The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2012 Chapter 2012 Chapter 2012

The nearest pool of the night is the nearest, and Xiao Junguo, was stared at the back.

However, in this moment, the night is suddenly the back, followed by the left foot, followed the football, followed by the foot, the body is dancing and average!

The wind turns around!

All the winds of the night are all the action, and the actions of thousands of hammers do not have a waste and hesitate.

Bayern three defenders only felt a windy wind, and passed directly from their side.

The wind is unable to stop!

In the first half of the overtime, the night-long wind took a good line of Bayern.

Only in front of him is left to Guardian - Ju Lin Yuan three!

Chapter 2117, Champions League (third)

At this moment, the entire Barcelona fans stand up, and the hearts of Bayern's fans are giving up, and the eyes around the world aggregate. ≌ ≌ ≯ ≯ ≯ ≌ ≌

The night length of the body is the football that automatically rotates back, and there is a river.

The stunning eyes of the two are gathered in an instant, and the night-long's air flashed in the world. After the football teenager, and all the pictures of the opponent.

"Changfeng!" Johinde shouted without any scruple to rush to the night.

"Source three!" Night live wind responded to Johinde's screaming, full body cells jumped in an instant.

! In the instant of the two people, the night length wind shadow flashed, and the seven octaves were separated in the same place. From the perspective of overlooking, it was like a lotus bloom.

"Ah!" If Lin Yilu shake, the whole person jumped, his eyes firmly pounced the residual shadow of the right night.

However, in the next moment, if the biphocyte pupils suddenly contracted, he flocked, and heavy in the ground.

All the remaining shadows of the night are broken instantly, and the real body of the night-long wind is not moving at all, but stopped the football near the point in the point.

"Finished!" The heart of the Bayern player was tight.

Dang! Nothing does not have any hesitation, the left foot is launched, the football flew over the body of Yulin, and I fill in the right upper right corner of the Bayern goal!

"GoAllllllllLLLLLLLL!" The explanation of Barcelona is completely crazy.

"Hey!" The entire old Trafford Stadium instantly exploded boiling.

Golden balls do not kill!

Night costles have completed incredible expressions, he kills nearly invincible Bayern Munich!

"Perfect! My God, he didn't kill Bayern! The four happiness, there is no big four happiness before the Champions League final! I am doing a dream?" He Wei on the hall is also crazy.

After the goal, the night long wind expands the arms, domineering rushing to the corner.

Barcelona fans in the world boil this moment, Spain, China ... The Barcelona fans around the world also jumped again, and they witnessed that perhaps the greatest moment in the history of football.

Barcelona is overwhelming, the Champions League is unbeaten, and Bayern is swallowing the only defeat this season and suddenly died.

All this is too legendary, too dramatic!

At this point, Bayern replaces everyone, including the coach Field is sitting on the ground.

Barcelona is rushing into the stadium, rushing to the night growing wind in the corner, all people are ecstasy.

All the cameramen outside the scene squatted toward the corner of the corner, and the flash flashed.

Night windy winds in crazy flash, expand the arms, the scenes of the scene surround the night long.

At this moment, it seems that the world is on the foot of the Barcelona!

"Changfeng, you have done it!" Yaro glared directly on the back of the night.

Barcelona is all rushing, crazy stacking Rohan, putting the night long wind pressure.

The carnival of Barcelona fans around the world began, they waiting for this Champions League championship for a long time.

Old Telford Stadium is also a laughter, and the British Queen congratulated the Prince of Spain, German Prime Minister Ironmad was generous to the prince.

The Prince Spanish laughed, and the whole people were excited to fly.

"I must bring him to Old Tranford!" The VIP is still chewing chewing gum. He is looking like a lounge that is pressed down by everyone.

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!"

"God of War! God of War! God!" The cheers of the tsunami of the audience ended.

Night wind finally conquered this dream!

Barcelona European crown!

At this moment, the explanation of He Wei is already tears. He started to witness the growth of night long from the World Youth Invitational Tournament.

Night winds only used the most peak of European professional football, and also broke a long history in various football history.

Night long wind almost brought Barceara to the throne of Europe.

"The Champions League 28 gold-like goals, 13 perfect assists, Barcelona god night long wind is the world's first person! I have been witnessing the great birth at the scene, the audience friends, this is just one Start, the legend is still going! China will never be the desert of football! "He Wei is very emotional.

"Changfeng, I lost again! I am in oral!" At this time, if Lin Yuan's thirty is running over to the night growth, the two finals play the best players.

"Source III, the future is you!" The night was laughing and smiled and took the shoulders of Lin Yuan three, and did not say more.

Football is always only one winner, and there is only one champion.

Tonight, the night-hearted people and the people of Barcelona did not leave, but handled his hand to the fans of Barcelona. Thank you, the atmosphere of the scene is quite good, Barcelona fans don't leave, they have to witness Barcelona Punch moment.

After half an hour, the Chairman of the FIFA paid the Champions League Best Player and the Best Shot of the two most important trophies to the night cost.

Two hands in the night, each raised a trophy, greeted the entire Barcelona fans to worship and cheers.

Finally, all Barcelona players and coaches and staff are standing on the award. The Chairman of the FIFA will symbolize the highest European St. Bellet Cup to the night cost.

A squirrel, the organizing committee began to bloom in the night sky of Manchester.

In the cheers of the world's fans, the night grows high and raises the St. Bellet Cup, and the hands are constantly shaking.

The classic moment will be destined to be loaded into the football history book, and the permanent stay in Barcelona is deep in the memory of the fans.

The European champion, Barcelona, ​​which continued to maintain the golden body in this season, defeated the Red Mensian, Blue Moon Man City, A special Heroes, Rome, Red Army Liverpool, Arma, Serie A, Juventus, and this season's invincible German giant Bayern Munich.

Barcelona can say that it is a well-deserved champion, and the golden content of the championship is almost the most history of history.

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