The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2021 of the Chapter 2021 of the Prince of Tennis

If the light is a lineup, the Brazilian national team is naturally a well-deserved king, the World Cup is the largest to win the world.

In addition to Brazil, the German national team is also listed as one of the great popularity.

German emperor Schneider, the world's first side of the world's first side, the core of the midfield, the core of the midfield, Germany team with Bayern Munich's lineup, plus other positions, strength is also powerful.

In addition, the national team with the top professional league in France, England, Spain is naturally one of the great popularity.

Overall, the big popularity is almost all European and South America teams, Asia and Africa, and Oceania teams have always been regarded as the role of the accompanying.

This is also something that there is no way, the professional football system in Asia and Africa is still immature, and it is too little player who can take a hand.

However, this World Cup, the football media is less expected to Asian Shuangxiong, Japan and the Chinese team.

The Chinese team has the first night of the world, and there is a Chinese dragon god Xiao Junguang. One of the two frontmastees, plus some travel European players, the Chinese team's World Cup tour is still many people Looking forward.

Of course, after the Chinese team was divided into the death team, this expectation value decreased in line.

Instead, the Japanese team has been in a good group and is optimistic by major media.

Many Japanese media even think that the Japanese team has the hope of competing for the World Cup. After all, the host owner has a small advantage, plus the luxury lineup of Japanese gold generation.

The frontcourt Juventus, the sky, the midfielder, the midfield, the artist, the big air wing, the best player of South America, Juventus, the prince of Juventin, and finally there is a world chief door.

Japan's gold generation is indeed much stronger than the Chinese team, and Japan's football system is more mature, there is more world-class stars, which is not pleased.

Of course, this is the predictive guess of media magazines, and football games are not worth, compared to lineup.

What happens true game, no one can expect, this is also the charm of football itself.

However, since Wang Zhongming puts the magazine's forecast to the night long-winding, the night long training is more crazy, and the requirements for teammates are getting higher and higher.

Wang Zhongming and others are called hardships. Wang Zhongming can't hate yourself. Why do you want to die to see the magazine.

One month closed training time is fully utilized by everyone in the Chinese national team.

During this time, Junas had proposed to make the Chinese team to kick some warm-up match, but the night grew is thinking that the Chinese team will continue to keep my mystery.

European South America's major teams have been continuously studied by various opponents in the World Cup, and all players' habits are evenly analyzed by various experts.

The Chinese team is different. In addition to the night grows and Xiao Junguang, other players of the Chinese team are not valued, and the information is very small.

The Chinese team closed training, declined all media, so that the Chinese team's information will be very small.

The opponent is in the clear, the Chinese team is in dark, which is undoubtedly the most favorable situation.

For example, before this World Cup, it is not the Asian Strong Brigade Japan or South Korea.

But mysterious North Korea!

They have obtained the best Asian records in the World Cup.

In addition to the military management of the North Korean team, it will pull it out, which is too small, because the North Korean team is too small, and there is no way to North Korea.

So in the World Cup Korean team kicked a lot of bursting competitions.

Modern football, the information war is also a deep understanding.

Of course, all this is just auxiliary, how far can I go, or to see the team itself.

If the European Champion Cup is the highest stage of professional football, the World Cup is the highest flashing stage in the football world.

For four years, the master gathered, is not the highest stage!

2127, near the World Cup (first more)

After a month's closed training, the time came to the hot summer day. ∽ >> insects

For Asia, the northern hemisphere is, this summer is more hot, because the focus of the world has gathered to Asia.

The arrival of the Korean World Cup said that Asia became the center of the world football!

Seoul, Lotte Hotel, South Korea.

As early as a few days ago, the Chinese national team rushed to this private airline that secretly took the night, I have been rated as a special five-star hotel in South Korea for two consecutive years.

This hotel is not arranged by the Chinese Football Association, but the night's ability to use personal abilities specialize in the agent of Ji Hong's national team.

The reason why the night-long wind will pay so much attention to the place where the Chinese team lives during the World Cup, or because the night growers don't trust Koreans.

If the hotel that lives in the Korean team, there will be an unpredictable accident, this is something that is unacceptable at night.

The team of the World Cup's thirty-two final circles has arrived in Asia. The Chinese team is not the first to arrive in South Korea. Some European teams have to pay attention to the World Cup than the Chinese team, so they came to Asia. Weather and venues.

After a month of cruel closure training, the Chinese national team had been prepared for the group of death.

The fastest player in the team is the door to Wang Dalei, although only a short month, but this month, Wang Dalei crawled out from hell.

Night-hard winds in order to reinvigify the weakest rings of the Chinese team, except for their own training, most of the attention is placed on Wang Dalei.

Wang Dalei saved every day, the night grew and Xiao Junguang's shooting, and the night-long style was also specialized for Wang Dalei to set out the plan of tennis every day.

All tennis are launched by a high-speed snack machine, and one is more than one.

Every day, Wang Dalei is a green eyes, sometimes, even a blood.

Such a high intensity exaggerated hell training, Wang Dalei Ting came over, and his perseverance made a little surprised to make the night growth.

He did not pay a lot of training Wang Dalei, just to make him rapidly grow in a short time, but the night Changshi has just begun to think that Wang Daleng can adhere to the full devil training program.

And Wang Dalei did, and it was quite good, which made the Chinese team's teams were infected by Wang Dalei, and everyone was exhausted and rushed.

One month, the Chinese team did not conduct any warm-up competition, but the degree of milling in the team was far from the Chinese Youth Army during the World Youth Invitational Times.

The Chinese team's coaches are very satisfied with the training effects of the Chinese team, and the Chinese team has become more and more confident from the group of death.

After coming to South Korea, the Chinese team did not train in crazy.

These days, the Chinese teams are simple to restore physical fitness training. The World Cup will be open immediately, and the players have taken a long-intensity training, and the body needs to rest.

For Chinese fans, as the World Cup is approaching, they are getting more and more exciting, and they can't sleep at night.

Recently, China tourists who came to Japan and South Korea had exceeded millions of travelers.

They all want to personally witness the Chinese team's first time in the world's football stage.

Of course, most of the fans did not buy tickets for the World Cup, because the first World Cup tickets held in Asia were too shocked.

But they still came to the scene, just to get rid of the Chinese team at least a bit.

At the same time, China's domestic media competed in various news of the World Cup.

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