The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1984 of the Chapter 1984 of the Prince of Tennis

Between the moment, suddenly sounded in front of Barcelon.

The steel door god Mille lightning stretched out the right hand, and he worked with the bullets of Lianyun.

"Single hands, I look at it is you!" The Yunyou flashed.

! Surprised Miller, which is known to grip, is unable to grasp the super-rotating football with its own single-hand power.

The bullet is still in the left hand of Miller, and the gloves and the door will be rubbed or even Mars splash.

"Ah, even the steel god wants to pull the ball and get off." He Wei was surprised.

However, in this moment, Miller's right hand is holding a punch, while the left hand is released, a boxing bullet is still in a bullet that is still rotating.

After the slashing sound, Miller played the bottom line with the right box before crossing the ground.

"Anti-service! Miller player played the white night knight's shot!" He Wei is amazed in Miller.

"What!" "" Lily is very surprising on the cold face.

"Oh!" At this time, Bayern's fans sighed.

Just now Li Yun's shooting ball is indeed a good opportunity to open a good opportunity, and the latter line of Barcelona has not reacted.

"Save good, steel door!"

"Great, Miller!" The fans of Barcelona on the stage cheered, and cheered for Miller.

"It's evil! I didn't catch one after another!" Miller stood up quickly, and it seems that there is still some dissatisfaction with the bullets that can not hold the cloud.

"Miller, do you have no problem?" Night wind ran back to Barcelona, ​​I couldn't help but ask.

In the past game, he rely on this destructive bullet, making a lot of top doors will be hurt.

It is very high, especially for finger wrists, especially for finger wrists.

"Ah! The guy's shot is really powerful, but I want me to be hurt, he is not enough!" Miller clenched his fist, smashed his shoulders, showing that he did not have a serious problem.

"Can't have anything else, this game, we can't have any mistakes!" Night's trend nodded, sweeping a bit of Barcelona, ​​reminding loudly.

"Yes, the captain!" Barcelona should drink aloud.

The night's first time was the duty of the captain at the first time, and he had a reminder to remind our teammates and exclaimed morale.

Barcelona half a field, the referee is in the right hand, pointing to the corner of the corner, Bayern has just opened a chance of a corner.

"The first positioning ball of Bayern's game, who is this ball who will take a penalty?" He Wei said the sound.

Bayern's large number of players have poured into Barcelona, ​​while the starting to run to the corner of the corner is Li Yun, which looks to take this positioning ball.

There are also many positioning balls in the Bayern team, such as She Shi Tower, Robben, etc., the technology of its positioning ball is the top of Europe.

However, this ball is from the main penalty of Li Yun. It seems that Bayern seems to be reserved, and there is no effort.

At this time, Bayern's two major strikers, Sneider and Muller are in Barcelona. These two people are high, especially Muller, eight six, which is very strong.

Plus a Chinese dragon god Xiao Junguang, Barcelona's defensive pressure in the big banquet is very large.

Night winds have to return to the big ban, standing in the most central position in the big ban, participate in defensive.

Barcelona's set of array is obvious. If the night is not coming back, the defensive high empty ball will be very hard.

"You can't have any space!" Night live wind in the big ban, loudly directed the defensive area of ​​Barcelona.

Dried Sharis et al. Died, attached to Bayern's players, and the two sides continued to have physical contact, and the muscle collision was endless.

! At this time, with a whistle of the referee, Steven Limei kicked the football directly in the corner.

bass! Lianyun is not before playing football to the ball, but a cross-pass.

"It's a tactical corner!" He Wei died.

The football speed flies to Barcelona, ​​the front of the restricted area, in the unexpected position, a short white figure suddenly flashes.

"Is Ram! Bayern original captain Barm picked up, did he want to shoot directly?" He Wei was surprised.

Ram is a high-tech player in Bayern, which is very inconspicuous in the Bayern's Bayern's Bayern, but if someone looks at Ram, he will pay a price.

This taller is not enough to have a powerful explosive force in the players in one meter.

At this time, Ram, the left defender on the field, launched his body like a strike, unworthy football, and the right foot is directly squatted, and the football is in the far corner of the Barcelona.

Ram's ball business is very high, and his feet is very clever.

In Barcelona, ​​the sight of the steel door, Miller's line of sight is just blocked by the players in the big ban. The football has wold the top of everyone. It has suddenly appeared in front of the front left of Barcelonen.

"Beautiful!" The fans of many Bayern on the stage were excited.

"I have long known that you have to come here!" However, in this crisis moment, the nightmare figure suddenly appeared in front of Barcelona, ​​and it was a lightning jumper, and the football took directly to Barcelona. Great Zone.

"Blocking! The God of War blocked Ram in front of the door, it was too thrilling!" Just opened, He Wei has already heated.

"Good risk!" Miller, who is right in front of the right post, wiped the sweat of the forehead, just now not to react fast, he was deceived by Bayern's tactical corner.

At the moment, the wind did just dropped his own defender Schneider in an instant, and it was also because of the judgment between the door.

First of all, the corner is not a Bayern's best Zhei Tower or Robben, but the cloud.

Second, the night is absolutely confident. As long as you are in the big ban, Bayern's players don't want to fight for the first point, reverse thinking, Bayern is likely to use them directly.

Therefore, the night-catching wind can pre-judge in advance, take the exquisite moment of Ram to take out the ball!

2087 chapter, attack and defensive (third more)

"Ram, this ball is really thieves, but fortunately, the long wind player appears in time, the header is full! The game has just opened, Bayern Munich shows the belief of winning, their offensive is like tide, this way The goal is also a matter of late and morning! "He Wei said the sound. ψ

The football topped by the night grows, is easily unloaded by Parlary outside the district.

Barcelona counterattack.

"The Pkarang players took the ball, Barcelona would use a more sharp offense to fight against it?" He Wei looked forward to the poker.

After the Bayo took the ball, Bayern's players in Barcelona were extremely back to prevent, and their back-on speed was very amazing, especially the core of several midfielders, where Robben's speed is the fastest.

He quickly attached to the front of Pkiro, which was backwards.

Robben's outer number is a little flying man, and others are in its name, the feature is fast, and the frequency of action is very amazing.

After the poetry was attached, it was very uncomfortable.

As we all know, Pkarang's control is the top, almost impossible to go to the ball from his feet.

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