The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1991 Chapter 1991 Chapter 1991

Miller is also a football to the front field. Although Miller's foot method is not as good as the forest, it is not bad, and Miller power is stronger, and football will drive football to Bayern's bigby zone frontier.

Barcelona's forward Takari retranslated, giving the football to the body, unmanned Pkarang.

The Pastelang habitually looked back at the night of the night, at this time, Xiao Junguang and the gesture were still inch, and there was a left and right left.

Don't say that the ball is broken, Bayern uses the night long-winding law, and even the night long has a chance to encounter football.

"Tailang! Give me the ball!" And the night long wind that silent two rounds is not really no way to open two people's defense. He just doesn't want to consume too much physical fit so much.

Suddenly, the night length of the night was removed, opened and Xiao Junguang and the gesture distance.

"Not good!" China Dragon God Xiao Junguo rarely went to the night, in his impression, the night growth will always be ahead, or it is hard to use the body, or it is to get rid of speed.

These two ways, Xiao Junguang is ready to prepare and respond.

Nowadays, the night is going back and retreat, Xiao Junguang and Gee should take a step forward and want to continue to close the night.

The right foot of the night-lived retraction is just a one-step trick, and it does not step on it.

He retired, the left foot is hard, instantly changed forward, the body is pouring, a rhythm of the rhythm is directly brushing from Xiao Junguang and Gee:

"Changfeng!" Yaro Lang got rid of defense at night, he did not hesitate to return the ball.

"It is evil!" Xiao Junguang used to turn to the chase, but his physical quality is still a small distance than the night.

Such emergency stops, it is impossible to follow the rhythm of the night.

"Beautiful got rid of! Barcelona will start to have to start!" He Wei said the sound.

The night is always in the football, and the right foot will directly disable the football to Bayern.

Is a low empty round moon bend!

2094 chapter, changes in tactics (second more)

In the big banquet of Bayern, the three guards were prepared by the night's long-standing, and the preparation of the clubs were made. ■ Magazine ■

No one thought that the night is suddenly passed, and it still has such a strong rotation, and there is still a radiabling ball.

"One foot passes into the banquet! Opportunity!" He Wei called.

The football took an arc in low altitude, just wrapped around the world's first side guard Ram, flew to Kresbo's body.

A perfect tap opportunity!

Night long wind almost fed the ball to the Kresbok, and only the other party left, if Lin Yuan three left.

The Sheng Ruolin reacts very fast. He judged the football line in a moment of the night-catching ball. He turned his hands in front of Kresbo.

At this time, Cresbo did not think that the night length wind can pass the ball, one hesitation, no football, just the chest of the next consciousness, then the left foot is swaying.

If you are in the position of the two meters before the forest, the small angle of Kresbo is smashed, the quality is not high, and one foot takes into the arms of Ju Lin.

If the forest did not make any cross-entertainment action, one fell to death.

"Oh!" The audience was screaming in the audience.

"Shit!" Cresbo hands and head, very annoyed, missed such a chance.

"It's a pity! The game has just been in the last twenty minutes, and the two teams have a lot of opportunities. Bayern is better, but the two gods of both sides have played outstanding, no mistakes!" He Wei! " Calm analysis.

The quality of this European finals is too high. One is a super high rhythm, and then the rhythm is still increasing, and He Wei is a little worried about playing so, and the players of two luxury teams in the second half will have no physical strength.

"Pre-front pressure! Pre-pressure!" If the two hands hit the rapid stood, the third, rushing to waving his teammates, indicating the front pressure.

Bayern's 20 minutes ago, Johinde is somewhat unsatisfactory.

In Ju Lin's view, the three major strikers of Bayern did not form a good cooperation, many opportunities were wasted.

If Lin has always worried that if the night's sudden outbreak, the trend of the game will become uncontrollable.

However, the fans of He Wei and even the world were surprised that Barcelona was retired after Barcelon, and he didn't have a person in half.

Night wind is just a few gestures on the court, and then Barcelona players returned to their own half, including two strikers.

At this time, the camera also gave the old Trafford Stadium, which can be clearly seen from the picture. The format on the Barcelona has become 046, and it is concentrated in the top of the midfielder and the frontier of the coagulation zone. position.

"This is ... this is Juventus's tactics!" He Wei surprised up his mouth, "said that the strongest of the world's attack power is actually ... actually starts to put a big bar! Scorpio! What happened in this world? ? "

"Nima! I didn't see it wrong. Every day, Barcenani, who hangs beautiful football, actually used the ugly to extreme football tactics!" Countless Chinese fans spit in front of the TV.

The old Trafford Stadium, Bayern coach Field, immediately stood up from the coach.

He did not think that Barcelona would use the defensive tactics that Juventus will use only Juventus, which will use Juventus, naturally.

The football competition is not a basketball game, there is no way to suspend, re-adjusted, so Field is only big, let Bayern's players don't worry, stabilize.

On the field, Bayern's players are also a face.

If Lin is going directly to kick, start the attack in front of the ball.

But now Barcelona has retreated to his own half, Bayern is at least two Barcelona players in front of each player.

If the foot method of Johinde is good, there is no time file at all in Barcelona, ​​and he has no way to pass.

In this way, the tactics directly engaged directly before the threat of the line.

A slap, Johinde has to leave the ball, throwing the football to the side guard Ram.

Ram took directly to the football to the foot of Bayern Middle Field.

Bayern's players began to press the whole line, including the three major guards of Ram to the midfield.

At a time, Barcelona's half became crowded, everywhere, the passage of the passed is narrow.

Barcelona's pendulum and Juventus are clearly different, and the top of the top of the night, the most central organization of the front, PTA and Take Calley and Cresbo on the night length of the wind, this is the first in Barcelona Word line.

The defensive ability of this defense is supported by night, and it is followed by Barcelona to defensive core, which is the best of Barcelona.

Juventus's pendulum is based on the unique chain defense of Serie A, and Barcelona is completely relying on the number of people.

Give the ball completely to the other party, you come to attack, I will have the advantage of local occupies.

At this time, She Si Ta broke through the half of Barcelona, ​​and after stopping the football, Sheisa found that the night-catching winds in front of him couldn't force the football before, and did not give pressure at all.

However, he wanted to pass the ball, he did not pass the Barcelona, ​​because there were at least six Barcelonas players, but also through the night of the wind.

Bayern is stagnant at once in a smooth attack, and Xie Shi Tower stopped football. It is like a stupid than standing in the same place.

Bayern's largest weakness suddenly exposed, they lacked the top offensive organizers.

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