The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1993 Chapter 1993 Chapter 1993

He also knows that Ram should not deliberately, if it is intentionally hurting, it will not be done.

But Ram is indeed very embarrassing, if it is a normal player, it is hooked by Ram, at least fell a dog to eat, a luck is not good, it is directly serious, absolutely dangerous action .

Fortunately, in the night, the wind is balanced, the waist and abdomen is strong, and the hard-eracent is stable, and there is no PI stocks to double sand falling leaves.

"Changfeng, you are nothing?" Yaro and others ran over and asked with concern.

"I am fine! The tactical effect is very good. Everyone will continue to work hard, keep defensive strength, can't be relaxed!" Night long-in-life replied.

On the field, Ram was pulled by Xiao Jungua, which was clearly a foul, but Ram felt like a foul.

On the spot, there was no hesitation, and it was a yellow card in front of Ram.

After the Ram is penalized, a yellow card is already an extraordinar, or if Bayern's backfinder is Boateng, the foul of Ram will definitely be punished directly by the red card.

"Does the referee make a mistake, just a yellow card?" Barcelona players had quite dissatisfied with the referee, and the old Trafford Stadium also sounded a snoring.

"Good, Ram!" The offers of Bayern, the head of the leader, Shu Jing, was a sigh of relief, just the situation, let the night grow in the past, and the consequences are unimaginable.

A yellow card is really nothing more than a round of goal.

On the field, Barcelona won a free kick of nearly forty meters from the ball.

The position of the free kick is very positive, no angle, is not suitable for direct shooting.

Bayern's middle backport players have returned their own big ban, and Barcelona is not sent too much to attack, only Kresbo and Kabili ambush in Bayern's large-proof area.

"Unfortunately, the frontcourt once a great counterattack, Barcelona's view is that the iron is the iron, and they only have two players in the attack range." He Wei analyzed in the hall.

Just now Ram's foul let Barcelona will have a good opportunity to open the situation, and He Wei is also a little regret.

Because if the night's wind is opened, Bayern will definitely be more impatient, and the effect of the big bar will be better.

On the court, the night-long wind and the Pkarang were standing in the football. In front of them, they were the tall people in front of them. The two attached to the ear, and finally the Poland stood on the right side of the football. The night grew is back. Several steps, it seems to take directly to this free kick.

"Will you shoot directly, or tactically serve?" Before the Bayern gate, if Lin Yuan three pairs, the spiritual power is unlimited. He knows that the loud winds can be shot and pass, and the left and right feet are different, the general door will It is difficult to handle it.

So if Lin is very important to the free kick of the night, he constantly shouts his teammates, adjusts the position of the wall to achieve the best defensive effect.

At this time, the night length sweeping an eye, the people of Bayern. If the forest is indeed experienced, under his command, Bayern's people are almost sealing the angle of the night-lived direct shooting.

Because Bayern's players are very high, the people 's effect is very good.

It is also very difficult to go into the ball directly with a violent shot without arc, so that the probability of kicking the round moon bend in the right foot is greatly increased.

If the left foot of the suddenly changing the arc ball, if Lin is still more hope that the night is long and the wind is the right foot.

"The positioning ball is a good opportunity for Barcelona's goal. A few times a few positions, Barcelona created a lot of good opportunities. What would this time?" He Wei said the sound.

The referee blows the whistle, and directly dials the football directly on the right side of the football.

In the Wayern Wall, the little flying man rushed out in an instant, and wanted to fly the football directly.

But the speed of the night is much better than him, and the night grows forward, and directly opens the body.

The poker is in place, just creates an angle of shooting of the night long.

When the night length of the wind is instantly bent back, it is, it is a powerful left foot!

Is a ball into the soul! Violence with the left foot of the night, does not reason, is the amount of bailout and speed.

bass! Before the Bayern gate, Ji Lin made a judgment in an instant, flying, the right hand stretched out, the reaction speed quickly made all the career doors.

A loud rose, the direct vigor of the night, and there is no threat to Bayern's goal, if the forest is empty, the shells of football are trumed in Bayern defender Allaba. On the right shoulder.

Then I haven't waited for everyone to react, I will pop up the boundary.

"Oh!" The fans of Barcelona on the stage exclaimed.

Arabia fell to the ground, and his face was painful, he felt that his right shoulder had completely lost perception.

"It's so tight!" Dried Sharis in the back of Barcelona looked at the painful Araba, the next consciousness touched his right shoulder.

In the usual training in Barcelona, ​​Dried Sharis also didn't use the body to block the left foot of the night.

Often the results are both ball making, but they directly fell to the ground, and they were at least a few days in the body part of the .

"This is a shot. Is this a slag slag?" Many Chinese balls who were watching the ball could not hurt, and they were surprised at the foot of the night.

Liverpool ranked Risse, said that he would like to give the other player's injury, and the Bayern's Bayen Night Knight has also known as murder machines.

But compared with the night, the shoots of these two people are not so violent.

"Tailang, good!" The night grew in the shot was blocked, or the thumbs up rose the thumbs up.

Bayern's front position is good, Allaba is not afraid of blocking glow, and the shooting is blocked and there is no way.

2097, incredible save (third more)

"Allaba ... You are nothing?" Bayern's Ram is surrounded. ∈ ξ ξ ∈ ∈

"Do you want to call a doctor?" Xiao Junguo did not climb up in Araba, and asked some worried.

At this time, it was very similar to the African Liu Xing Abara, which was a famous Chinese actor. He stood up. He was brought to the right shoulder of the bombing pain, but after all, it was black and hard, Allah The Bar's tolerance is still very strong, and it is not necessary to lower the level of the treatment.

He just made a gesture on the team doctor who was rushing to the field, so that the doctor gave him some spray to the court again.

The game continues.

At this point, the high-level large people in several countries have exposed a surprised expression in the VIP seats in the dream theater.

Frequent body contacts and players on the court have become more and more fierce, which makes this super fast-paced Champions League finals, and the stadium is as similar to the true war, which makes people have to breathe.

And sitting in the most in front of the dream farm owner's Buddha is still in the face, there is no white chewing gum that has been chewed in the mouth, and his eyes have been locked in the night.

He is not only a super superstar's ability, but also its ability to match, this player is the best building cornerstone in the dream of Buddha.

Even if the Old Mer is not afraid to start the brain, if the Red Magium is brought to the old Triford, he will recruit something player to form a real invincible dream team.

On the court, Barcelona won the front game border.

The Pkairo runs outside the border, and the football throwing the staff begins to find someone.

At this time, Barcelona still only had a night-lived and Kali and Kresbo three in the frontcourt. It looks that Iron my heart gives up the offense of the water and rock, and in the backlight, the defense is strengthened, and there is no chance to fight against Bayern.

"Tailang, the ball is given to me!" At this time, he was guarded by Bayern Gener and Zeista, but he still squeezed two people and creating the space of the ball.

Parlary is relaxing, and the football will throw football to the night grow.

The night long wind is stopped, it is a slider turned, and the two defensive players will be behind.

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