The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2002 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Barcelona wants to pull back the competition, must be dispatched!

"Dry! Xiao!" The offers of Bayern coach were excited to run more than ten meters, and more excited than Xiao Junguang.

Bayern players also ran to the door one by one, and Xiao Jun was celebrated.

On the Taik VIP, the German Prime Minister's face laughed like a chrysanthemum, the Prince Spanish is constantly shocked.

"It's a wonderful game!" Even the British queen began to applaud, although she couldn't understand football, but also felt the high level of the game, absolutely unprecedented.

In fact, this Champions League game, the most people are the attack between Barcelona and Liverpool, and the goal is constantly moving, and a shot is a wonderful than one.

However, the first 50 minutes of the European finals did not infer the scene of the Red Army and Barcelona, ​​but also fully improved more than one grade in the skills and player's competitive level and the rhythm of the game.

"I swear this is the most exciting Champions League final, but I regret that Barcelona will fall into absolute passive. Barcelona seems to have lost the magic of the first half. Can he be like the past?" He Wei is Xiao Junguang's goal is happy and worried about the situation in Barcelona.

"God of War! God! God!" When the team was the most passive, Barcelona in Barcelona, ​​started to call the name of the night, and they rang the men who saved the team.

There are also part of Barcelona's death fans who think of a uncomfortable King of Barcelona in the replacement, and also began to secretly call the Name of Wall.

"Fatsale coach, no longer wait!" Li Warli stood up, anxious.

"You go to warm up!" Faisur took a lie back.

"Oh? Barcelona Top 10 Lee Wall player began to warm up, Fatsale coaches appear to be argued!" He Wei noticed the action of Le War.

At this moment, the winning balance begins to tilting this party to Bayern.

After a calm and passionate German team often occupies the upper wind, it is difficult to be turned over, and there is still the king of Europe.

Old Trafford Stadium, perhaps the only person who is also optimistic about Barcelona to reverse the situation is the Buddha of the VIP.


"There is nothing to say, fully attack! We must never fall!" The night's wind shouted in Parcers.

"Yes, the captain!" Barcelona nodded.

In this situation, Barcelona has not retired, but it is better to fight a new situation.

! With the whistle of the referee, the night-catching wind puts the football in the middle line to the Lamdius behind.

The first half of Lanti took the ball for the first time to break through Bayern, and the Barcelona players can be said to be a happening, all of the Bayern's half.

"The whole line offensive! Barcelona wants to reverse!" He Wei has tense his fist.

Bayern's players are from prosperous, they don't fear, and the needle tip to the mele of Mai Mang.

There will be no hesitations or feet in this moment.

On the field, Xiao Junguo just goes forward, followed the front-in-one night, inch.

The midfielder Robben and Sheisa began to force the Landius, and Bayern did not relax to the Barcelonaret players forced the Barcenger's players because of the score.

This is a signal, Bayern wants to take this momentum like a chance, a wave of Barcelona, ​​and income the Champions League Ear Cup. .

It's good to be in the Battle of Langdius, and this scene is also not awkward. He turns back and pulls the ball, then push it, passes the football to Oimi check it by side.

Barcelona is dispatched, and the attack is much easier than before.

The so-called smart woman is difficult to be no rice, no offensive, Barcelona will not kick it.

At a critical moment, Barcelona players finally recovered, and Barcelona traditionally played.

Bayern players can never break the ball at the foot of Barcelona players, and Barcelona's ball ball finally started a little bit ...

2107 chapter, single-handed ball (first more)

"Barcelona! Barcelona! Barcelona!" On the stage, the Barcelona fans in the world began to high shun Basacea, and Barcelona's attack has never disappointed. ∠ ∠ ± ± ± ± ∠

On the field, Omi surveted the football or along the racket right away, and a big step.

The focus of this game Bayern is in the middle of the night, and the defense of the two sides is not so strict.

Omei checked the ball and ranant to dozens of meters to the right side of Bayern's bigby zone.

"I want to have to go!" Ram called the world's first side guards, fishing in Omei, directly, it is directly split, and the action is fast.

At this time, the Omi checked the ball, and one did not control it, and the Baro took the border directly by Ram, and he was hit by Ram to have some lost balance, almost fell to the ground.

Barcelona won the border ball in the frontcourt.

Omi check the defensive defensive defensive in Ram, two people, squirting trash, but unfortunately, the two people are unreasonable, no one knows what the other party is saying.

"Bayern's latter line is really stable, it is the only European team in this season. Barcelona is outside the world, I don't know who will handle it?" He Wei said the sound.

After the night long-smoked, the night long-distance staring at the scene, picked up the football of the officers, gave a high height, ready to throw-bound outside.

At this time, Barcelona's frontcourts flocked to Bayern's large restricted area, but no one in the night length of the wind.

"What do they want to do?" Ram facing doubt.

"Staring at them!" If Lin is shouting in front of his teammates, he faintly felt that Barcelona had special interface tactics.


The night-length wind sweeps a big banner of Bayern, took Calley and Kresbo, including Dried Sharis three actively killed the disabling zone.

Bayern's players also went back to the command of Johinde, just sticked to Barcelona players.

! At this time, the night cost is handshake, and the football in his hand is immediately deformed.

Then, the night length wind retreats two steps, then a front span, the body bent into a long bow, the waist force is out of the moment.

Hello, the night cost is hitting the football, just like a stone machine, throwing football to Bayern's big banquet.

"Scorpio, actually throw so high!" He Wei and the audience were shocked.

The football throws at night is like a shellflows to fly to the far end of Bayern.

There are also many worldwear to thrown the ball into the attack on the opposition area of ​​the opponent, which needs to throw the ball with a strong arm.

However, there is no chance and distance such as night long wind, just like a free kick with a feet.

"Opportunity!" He Wei suddenly fell in the air, and there was a strong rotation.

At this time, Bayern's big ban in Arabia and Boateng and Ram have a few high in the body to block Barcelona.

However, a blue purple lightning figure is ignored!

Is Landios!

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