The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1992 Chapter 1992 Chapter 1992

Whether it is Robben or Georgia, they are more suitable for fast-paced offensive, continuous transmission ball, breakthrough or creation of opportunities.

When you are in this position, you still have to rely on this traditional mid-site player in Zeista.

But the ability of Sheisa is limited. If it is changed to Yushen Tuz, the Bayern's attack will not be stagnant.

"Give me the ball, thank you!" At this time, China Dragon God Xiao Jun appeared on the left side of Sheisa and shouted.

Bayern is really lacking organizers, Xiao Junguang and night-long wind play together for such a long time, actually good in attacking skills.

Snapped! Xie Sihao heard shouts, did not hesitate, filed the football to Xiao Junguang, as if the football is the same as a hot hut.

After Xiao Junguang, it was directly slammed forward and kicked directly to Barcelona's first defense line.

2095 chapter, first meeting results (first more)

"China Dragon God Xiao Junguang took the ball, Bayern presuppose!" He Wei called in the explanation of Taiwan, the first half of Barcelona suddenly became expected to expect most people. Σ ∈ ∈

Old Telford Stadium, Xiao Junguo did not have any hesitated big steps, it looked like directly to eat the first bus line in Barcelona.

Xiao Junguang is strong, and the speed is also the top of the world, but he has a problem, that is, it is not perfect.

Whether it is in the Chinese national team or a Bayern club, Xiao Junguo will raise the ball long distance, even in the attack, the most is to conduct football or complete the final attack.

When Barcelona suddenly started to put the big bar, Bayern's midfield was in a deadlock, Xiao Jun was not hesitant to choose a ball breakthrough, he believes that as long as it can break through Barcelona's first line of defense, transfer the ball to Bayern super front stroke At your feet, Bayern can open the situation.

As long as you have a ball, Barcelona's halves will naturally not attack.

However, Barcelona's defensive does not have the ideal of Xiao Junguang, when Xiao Junguang is driving into the first defense line of Barcelona, ​​and Barcelona's array is immediately contracted.

The two people in Pkarang and Cresbo have formed a pinch of Xiao Junguang, Xiao Junguang protects football. It is necessary to accelerate the moment, and a blue-violet figure in front of them. The football at the foot disappears in an instant.

"Broken ball!" He Wei excitedly called.

The night-length wind flashed from the side of the pole, and the right foot was shocked. Xiao Junguo, who predicted in advance, took his football in front of him.

"Worse!" Xiao Junguang was very big, suddenly turned back, only the back of the nozzle jersey.

He knows that once the space is given to the night, he accelerates, and it is impossible to have a footsteps of the long wind in the night.

"Barcelona's defense works, the night-catching game is broken, and the line of defense after Bayern is empty. He has a completely accelerated space!" He is up and down.

The off-site Bayern is the mainstry of the Phead, from the coach, and shouts loudly to Bayern's players.

"Block the kid, be sure to block him!"

At this moment, on the audience of the dream, the Barcelona fans on the scene were excited, they waved the blue purple banner and towels in the hand.

Bayern crosses the whole line, at this time, only the two defenders in Ram and Boateng before the night length.

The whole world has not seen the acceleration of the metamorphosis of the long wind, almost all of the world's Barcelona fans believe that Barcelona will not be wasted such a good opportunity.

In fact, the night's wind did not think of this opportunity, he just wanted to break the ball of Xiao Junguang.

Because once made Xiao Junguo breakthrough, with his foot method, Barcelona's goal will be directly threatened.

However, Barcelona's first time, the effect is quite good, the night is over-off, and the ball of Xiao Junguang is open, and it is an empty.

The wind fludys on the side of the night length, he began to accelerate, keep the ball.

At this point, Ram, the first side guard, made a bold action. He didn't retreat with the speed of the night long, but instead of the feet, directly toward the night, and a pair And the vetement of the night length.

"Ram!" Bayern, Bayern, Bayen, obviously didn't think that Ram, who has always been so strong, he shouted, see Lam did not respond, and he only returned.

Boasten brain is that once Ram is overwhelming, at least you can block and interfere with the shooting of the night.

"If you rely on you, I also want to block me?" When the night's wind saw Ram rushed over, the eyes flashed a context.

In the eyes of the night, Ram is really likely to be the best side guard on this planet, but Ram's weakness is also obvious, that is, the body is too short, the physical quality is not top.

The night's wind is too lazy to do anything, directly in the front of the front of Ram, there is a football.

"Bet!" Before Ram, he had a stomach. He looked at the football over his head. .

Dangdang, Ram looked at the football without any way from his head, even if he made a full effort, and his body collided directly with the night.

On the field, Ram only felt that he suddenly spared, and the body of the night was very stable. He stepped forward, and Ram was immediately.

At this moment, the football that is raised by the night-catching wind is just falling from the air, and the night-long wind is preparing to use the chest to stop, continue to bring the ball forward.

A simple air sphere is divided, very simple and effective.

Night costumes don't want to give Xiao Junguang back to prevent, catch up with their own opportunities, try to reduce unnecessary fancy action, and use the most concise and most critical way to boost your opponent's defense.

At night, it seems that this is the most effective way, let Bayern keep the defensive array, one board is kicked, Barcelona is really likely to kick Bayern.

After all, Bayern's overall strength is too strong, and each location can be said to be the world.

"Similarly, the forcibly challenge, Barcelona will have started!" He Yumi said that the tone is getting higher and higher, and the inner heart in Barcelona on the stage is also getting more and more.

Before the Bayern gate, the door god Ruolin has firmly locked the night-hearted wind, and his mental power is very concentrated. He knew that night long-lived capacity is super strong, and many times will make unexpected moves on the court, and they should put the night long-term proximity of night long.

However, all people did not think of Ram, who was hit by the night, and forcibly stabilized the body in the air, and reached out to the right foot hooked the support of the night.

The ingredients of the squatting, Ram leaned out of the whole body and the power of the whole body were actually hooked to play the next night's feet, almost fell to the ground.

At this time, the football stopped by the night long wind, but it lost the control, and the speed was rolled down to Boaten's feet.

The speed of the night is too fast. He plays the chest to stop the ball, step by step through Batten.

"What!" The fans in Barcelona were stunned on the stage, especially the farther's fans on the stage, they didn't see what is going on, but thought it was a ball mistake.

Such a low-level chest stop error is impossible to happen in the Barcelona.

More than just fans, Boateng, which is unloaded to unload football, also slightly, and the grand handsome Field shouted, she came back.

"I do your mother!" The night's wind stabilizes the strength of the waist and abdomen, and the turning head glared at Ram who fell on the ground.

Ram wants to hook the ball, but the truth is tricking on the foot of the night!

2096 chapter, violent shooting (second more)

At this time, the scene just gave a close-up of the night. At this time, the night lengthy wind is like a angry lion, and it is murderous. ? Miscellaneous?

Even with the TV screen, thousands of kilometers away from the scene, the fans in front of TV are not eager to eat.

"This is definitely a foul, Ram wants to eat!" He Wei is very clear in the unconventional.

! ! Sure enough, the main referee hurred his whistle, and ran quickly to Ram's fall.

"Changfeng, don't be excited!" Xiao Junguo ran the most, he protects Ram, the night's life, the expression of people, let Xiao Junguo are unhappy.

"Hey! Next, I don't mind abolish you!" Night wind did not pay attention to Xiao Junguang, cold and glance.

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