The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1981 of the Chapter 1981 of the Prince of Tennis

"CCTV, CCTV! Audience, everyone, good morning, I am your old friend He Wei! I am very high, I can live in the dream theater in the dream of China's fans, Barcelona. The game of Bayern Munich! "He Wei sat today in the explanation is also the tide, the explanation of the opening is slightly trembled.

On the championship semi-final CCTV invited Zhang Wei to spray it very miserable by the fans, so this time, the CCTV stadium resumed the previous model, let He Yizheng single, one person, one person explains the whole game.

"Well, it is worthy of Europe's top Champions League finals. I lived on so many games, or I first saw the fans of the scene before the game was playing so excited. And now I am around me. Media ... "He Wei began to broadcast.

"Wow! They come out!"

"Barcelona! Wins!"

"Bayern! The strongest!" Between the first moment, He Wei's explanation was completely overwhelmed by the hustle and hooking on the spot.

Old Trafford Stadium, Barcelona and Bayern team came out and gave up with the exclusive music of the Champions League.

Today, Barcelona wore a blue-violet neighborhood jersey, Bayern is a visual team wearing a red and white.

The two team players are hand-drawn, and they are in the forefront. They are the two teams today 's captain night long wind and Schneider.

The captain of Barcelona is Ramudio, Bayern's captain is Ram, but in the face of today's Champions League, the number of the two teams, not to wear a captain's armband symbolizing responsibility and glory.

"Out! Audience friends, all Europe, is the best two teams in the world stepping into the dream theater, from their expression, the two team players have Champions League championships will be muttered! "He Wei is so excited before the game.

This is also very normal, it is actually not just He Wei, but also the fans in China are excited.

On the Champions League, two Chinese players have become the core of their respective teams, and they stand on the opposite side.

This is a matter of all Chinese fans who can't believe in all Chinese fans a year ago!

2083 chapter, warm up before the game (third more)

After the two team players walked into the old Trafford Stadium, the cheers on the stage did not stop, and it was getting higher and higher. Α α √ α

Night long wind and Schneider have exchanged the team's banner, followed by a series of commercial activities before the champion finals, etc.

Finally, the two teams played a row, and the organizers of the competition played the team of the two teams. The fans of the two teams were naturally passionate, and the atmosphere was unprecedented.

"This is the Champions Championship!" Fans far-night, watching the ball staying up late, completely sleeping, staring at the picture on the TV, afraid to miss a lens.

At this moment, it is not only the European and China's fans, but the world's fans who love football are focused on this Champions League final through satellite.

CCTV live ratings have breakthrough early in the sky, and the respective ratings of sports live broadcast around the world have also been constantly rising.

According to a data statistical center, there is currently at least billion fans in the world to focus on this Century Battle of the Champions League, and the number is still increasing.

In the old Trafford Stadium, the two teams finally started the warmth of the game.

Bayern is very powerful, the most concerned is the first of their number one. German emperor Schneider.

The video camera almost all gathered in this most dazzling star in the German football.

At this time, Schneider has raised his attention to the ultimate. He didn't be like the arrogance of the world's youth invitation, but it was extremely warm up.

"This guy becomes more dangerous than before!" The night is also put on Schneider.

At this time, Schneider seems to feel the eyes of night long, he suddenly started.

If the figure is like a cheeta, it will accelerate the considerable height after starting, this horror explosive force is the result of Dunnide's hard training in this year.

bass! After all the way, more than ten meters arrived outside the banquet, Schneider suddenly stood the body from the high-speed running, and immediately launched the right foot, and then vigorously went forward.

The bombard, outside the banquet, was made into a huge burning fireball in Schneider, and the breath was inserted into the dead end of the goal.

Hey, the ball in the goal is run through the football, and the flame football of Pentium violence is finally on the billboard under the view.

Bang rungle, watching the audience in the first row of Taiwan was scared.

"Wow!" The audience was in a hurrising, especially the fans behind the Bayern warm-up, they really felt the power of Schneider.

And this is just a simple warm-up before his game, it is obvious that the status of Schneider is excellent.

"My God, just the shot of the warm-up, I wore the ball network! The progress of the German emperor this year is really not small!" He Wei is amazed in the explanation.

"This guy!" Barcelona is attracting the movement of Schneider, especially today to face Schneider's dry sandris and others.

Although there is no hand with Schned, from the beginning of the shot, Driedharis and others have been almost certain, Schneider is the biggest threat to the line of defense today.

"Very good, just like this!" Bayern warm half, John Yuan three patted the shoulders of Schneider that was murdered.

It's so long to play with Schneider. If Lin is very clear, the status and situation of the Schneider body.

The current German emperor is no longer the World Youth Invitation Tournament will only kick the flash shoots, and he raised his shooting technology a big step. The flame just now is not the full force of Schneider, he is always Can kick a stronger shot in the game.

"A Xiao! Come with me warm up!" If Lin Yuan, he shouted with Xiao Junguang.

"No problem!" Xiao Junguo made teammates to put seven or eight football on the big-restricted area, and they are simply warm up, and they stand behind football.

At this time, before the ball door, Johinyuan, who finished the simple warm-up, the door will glove, and then stand before the ball, the tiger microwow, the heart is sinking.

"A Xiao! Ju Lin!" The night-long parallel is immediately transferred to the two people.

Compared to Schneider, the night is more want to see the status of these two core players today.

Especially if Lin Yuan three!

The chance to wait for this and Rickly, the opportunity to fight again is too long. If you say that the strength of the night's current wind now, which door will make him very intentionally.

That person can only be a river!

"Source three, I am coming!" At this time, China Dragon God Xiao Jun is suddenly started, which is the continuous ultra-fast shooting.

It's almost blinking, Xiao Junguang is like a seven-eight-way residue, and the football on the large-proof zone is.

Bang! Seven eight football in a flash of golden long dragon, Qi Qi flash-like flies to the various corners of the ball, and the angle is very drilled.

"Great!" Take Calley is standing in Barcelona, ​​he thinks that his shooting speed is fast enough, but in such a short period of time, you can kick the seven or eight football, and each speed is amazing, this is God Feng Gayon looked with a thing.

"A Xiao's guy, the previous Asian qualifier did not play full!" Night long-term eyes gathered on top of seven golden lights.

During the World Youth Invitation Tournament, Xiao Junguo was absolutely unable to continue the dragon guns in a short period of time.

Now Xiao Jungua is not only improving his shooting posture, but also combines speed and strength.

The current dragon cannon is more than just power, but also from the angle and speed, it can be called super dragon.

"Can you block a few?" Steel Games also stopped enthusiasm, putting your eyes on today's right.

At this moment, it is difficult to see what emotions in the face of Yulin.

The three-leaf hat on his head is just slightly lifted, and the golden light is flashing, and then the whole person has a flash of left and right.

"What!" Miller glared in his eyes.

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