The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1995 Chapter 1995 Chapter 1995

Who can think of hanging beautiful football in the mouth, not only to win, but also win beautiful as the core of the team to kick out such football.

This once again proved that the football of the world, no beautiful football, even if it is very unparalleled, it will be forgotten.

After the continuous reversing, She Shi Tower and Ge should try to pass the ball directly to the frontier of Barcelona, ​​so that Bayern's super front front line will take the ball.

But these passions were blocked by Barcelona players and kicked out the boundaries.

Bayern three big gods, can't get the ball, is three major waste.

At this time, the German Emperor Schneider and the Bai Night Knights are already an impatient look, especially Schneider, eyebrows, starting with their teammates, let Bayern's players press the whole line.

Gradually, all players of Bayern included the back of the anti-players who have passed the half of Barcelona. The two defense lines in Barcelona are constantly contracted back.

"Bayern players are pressing all lines, I didn't expect the rigorous German team to kick the Dutch team's full-attack pattern. It seems that Bayern is determined to break Barcelona before the end of the first half!" He Wei The voice just fell.

On the field, Bayern's middle guard Boateng received the back of Ram after just passing the middle line.

Boateng passed the football to Allaba, Bayern allocated, Bayern's line of defense immediately increased, and the overall capacity of Bayern was still stronger than Barcelona.

Alaba is not only defensive, but his assists is quite good.

At this time, Bayern's midfielder and the three strikes began to run Qi Qi, and Alaba had a straightforward, and the football was sent to the feet of Sheisa.

The female fans of Sheistripe on the stage were screaming again. Today, Xie Si Tower is not good, but his dead loyal fan is still very enthusiastic on the stage, every sage is screaming, and it is dedicated to Barcelona's fans have some dissatisfaction.

Snapped! Snapped! Bayern began to pass on the continuous feet in Barcelona, ​​which was actually kicked out of the fast delivery of Barcelona.

The two teams seem to be in a moment, and Bayern kicked out Barcelona's affairing the wind, and Barcelona became a defensive British team.

"Pay attention to the defense!" Landius shouted in front of the banquet, and he couldn't stand the constant impact of Bayern's three gods.

Especially the angry Schneider, keep looking into the body, doing defending his Landy and Dried Sharis are comparable.

It is necessary to know that German emperor Schneider can be the current second shot of the Champions League, second only to night long, his attack ability does not say more, and now it is a belly fire.

"Ball!" Schneider and Muller have a cross-run position in the frontcourt, and Lantio is hesitant. After Xiao Junguo, I gave a straight seater, and I immediately sent the football to Schneider's feet.

Barcelona's second defense has a great vulnerability under high pressure, and Schneider has a race in Marseille. After the ball, a turn is turned over completely behind Omei.

Like an angry golden cheetah, killing Barcelona!

PS: Suddenly, I am more sorry, I still don't want to give up! My story has not ended, and the story of night is not ended yet!

2099 chapter, steel-like will (first more)

"Breakthrough! Scorpio, German emperor Schneider broke Barcelona! Single knife ball!" He Wei glared over his eyes. Ζ

At this moment, the fans of Bayern are standing together, and many of the world's fans are holding their eyes, they don't dare to see.

"Come! Our superhero Schneider player, the strongest spear of German chariots!" German explained a climax.

"Not good!" At this time, Dried Sharis and others have not stopped completely accelerating Schneider.

Only Barcelona last barrier in front of Schneider, the steel door godmare!

The strongest striker and the strongest devotion of German, the two have been exercised for a hundred times when they exercise.

But there is no such thing as it is.

The stage of the European finals, the first half of the two teams can't open the last moment of the situation, Schnend won the single-knife ball that was difficult.

At this moment, the steel door godmare station in front of the door, and he did not attack the meaning. He learned that Schneider.

Schneider is all weapons, you can use any striker to go into the way, you want him to be almost impossible when he is in a single-handed ball.

At the critical moment, Miller chose his feet and sank it to the extreme, and the dead is guarded before the door.

Seeing that Ruo Yuan's anti-sky, the steel door god Miller is not willing, he wants to prove himself.

"There is me Miller, no one wants to go!" Miller screamed, and the golden light was surf.

"Actually, look at me!" Schneider saw Miller did not attack, and the inner anger is almost exploded.

"No one can block my footsteps, no one !!" Schneider ran wildly near the penalty point of Barcelona, ​​which immediately opened the body, and left the left foot.

"To shoot directly!" He Wei called a lot, and the eyes of the world gathered to Schneider.

"Super flame shot the ball!" Schneider brought to the king of anger, the left leg gathered in the power of the whole body.

This is the near-distance, such a large air file, the anger of the German emperor Schneider half a game.

At this moment, the night length and Schneider, who stands in the top of the midfield, just a line, and in the sight of the night, all everything disappears.

Around the universe star, but the football in the Schneider is like a huge planet suddenly exploded, and almost solidified into a liquid-moving fire column exploded, straight to the steel door god.

There is no angle, there is no rotation on football!

What is the emperor?

Despise everything is the king!

Laozi is to go forward to go forward, bring everyone people in Barcelon to the ball door, no one can stop me, I am the world!

Angry-ultrasound Schneid puts everything into this unreasonable domineering ball.

At this moment, the time is in the Miller's eyes as if stopped, and his eyes are suddenly contracted.

He has guessed that Schneider will use his stunned flames, but he did not expect Schneider's flame shot to reach so power.

In addition to night-long wind, Miller has never seen this power of this force.

The most important thing is that Schneider's shooting distance is too close, nearby, is less than ten meters from the goal.

"Breast, I dare to ignore me!" Millerbi still has a stagger.

Schneider's linear shot showed that it is necessary to take Miller to take the ball into the ball door, so insult, how can the steel gods can bear!

On the fire column explosion, Miller's right foot, and he was bleached.

On the side of the limit, it is a giant of anger to the boiling.

The two power gathered in front of Barcelonia, and the camera is not reacted.

A loud huge rumor, Miller put the Schneider's super flames shot directly into the bear, the collision sparks splash, and took a shining in front of Barcelon.

"Miller, block it!" Barcelona worked.

At this time, Miller only felt that the chest was hit by the hammer. The whole body was tumbling, and the wind brought by the football side of him was blown to the ball of Barcelona.

"Scorpio, blocked?" He Wei is incredible.

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