The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1994 Chapter 1994 Chapter 1994

"Beautiful action!" He Wei couldn't help but praise.

However, after the night is turned, it is more Bayern players in front of him. Barcelona is obviously insufficient, and Bayern's players can be unscrupulous in the middle.

However, when Xiao Junguo and Robben were forced to grab night long, there were left and left abdomen before and after the night, just at this time, he was gently and then returned the football to the body, just entered the Tailang.

"What!" Gee and Zeista did not react at all. They did not expect night-long winds to pass football in such a narrow area.

This is the trust of his feet and teammates to reach the ultimate performance, and there is no reservation in the night.

From the night long-lasting world to the world of football, the two will play together, this tacit approach is difficult to describe the language.

"I came out, the Pkarang players ..." He Wei said that the voice did not fall.

Pugang welcomed football, directly poot, big feet, and he launched his body, followed by left football.

! The football suddenly spun, brushed the defensive player in the backfield in Bayern.

At this time, Bayern is found in the district, Take Calley and Kresbo will start, Bayern pays too much attention to the night, and the defensive power in the penalty area is obvious.

It is obvious that only Arabia and Rambo in Calley and Kresbo, and Ram's height is obvious, Barcelona actually creates a chance to create a chance in the event of only four in the front field.

"It is good, Tailang!" Like the cheetah accelerated Take Calley suddenly stopped in the cutting area, then the fish jumped.

Tightly followed Allaba with Calley, almost simultaneously jumped, I don't know if the right shoulder is still hidden, Alaba is not high enough, completely taken to compare half of the body. Bit.

"This time, I will not waste the opportunity again!" Take Calley also has a world's first striker, such an important game, such a key moment, he also wants to be the hero of Barcelona.

"Opportunity! The prestige of the Pkarang players found Take Kali, to shoot!" He Wei shouted.

However, at the moment of holding the Cali to defeat the Arabian head, he saw the movement of Linyuan tri-extreme speed in front of the door, and his hands were unfolded, and the dead stared at Take Calley.

Take Calley suddenly suddenly there is impossible to bombard the feeling of leaving the goal.

bass! At this time, Thali actually made an unexpectedly selected the header.

"Scorpio! He didn't shoot, take Calley to take football to the goal!" He Wei screamed.

Take the Calley This hesitation is to see a better Cresbo, and he lames the football.

At this time, Kresbo is a fish, the world's first side guard Ram is already struggling to put the Kres wave, but still slow.

After the head of Kali is just right, Crespo is almost empty, he has no reason to waste such a gift.

, under.

However, this moment is a moment of judgment. When the football wants to enter the goal, a blue lightning figure suddenly hit.

"It's not so easy!" It is a river that wears the blue door to put the jersey. If you don't know when you are crossing, the left hand has a strong force, it is actually used to get enough to the football.

"Is this also?" Kresbo's eyes were round.

However, this has not yet ended. Under the audience and the world's fans, the football of Johinden interference is actually playing on the right gate of the Bayern goal.

Duang's sound, the football rebounded is on the face of Kresbo, and finally the bottom line will be popped up.

If Lin Yuan three completed a nearly impossible magical saving, Kresbo was bored in front of the rebounded football, and the dizziness fell in front of Bayern.

"Actually ... didn't enter!" He Wei took a breath, he did not believe that human beings can do the ultimate reaction speed. If Lin Ji's action is like opening a shift gear in the game.

"Unbelievable save! St. Ju Lin Yuan three! He is our patriarid God, too exciting!" Side on the side of the audience jumped from Munich.

Look at the guests, the Prince Spanish prince is obvious, the German Prime Minister is eyebrow, can't help but be applauded.

2098 chapter, full line attack (fourth more)

"Ruin! Juyin! Ruin!" The whole Bayern fans began to be the name of Linyuan three, and there were very few goalkeeper members to enjoy such treatments in the Champions League. ■ Magazine ■

If Lin Yuan is not one, it is also a hundred years in football.

"It is a big popular world of the world. If Linyuan, this game is perfect. If there is no words, Bayern is likely to be directly knocked by the tactical mutation of Barcelon!" He Wei is also highly evaluated.

The off-site Bayern is very unsatisfactory, he is very exciting, and he rushed to his player, and the voice is completely hoarse, and it is still unfortunate.

On the other hand, Barcelona coach Fahar did not help but sigh, Just now, Barcelona is really chance.

If the head of Kresbo is pursuing a point, then Lin Yuan's three gods have only whipped.

However, there is no in the football field if, the sudden long-awaited killer of Barcelona makes the players of Bayern's players more vigilant.

It is very difficult to manufacture such a cooperation offensive opportunity with four attack lineups.

"Ruin!" The night's wind rushed back quickly, while glanceing in front of Bayern gate, put the football before going to the door, and prepared the Winyuan three of the ball door.

The night's stay is more expected to talk to the direct dialogue between the Night Sanmetan.

From the day from the European professional football, the night-long wants to hit the highest stage of Europe and the three passion of Linyuan three.

And the performance of Johinden has not made the night grow up, he is the world's first door.

Barcelona today's offense is much better than the semi-finals, just that the ball, change is called the first door of the world, and the night is not thinking that he can pounce.

Because Buffon is strong, the age is big, it is impossible to have such a god of Ruolin.

On the standstight of the old Trafford Stadium, Barcelona and Bayern's two camps of the fans did not stop, the game did not have dull because Barcelona posted the big bus, but it was more intense, which made the fans of the scene more more Passionate, I can't wait to play my own team to play.

On the court, the four-character tide of Barcelona will continue to put a large bus in their own half.

Originally, if I wanted to open the big feet, I had to push the football to the lam in the back.

Bayern's offense!

Quick counterattack can't be played, Bayern is advancing with the ground.

Barcelona is no longer in the front field, football is so fast, and the little flying man has stopped the football in the midfield, and then looked up with a half of Barcelona.

It is also a non-breathable iron bucket, the key is that the first line of defense of the iron barrel is not good.

People tend to be dumped by the night-catching attack capabilities, and it will ignore the ability to focus on defense when night.

Because of his body quality, the defensive area of ​​night long wind is very large, Barcelona is bareline to compress the defensive space, and the night grows can almost any time.

Once the first defense line of Barcelona has made a problem, he will make up, disconnect the opposition of the opponent.

Today, Xiaofen Robben is somewhat fear, especially if he is good at it, it does not play it.

Snapped! Snapped! Bayern continuously in Barcelona, ​​but these passions did not make sense, because there was no penetration, just passing through the defensive area of ​​Barcelona.

The first time in the official match, Barcelonabby's imagination is much tacit in Bayern players.

In fact, in order to prepare for the Champions League of Bayern, Barcelona has practiced a lot of tactics in front of the game.

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