The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Chao Shi Chapter 2020

A year ago, the night's wind was selected from tens of thousands of people. At that time, the night's long wind was still a unknown generation.

Nowadays, the night is the world's football, and the first person is recognized in the football.

All people in the Chinese team have seen the feelings of the super superstar. Of course, they found that night lengthy winds did not differ, and there was no so-called superstar shelf.

And it is already the world's top stars, and the night is long, the training is the biggest one in the team.

The requirements for young players in the team are getting stringent, and it is the second coach of the team.

"Out," The situation is better than I imagined! "After the training of the day, the night-long wind came to the coach office and Yutas discussed.

"Oh, of course! When you put a lot of color in the European football, these young men are not idle, they are also working hard, China is so big, not only your kid is alone!" Junz smiled Reply.

"The Korean World Cup group came out tonight." The night grewer opened the office of the office, and the picture was just CCTV in the lottery ceremony of the World Cup.

"Yes, it is today! You don't say that I have forgotten it. The recent busy team is so crazy." Juns hurriedly concentrated on the TV screen in front of the TV.

After half an hour, the lengthy lottery ceremony was over.

Nature of Night Wind and Ejuse is naturally a group of Chinese teams.

This time the Chinese team's luck can be said to be quite bad, it is divided into group C, the same group has the Netherlands, and Argentina has Nigeria.

This group is an absolute death group of the World Cup.

Although the Dutch team has never won the World Cup champion, it has always been a sorghum king, and the offensive ability is very powerful.

Argentina said more, one of the south of South America, I have won the World Cup championship twice.

The weakest Nigeria, known as the African eagle, the overall ball is extremely aggressive, and the strength is not to be underestimated.

The Chinese team can be said to be a poor luck in such a group.

This will be like this, mainly because of the rules of the group's group of groups, the Chinese team is divided into the fourth team, and the Netherlands will be poor in this year, and it is divided into the second gear.

Nigeria is a third team, so there will be such a death team.

In addition, the night's wind also pays special attention to Japan and Brazil, and the two opponents who are more concerned with Germany.

The Japanese team is lucky, they are divided into h group, the same group has Belgium, Russia and Tunisia.

This H group was the weaker group of Han Japan World Cups.

In addition, the five-star Brazil is in group B in Turkey, Costa Nika and South Africa, and is also a relatively weak group.

Brazil and Japan's lineups of the national team, the team should not have any problems.

Finally, Germany, Germany was divided into E group, the same group of Saudi, Ireland, and Cameroon, including the strength of Ireland, and the other two teams belong to the role of accompanying the book.

"Why do I have so good every time?" The night is only bitter.

When the World Youth Invitational Tournament, the Chinese youth army was divided into death groups, and when the night grows in Barcelona, ​​the Champions League group was a group of death.

Now that the World Cup, the Chinese team led by the night is also divided into a group of absolute deaths.

Night winds and even think this is a superhen system in the ghost.

"Well! It doesn't matter. Anyway, the target is only the final championship, and everyone is all the same!" Night wind did not think too much, turned around, Juns' old face is completely black.

"Out, you don't use it so nervous!" The night didn't help but said.

"Night! This group is too unfavorable." Youhus brow wrinkled. "I think this may be Koreans in the ghost!"

"Korean?" When the night is very windy, when I remember the World Cup Budget, the Korean team is almost the referee to enter the World Cup.

Take a look at the World Cup group of the Korean team, it is clearly the fourth team, and the group of South Koreas is almost the same, the opponent is not strong.

"These cords will also play these patterns, bored!" Although there is no way to determine whether Koreans have no ghosts, the Korean bribe referee is already secretly secret.

2126 chapter, winning the top (fourth more)

"Out, you don't have to worry! We are not what the fourth team is, even if the Netherlands and Argentina are, it will not be able to win!" The night long face has a look, and it is said. Ψ Magazine ψ

"Ah! I almost forgot, we have the first player of the world, this year will let the opponent's headache!" Juns nodded.

The group is indeed very disadvantageous, but the group match is too weak, and there is no benefit to the knockout.

Just like the World Youth Invitational Tournament, the Chinese Youth Team has passed the death team, and the state in the knockout is getting better and better.

The group competition is not a good thing.

The next day, the news of the World Cup group was swept throughout the world, and of course, China also included China.

The Chinese fans who have only been visiting can only be the visor this year, and it can be cheered for his home team.

And the World Cup is held in Asia, South Korea is very close to China. Many fans are trying to seek the game tickets for the Chinese team. I want to witness history on the scene.

After the group, the death team in the Chinese team is of course the most eye-catching.

Many media so-called experts do not look at the Chinese team in the form of the group, because the opponent of the group is too strong.

The largest sport magazine in China, the world's national team has set a goal to the Chinese national team.

Great Sheng Nija, a flat, small and paroline, and the second place in the group hand in the Argentine national team.

"What a shit!" Night-length wind passed Wang Zhongming's magazine, and he did not play.

The night-catching wind has already released the World Cup to win the championship, and if the group is called to kick this, it is better not to kick it.

Forcing the level, it will be went out, and it will be went out. Before, this so-called magic curse made Chinese national football, in fact, it should not be pursued.

That's on football field, the pursuit can only be a thing, victory!

There is no failure in the dictionary of the night, and even the chaliney is unbearable.

"These reporters don't understand anything, they will write to TM will be wrote!" The night grew forward to give Wang Zhongming, "Zhongming, this kind of thing should not take it to me!"

"Hey!" Wang Zhongming nodded, he did not think that the night grows so angry.

Wang Zhongming originally wanted to open the night's world cup to win the popularity of the World Cup in the magazine.

The most optimistic is of course a football kingdom, five-star Brazil.

Brazilian Neker, Brazil National Bao Tamini, Brazilian Son Tan, gold left foot caroli, Barcelona Cheap, also known as the world's first middle and defense, Dunjia, etc.

The Brazilian national team is luxurious to say.

In the professional football, the Royal Madrid is an absolute Galaxy Wardo, the world's most sturdy team.

But compared with the Brazilian national team, the value of Real Madrid is just the case, the Brazilian team can say that it is a true all-star team.

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