The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1985

However, when Robben attached the Pkarang, and when using his feet, when the feet were constantly interfered with the ball of the ball, the poker of the Pkarang was a bit, and it was going to lose the ball.

"Give me the ball, Tailang!" At this time, the night's body appeared on the side of the pole.

Puglang immediately turned around and passed the football to the foot of the night.

At this time, the night is a step, immediately came to the middle of the court.

"Give me around him!" Bayern coach Field shouted outside.

Night wind just wanted to start a breakthrough to Bayern, China Dragon God Shang Junguang, Super Mario Gg and Bayern Middle Field, Zeida, three people immediately surrounded the night.

Obviously, Bayern does not want to give any personal attacked or organize Barcelona attack.

"Sorry, long wind, I can't let you go. Because you are too dangerous!" Xiao Jun's eyes looked at every move of night long wind, his mental power super-level concentration.

And the night grows in the national team for so long, Xiao Junguang is very good for the character and the habit of playing the ball.

Once the team where the night-catching wind falls into the lower wind, the night length is to reverse the situation, and it is almost unable to block.

This time, Xiao Junguang stood the night with his body, he didn't have any body contact, it was to stop the two teammates on the night before, let the two teammates on the side have constantly interfere with the night long.

Xiao Junguang may be one of the best defenders in the world. He doesn't have any moves because he knows that it is a chance to show him more.

The result of the rank is only one, and the night cost is directly used to override.

The gems and Zeistri are not a defensive player, but they have a feet that the foot frequency and the movement are fast. Under the constant interference of them, the night grows to do more moves to return.

Xiao Jungua did not have any movements in front of him, just blocked his sight, and did not let the night grew forward or pass.

"A Xiao, this stinky boy!" Night's mouth is slightly curved, "I really grow!"

"The opening is a three-handed happiness. It is also a triple pack. It seems that Bayern coach Field is very taboo for the Barcelona god!" He Yao is surprised. Pay attention.

"Don't let me break the ball?" Although it was a few meters from the three-person bag, the night grew is still a few meters, and the football rolled back in the night's foot, just like a part of his body, control is free.

Speaking of the ball technology, if the Pkarang is the top of the world, the night grows is the strongest in the world, and it is likely to be one.

She Si Tag and Gee have been very depressed, and they have to lose the ball when they are hit.

Nowadays, when the night is growing, it seems to be easily explained, which makes two big stars uncomfortable.

"Maybe you can really prevent my breakthrough, but to prevent my pass is ... it is impossible!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, the right foot suddenly across the football, then he followed the football I have dial behind.

! The football suddenly rolled back, and after the night length of the wind, the Pkarang appeared in time, welcoming the football to send football forward, and doing a front and rear three cooperation with the night long wind.

This is a common-purpose cooperation technique that is very common in Night, and the two people are very familiar. In the two, this cooperation has been used in many years.

This time, when the night long is forced step, squeezing the Sheisa, ready to brush it from Xiao Junguang, Xiao Junguang seems to be prepared, almost at the same time, still in the same time, still sticking to the night And more than night long winds.

It can be seen that Xiao Junguo knows the play of the night long wind, because he also does this cooperation often with the night.

Snapped! Pastelang finally stopped the football left foot. He did not expect that Bayern's defenders were so strict.

Even if the world's strongest shield, Juventus has not opened the night, and they are more defensive strategies.

And Bayern put a pair, it won't let the night grow up, and other Barcelona players can go to the attitude.

"Bayern is a little looking at us?" A little anger is rare.

He looked up and looked at the frontier of Bayern, and then left the football directly.

Middle farm passed!

The football is rotated, leaping the top of the Bayern midfielder, accurately falls at the foot of Barcelona before the big restricted area.

"It is good, Tailang!" Ine relaxed left foot unloaded football, directly to stop.

However, when Ine is preparing to break through the big restricted area of ​​the Bayern, a white figure that is similar to the high body shape of the Ine is sudden, and it is directly unfair to split.

Is Ram!

"It's so fast!" I didn't react with Ine, which was at speed, because Ram's pre-judgment and movement speed is too fast.

Dangdang, Ine was shoveled with the ball in Ram, and football flew out the boundary.

"Beautiful defense! It is worthy of Bayern's top pillar, the attack and defensive is very powerful!

"You are fine, Ine!" Barcelona immediately put the Imgila in the ground.

"I am evil!" Ine did not hurt. He hated Ram at a glance. Some helpless in his eyes were very clean. He didn't say anything.

"This Ram is very powerful!" Night long wind also looked at it, returned to Ram on his position.

Before the game, Fassier reminded Barcelona players to be careful of this Ram.

There is a saying that the best side guard in the world depends on which side of Ram play, it is true that it is true.

2088, attack and defense conversion (fourth more)

On the field, the Barcelona is connected. Miscellaneous * insects

Langdio directly gave the football to the pole, the night grew well, was strictly guarded by Xiao Junguang, and it was clear that Field did not want to make the night.

Without the command and dispatch of the night lengthy wind, Barcelona's affair has been greatly hindered.

Snapped! Bayern's half, Parlary stopped football, and started to bring the ball horizontally.

Night wind does not have any hesitation, directly without the ball to Bayern's big restricted area.

In the first moment, Barcelona also made adjustments in the attack.

The night-hearted trust of the Trusted Taro's organizational skills, it is incorporated into a super striker, and the Kareli and Kresbo forms the super sharp line of Barcelon, and kills the big ban in Bayern.

Bayern's back defense immediately felt powerful pressure and had to shrink extreme.

"Can't let him come in!" Before the Bayernmen, Johinde said the teammates in front of him, he knows that when the wind is playing forward, the destructive force is even more than him to attack the midfielder.

However, it is almost impossible to prevent no ball, and the power of the night is too strong. Even if China Dragon God Shang Junshui also has the strength of Bayern, Bayen, the night, and there is no way to put the night. Long wind launches the foundation area.

"Betting!" Boateng stepped forward, the night long wind was in the moment, and the back is relying on Boateng.

Boateng's outer number is a murderous beast, a strong body like a cow, it looks high, but the body is large, the body's muscles look quite exploded.

However, such a world's top power player, when the night long is sitting backwards, but she has to retreat after step by step, and there is no way to make the giant force that came back after night.

Xiao Junguang also has no way, only the long wind, at least, can't make the night grow in the big banquet.

In this way, the other two major strikers in Barcelona have a chance.

The timing of Pkiro saw the timing, undergrice, suddenly started a straight plug.

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