The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2001 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The night long-term speed has opened three major stares of his stars. Xiao Junguang responded very fast, and it is directly to push the shovel directly.

However, at this time, the night's long wind suddenly jumped, he did not wait for football to land, and the football was clamped in the air and the right foot, and immediately hook it back.

Aerial rainbow!

Xiao Jun is glanced at the football, flying from his feet, crossing the back and head of the night, flying to the front of the night.

"Overhab! Perfect air dodge action, Barcelona war has invincible for the ball!" He Wei blows the night.

In the moment, the football is also in his chest position.

At this time, African Liu Xing Alaba suddenly appeared in front of the night length, and he hits the night long wind, ready to lose balance at night.

However, the night's wind does not have dodge, watching the black and hard Arab rush, there is no meaning of avoiding.

The sound of the muscle collision made a dull sound.

"Can be evil!" Araba found himself completely hit the night, but it was bounced.

"Don't self-temperate!" Night live wind did not pay attention to Arab, chest forward, put football forward, right foot, ready to pass Allaba.

As long as the night's wind breaks through Allaba, it will break through the front of the disabled zone, which is the highest efficiency.

"Blocking him!" Ju Lin yelled in front of Bayern.

After Araba was over, the lower consciousness reached back, directly pulled the jersey behind the night.

It's awkward, the night's jersey is broken by African Liu Xing!

! ! ! Night-length wind is going to shoot, the referee whistle sounds.

"I kao! I have a mistake, I am atteling now!" The night is only stopped, very unhappy looks at the referee running.

The referee did not hesitate to give Alba, a yellow card, and sentenced Arabra people's foul, Barcelona won a free kick.

"It's a foul! It's a pity, this kind of referee does not blow, the night long player has the opportunity to go all the game!" He Wei sighed.



"You can't stop it quickly!" The old Trafford Stadium saw a caching, and the Barcelona fans rushed to Alba and called again.

Free kick in front!

After the night grows and the Yaro and the Ine three are standing in the football, most of the players of Bayern, including the striker back to their own halfway.

There was only a German emperor Schneider, if the ball was blocked, and it was clear that Bayern will directly launch a counterattack.

Therefore, several people in Barcelona did not dare to press all, and only two strikers in Bayern were banned and the dried players were high.

"This location, the long wind will use the right foot!" If Lin Yuan's three spirits are highly concentrated, he looks at the football on the left side of the stadium, just about the position of the large-proof zone, just suitable for the night long-term wind and moon bending knife. Play.

"The frontcourt positioning ball! In the case of passive situation, Barcelona's positioning ball will be critical! This will take some penalty, this location should shoot directly, it is unlikely to be tactical positioning ball!" He Wei analyzed in the unconpected stage.

At this time, the night is a few words, and the two have repeatedly withdrawn from this half.

It is obvious that this ball is shot directly from the night long!

! With the referee whistle, Bayern Cast, Dried Sharis and Take Cali and others began to move, interfere with Bayern defensive players.

In order to keep the ball door loss, this time even if the forest also allows two players to stand in the left and right gates, help defense.

call! At this time, the night length shielded a sigh of relief, looked at the Barcelin, the golden light of the night, soared, followed by a step, the body immediately became the bow.

Step, stretch, swing, pick up the ball! All the winds all the movements are all in a good!

God-level moon bend knife is born!

! The football immediately exploded, whose whistled rotation wiped Robben's scalp.

Robben scared the scalp, this goal is in the head of Robben, non-headed blood flow cannot be.

"It's the upper right!" The football fell in the air, and if the forest almost confirmed the goal of the night.

However, when Lin has just moved a step-by-step moment, he was cheated!

The football draws a strange arc in the air, which is extremely speed-to-speed to rotate the upper left corner of the ball!

Chapter 2106, the strongest history (fourth more)

"Not good!" Ju Lin entered his body and jumped in an extremely awkward posture. ㄨ ㄨ ≦ ≦ ㄨ ㄨ

"Too slow!" If Lin knead, the football with whistled rotation flew directly from him, and the angle of this rotation is too big and continues to accelerate, with a posture such as Yulin, even if you can And you can't force it, let alone put the ball out of the goal.

"Anti-speed cannon!" However, in Barcelona, ​​a tall figure stands before the Bayern's left door column, he issued a roar of the earth.

That's right! Is China Dragon God Xiao Junguang!

Xiao Junzhao is in the right foot, and the night cost is made in the same posture, and then the foot is on the football whistling.

bass! A golden light rushed to the sky in Bayern, and the dazzling light put Manchester's night sky gorgeous.

One unprecedented five-jaw dragon instantly runs through the entire fantasy theater.

Night live winds have come back and look back, Barcelonged steel gods have no response, waiting for everyone to come, when the light is exhausted.

The golden gradually faded football came from Bayern's door to Barcelona's goal, and he still bounced.

The strongest reaction to the history of the ultimate race cannon blooms in the Champions League Finals!

twenty one!

Xiao Junguang used reaction to speed up the speed of the moon bending knife, Bayern opened two goals in the second half, and the score was over.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable!" The United States said three incredible.

The whole game, no, the fans of Bayern all over the world are in the unlimited ecstatic!

"Scorpio! The stunt of China's dragon god shocked the world! People often relish the God of War, and there is still a giant genius on mainland China, and Xiao Junguang players will pay a price. Barcelona is no exception! "Said the commentary of He Wei.

Two Chinese players change the situation on the highest professional stage in Europe, and He Wei feels very glory.

"A Xiao!" Night lived on Xiao Junguang in front of Bayern door, looking like a knife.

"Changfeng! I have never given up the footsteps of catching up!" Xiao Junshi didn't fear the night-to-face, and respect the night's long-standing a military ceremony.

This time, the young fans on Barcelona, ​​who won't think of how long the second half is started, and the situation of the game will come so fast.

And Bayern achieved the lead, Barcelona's tactics will not break.

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