern two bus entered the road outside the old Trafford Stadium, the fans in the scene were completely boiling.

"Barcelona! Barcelona! Barcelona!" Barcelona fan crazy waved in the flag of Barcelona.

"Bayern! Bayern! Bayern!" Bayern's fans also did not have to show weakness. They also wiped the benevolence, the two major camps can be said to be boiling.

If the European FedPlostens have a large number of security persons who have maintained the site order, it is also possible to explode a large-scale conflict in the scene.

At this moment, sitting in the big wind in Barcelona truck, looking like the Old Traford Stadium outside the window.

This is already the second time of the night, I came to this stadium for the second time. In the middle of the night, the night-lived wind felt that he and the dream theater were very fate.

When the Champions League game, the night grew well, although he was super-god, but he did not conquer the theater of this dream.

Now, in Europe's top, the most concerned Champions League finals, the night grows back to here.

He has led Barcelona to conquer the main family of Prince Park, Love Song, Berna, and Manchester United's LaTraford Stadium. The only regret of the night.

Now he has the opportunity to make up this regret, conquer this court, and the night long can prove that he is the strongest in the world!

At this time, the atmosphere in Barcelona is very nervous. Two weeks ago, Barcelona will focus on the Bayern of the European crown final.

The coach of the coach Afront has repeatedly instilled the habitual characteristics of Bayern players, and the like to Barcelona, ​​including the bachelor's mind.

The more you understand this Bayern, the more yourself in Barcelona players.

Because their opponents are too strong, all positions can be said to have no weaknesses.

Even if you have a European all-star team, you don't have this Bayern's combat power.

Night wind is strong, Bayern's coach Field is even disclosed that night long wind is the strongest player in front of the world, no one.

But in other locations, Bayern has a huge advantage for Barcelona.

On the front line, Bayern owned the Champions League Second Shooter Schneider and the third shooting Thomas Mul, both of which were in the Champions League competition, and they were only 24 balls that were extremely different from the night length.

The German emperor Schneider does not have to say more, and it has always been the three giant leaders of Bayern, with nearly perfect striker technology, known as the world's first forward.

And the new star cultured by Thomas Muller, this season suddenly broke out, although the year was only seventeen years old, but Miller showed even goals that exceed Schneider.

The Bayern Frontline, which is composed of Schneider, is one of the biggest reasons why Bayern this season.

In addition, on the front front line, Bayern also has one of the Bai Night Knight Stephen Limei, Bayern's three giants, and it is also a goal machine, its shot strength and speed of Europe.

These three have formed the most powerful striker lines in Europe, and anyone who got other clubs will be absolute super core.

2082 chapter, reopen the dream theater (second more)

The corresponding Barcelona's striker lines, the status of Calley and Cres wave are unpredictable, although it is also the top forward striker, but compared with the super front front stroke of Bayern, the strength of the paper is far from the strength. ""

Look at Bayern's midfield, Xiaofeum Robben, midfield engine Zeida, plus Chinese dragon god Xiao Junguang and Super Mario Gg, Bayern's midfield can be said to be luxurious.

Especially the Chinese dragon god Xiao Junguo, which has a very understanding of the night, so that Bayern has no advantage that other clubs have no other club in the defenders of the night.

On the back, Bayern is also the roof line of Europe, Allaba, Boateng Poland, the backfinder combination of Ram is the cornerstone on the defense line of Bayern.

Three players defensive ability and running ability are super strong, the most crucial is that the three people's offensive power is not weak, and the balance of attack and defensive, can and defensive middle game Xiao Junshuang good cooperation, form a perfect rear line.

Finally, Bayern's door will be Ruolin San, and this season has since returned to Bayern this season.

He keeps zero-lost ball in Europe and the Germany, even if the forward line of Real Madrid is not able to bombard the ten guidance of Linyuan three.

There are many media experts in Europe to exist in the existence of Buffon in the first door of the world.

At all positions, Bayern is almost perfect, and it is a balance of attack and defensive. Such a team that has no weakness is really unsuccessful.

Barcelona's bus, usually the most hub, haha, Sharis, is a solemnity, and today Barcelona will face a huge test.

Light of the steel door Gand Miller, is very difficult to stop the Bayern super luxurious striker line, and the rear line of Barcelona, ​​including Lamudio, must play a strong performance in the defensive end.

This makes the psychological pressure of Barcelona's main force, and the night is not to motivate your teammates.

At this moment, any discourse is pale, only actual actions on the field can really infect teammates.

The overall strength gap is very obvious, but the Barcelona team has not said that it is a confidence of victory.

Because they have the greatest players on this planet!

On the other hand, the players are quite quiet in the bus of Bayern.

Many Bayern players are close to the gods, which is also a state in which professional athletes are in front of major competitions.

They will focus their attention to the highest levels of their attention, and other distracted people in the brain.

The higher the concentration, the more you can play your strength on the court, or even superhest.

At this moment, a person sitting in the last row of the bus in the last row of the bus with a white towel on his head, isolate everything from yourself and the outside world.

He is holding his hands and constantly improving his own focus.

"Night long wind! I have been waiting for it too long!" Suddenly, Schneider opened his eyes and watched the bus of Barcelona. .

Since the World Youth Invitational Fair, after the night length of the wind, Schneider has not stopped spur, he mad, training and competition every day.

There is only one thing that Germany's emperor wants to do, and you will take it back.

"I am the best player on this planet!" Schneider roared, then silently recovered his eyes and began to continuously improve his attention.

After half an hour, Barcelona and Bayern team players replaced the jersey in their locker rooms, and the coach of the two teams was mobilized before the final tactical arrangement before the game.

Among the Old Telford Stadium, it is possible to accommodate 76,000 audiences. This time is at least 80,000 fans who will completely fill the entire dream theater.

Most of them are Bayern and Barcelona's dead fans, they come from Spain and Germany, accounting for the area of ​​90 or more stadium.

The old Trafford Stadium has completely become two semi-blue purple and red and white oceans, others are a native star fans who come from around the world, many of which are Chinese fans.

They are all got through various ways, and they can witness the battle of the century of the football style.

At this moment, all fans are anxiously waiting for the beginning of the game.

The response between Bayern fans and Barcelona fans, the game has not started, the fans of the two teams began to be more competing than each other, and the momentum is getting more and more.

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