The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2011

Chapter 2116, no time (second more)

"Surficing!" He Wei called. - -

At this time, if Lin Yu, the melting ball actually leapped the audience, and the magical warrior Muller Muller was removed by Barcelona.

"This is too god, the sunshine ball under high pressure is actually transmitted to the feet of the front field!" He is shocked and widened.

Old Telford Stadium is watching the stage, Bayern's fans immediately cheered, and the opportunity of Bayern.

At this time, Bayern is only in front of Muller in front, while the three major guards such as Barcelona, ​​Dried Sharis are all in the district.

Muller left the football, which is directly turned away.

Without any adjustment, Bayern's front-level offensive personnel, Muller decisive choice directly in front of Barcelona to turn to the extract.

"Direct shooting!" He Wei was shocked.

! Everyone is expected that Muller's shooting directly plays, highlights the beams of the Barcelona horses, and it is really a little outrageous.

This is not like the football that Muller, one of the world's top strikes, but he happened.

"Hey!" The Bayern fans on the stage exclaimed.

"All Warriors Muller are too nervous, is he physically weak?" He Wei was also a bit surprised.

"Thank Miller players to send it to a high-altitude plane for the world's fans!" Turning his head, He Wei ridiculed a Muller's high-tech gun, he also wanted to ease his nervous emotions.

"Damn!" The offers of Bayern, the mainstry of Field hated hated, Muller's shot was really lost, he had some regrets did not put the German emperor Schneider top in front.

On the field, the steel door godmare turned from the football that was thrown from the field staff, followed by directly using the foot, passed the football to the backfinder.

The overtime is divided into the second half, fifteen minutes, time is still very tight, a little waste, suddenly the past.

Snapped! Langdius stopped Miller's direct ball and looked up at the midfield position.

At this time, Lis Wal and Night Large wind are in the middle of the game. China Dragon God Shang Jun is still dead, and it is dead.

However, the night-catching wind did not pay attention to Xiao Junguang, but ran out to show the ball.

! A long biography of Langdi picked the football talried and shifted to the middle of the field.

Langdio knows that even if the night's wind is stared very dead, as long as you pass the empty ball, you can grab the football.

Sure enough, the midfield position, night length and Xiao Jungua also jumped at the same time.

At this point, the night length of the blood in the combustion is abundant, and Xiao Junguo has been exhausted by a fight with nightly wind.

The night long is not jumped, easily relying on Xiao Junguang, giving the football to Li Wah.

Lee Wall is a god of gods, giving a football forward.

The night long-lasting wind is a shaft in Xiao Junguang, instantly turned around Axha, re-control the ball.

"Beautiful cooperation!" He Wei sighed.

The moment when the night is once again taken, and Bayern players immediately came over.

The other players in Barcelona did not play forward. First, because the coach arrangement should strengthen the defense, the other is that they also don't move.

It is very reluctant to make the movement of Lai Wal to make a pass. It is very unrealistic to make a contribution to the Warli.

In other words, the night-catching wind is only attacked by the power of oneself.

At this time, the two major midfielders of Bayern, Robben and Super Mario Gg strategy two left one right front front wind.

It can be seen from the eyes of the two people that they will block the night's footsteps at all costs.

! At this time, the night is suddenly left and right, and the feet are like a lotus.

Is a super bicycle step!

The game at night, the first time, the bicycle step is the strongest level of the amplitude and frequency.

Robben and Gee should sway the eyes of the night long!

Taking advantage of the two people, the night length of the wind suddenly moved forward, then the whole body muscles were pulled up.


The night long-lived is hard to squeeze from the middle of the two people!

The combination of techniques and strength, the full-length wind is full of technology and superior skills.

"Beautiful continuous action, the God of War is speed!" He Wei stood up.

On the stage, Barcelona's fans began to be crazy for the night, and the countless time, the night long winds often rely on personal abilities, and this time, of course, all of the Barcelona fans are expected.

"Bay guy, this time is also you!" At this time, the night's wind felt a fierce momentum of the body.

Don't look back, just listen to the sound and feel, the night's wind is to know the German emperor Schneider back to prevent.

Schneider rushed all the way, after chasing the night, and fell directly to intercept the football of the night's feet from behind.

At the same time, before the night length, the white night knight is suddenly killed, and the shovel is directly inverted, and the target directly refers to the support of the night.

The two of the two fell, the movements were very fierce, and it was exactly to waste the feelings of the night.

"If you want to hurt me too?" The night grew in the eyes and did not precaution, in the high speed movement.

The night long-lasting feet suddenly laminated the football, followed by the night, suddenly turned right, the whole person's footsteps is very gorgeous.

A golden aperture rose at night long-lasting, and dyes the night long body into a golden.

"What!" Li Yun and Schneider were shocked, and the night's wind suddenly disappeared from their pinch.

The golden football like that rotated to the night length of the body was pulled by a lot of power, and it turned around a circle back to the night of the night.

Goddess Ice Wangzi footsteps!

Even the five major superstars!

Barcelona will open no solution again!

"Over the past! He killed the big ban!" He Wei excited.

When the night long, step into the big ban, and the three big guards of Bayern were surrounded.

The black and hard abbala, the beast Batang, and the body is short but the fierce Ram, and the three world-class defenders use a triangular formation to surround the night.

It looks that the night is only the space and angle of the ball, but there is no Barcelona player behind him.

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