The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Chapter Chapter 2019

The football said that the end of the eleventh person, even if the night, the wind and Xiao Junguang are the world's top player, but other players in China have not reached the top career level in Europe.

Especially at the door, the Chinese national team is currently the exhibition angle of Wang Dalei just exhibited in the second-level league in Europe this season, and the top of Asia is calculated, but in the world, it is not available.

The most famous in other positions is Yang Chen and Sun Jihai.

Yang Chen is joining the 1864 of Germany in this season, calculating a main replacement player, and he does have the potential of world-class super substitute.

In addition, the Sun Jihai on the latter defense line, Sun Jihai rented Manchester City from the Chinese Club in this season, in Mado, many games, and also entered the three Yingpei goals, and called the Chinese sun by Manchester City.

Other Chinese national team players have a good play in this season, but they still have a very far from the world.

These things are very understandable, and he usually pays attention to the current national team players, and will give them some football through the call from time to time.

Night long winds and many times and national team current coach Juns discussed how to let the Chinese team can go as far as possible on the Korean World Cup.

Junas said that it is necessary to kick the Chinese team as much as possible, rather than single alignment of night, and Xiao Junguang.

Night wind also agrees with Juns's statement, but the night's hard work knows that China national team is impossible to compare with Europe and South American football.

He has a ruler in the European professional football, but the night grows still needs to further enhance the rule of itself on the football field.

If you use the night, I am the strongest, but I have to become stronger!

Night-catching wind turns to the number of five lottery acquisitions, no lucky prize for a long time, and the night floating fumes.

"Superning system! Start a lottery!" Night wind called out the lucky draw system.

"Yes! Master!" The supernatural system is still cold.

The huge transparent disc appeared again in the top of the night length, and the night's wind immediately swept all the awards.

"CAO! How did this a lottery system so much!" The night did not help but burst.

The award on the disk is few and the last time is almost, many of the skills, the night growers can do it, can be said to be the most pit in history.

"Forget! System, turn off the lottery system!" The night grewer waved, he didn't want to waste the lottery on these awards for his strength without any enhancement.

The night long wind faintly felt it, and he grew too fast in the world of football, and the superhen system limits the benefits of night long-lasting lottery.

"It seems that only the main striking skills I already have!" Night wind turned his attention to the skill bar on the attribute list.

At present, the night-catching wind has two gods skills, one is a round moon bend knife, and the other is the footsteps of Ice.

Other stunts are almost all masters, and they want to be improved in a short time, and it is impossible.

Although it is only one step from the master to God, although there is only one step away from the god, it is necessary to comprehend the lives on the court.

Night winds have no time to comprehend the opportunity to go to the court, he wants to use the lottery.

After a closer look, after a long time in the night, I will directly say: "The system, the number of lottery is used to enhance my ball, the diving boat, the defense, there is the three skills of the dawn goddess!"

"Yes! Master! Three skills can be upgraded to God level, need to consume three draws, whether it is determined to improve?" The system suddenly popped up a transparent dialog box in front of the night length.

Night-length wind decisive is that he originally thought that it would consume more lottery, and did not expect three times.

bass! bass! bass! At this time, the three golden light flashed from the night length, and the skill column was selected, and the next time was upgraded to the god level.

In fact, the number of lottery numbers to upgrade to the god level needs, but the skills of night long selection are almost all reached the critical point of the upgrade, so the number of lottery consumed is less.

"Very good! That's it!" Looking at your lottery has become 2 times since 5 times, the night long is long, he originally intended to leave the five lottery times in the next world.

However, in order to ensure that he is in the World Cup stage, the night length is still selected to consume three lottery times to further enhance its strength.

Then, the night length sweeps your own attribute value for a long time.

The level of night, the long wind has become the peak level of the god of the football. He has not paid attention for a long time, and he has not thought of it is full.

In addition, the nights of the night, including the comprehensive capacity value, which is burst, almost about 300.

The lowest attribute value is 289, which can be said to be a hanging all-round warrior.

"I don't know how much I have to lead than other top superstars." There is no way to explore the values ​​of other players, and it is not good.

However, the night long wind himself feels similar to the player like Thali, with a comprehensive capacity value of at least 200 or more.

If Lin Yuan three's two doors are likely to achieve a horizontal level of 300.

"That's it!" Turned off your own attribute list, and the night cost lie on the ceiling of the top of the head. "Tomorrow can finally return to China ..."

Not long after, the night grows into the dream.

2125 chapter, World Cup group (third more)

Next day. § § § §

At night, I took a private airplane to Shanghai International Airport in the morning. He allowed the broker to have a small media interview with almost all media interviews, including the fixed interview in Barcelona Club.

Even the parade and celebration feasts of Barcelona have not participated.

The opening of the Korean World Cup is only a month, and the night is not wasting valuable time on these things.

Moreover, the closure training of the Chinese national team has begun. Only the two major mains of the night, Xiao Junguo have not arrived at the Shanghai Training Base specialized in the Football Association.

"Night! You are finally here!" Night Changfeng Just now airport special channels came out, and the Chinese national team coach Yuns greeted.

"Out, I haven't seen it for a long time!" The night is laughing and hugging with Yuns, and then asked, "A Xiao, did the kid have not yet arrived?"

"Xiao said that he will arrive in the afternoon, it is not a private special plane as you are with your kid!" Yuns smiled brightly, and the night grew is returned to the country in advance, and Yuns suddenly worried.

"Haha, is it? I know that I will first fly to Germany!" Night hard haha ​​laughed, and immediately took the car and rushed to the training base.

Shanghai closed training base.

The news of the night-long returning country has no one knows, so when the night grows in the training base, the Chinese national team is training the players who are training are both surprised and delight.

"Captain, you are back!" The most exciting thing is Wang Zhongming.

"Zhongming, your kid's foot is getting thinner, good! Yes!" Night Changfeng has just read the training competition in the Chinese team.

It turned out that in the Chinese national team is the current foots of Wang Zhongming, the current footprints of the foot and technology, and there is a feeling of a South American player.

And the highest flying body is much more strong than before, saying that China Ib is not too much.

There is also a midfielder core player Wu Junren, and the style of playing the ball is also more and more popular.

In addition, Ma Mingyu, Shao Jiayi and Hao Haidong have grown a lot, they are all playing in the European sub-league, growing fast.

"Captain!" The Chinese team came up.

This time I saw the night's wind and different year ago.

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