The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2031 of the Chapter 2031 of the Prince of Tennis

Dangdang, the two directly hit the whole, the whole forace of exclaimed, this scene looks quite fierce!

2138 chapter, the pace of suffocation (fourth more)

From the close-up of the scene, both people have suffered great collision, blood and blood. Miscellaneous?

Wang Dalei and Take Kali have tried their best to make their own safety, they really love football.

"The danger has not been released!" He Wei called.

Take Kali and Wang Dalei to the ground, two people met the ball, the football finally fell to the front of the card.

Before the Calley fell, the football was smashed.

! Wang Dalei desperately desperately wanted to go through his own football before flying, but still did not meet, only to send football to the direction of the goal.

"There is no fairy! No!" He Wei said the sound.

The football that took the Calley fell to the ground of the Chinese team flew out the bottom line outside the right door column, and the ball is different!

"No goal! The ball wiped the column and flew out of the bottom line, there is a dangerous!" He Yuli took a breath.

"Save!" Xiao Junguo hurriedly ran to the bottom line and won the ball to the field.

Snapped! After Xiao Junguo took the throne of the field, he immediately threw it to the re-standing Wang Dalei.

There is no pause in the competition, no one is paying attention to the problem of Take Calley and Wang Dalei.

This is an embarrassment of two team players' mental strength, they all play forget me.

"Counterattack!" Wang Dalei put the football on the ground, then the big feet quickly gave the ball.

This time, Wang Dalei is controlled, football leaps half, found the winger of the right road that has come to the right of the court!

"Have a good, big thunder!" Hao Haidong easily unloads football and starts to take the ball to the Dutch halfway.

"Go back! Fast!" Sneee shouted his teammates, the Dutch team turned around.

"The rhythm of the attack and defense conversion is too fast, and now it is the attack of the Chinese team!" He Wei felt that he was a bit explained.

The Half of the Dutch team, China's winger is fast, the speed of the Dutch is very fast, the Dutch team is empty, let him have a space that gives full play to its speed advantage.

"Pay attention to protect the penalty area!" The Netherlands front door stretched Van Dessa again, because he saw that the night's wind was rushing into the banquet.

The bounce and header capability of the night, Van Dessa has long been deeply experienced in Manchester United, and if the night grows to fight to the head, with his state, the consequences are unimaginable.

On the field, Rjjkald is dead, and the night grows.

In addition, the Chinese team's height of the two meters has also been taken care of the Dutch team, and Camman died, and he did not allow flying to easily reach the neutral position of the big restricted area.

"Ball is coming!" Hao Haidong rushed to dozens of meters all the way, and finally, in the vicinity of the bottom line of the right path, the opponent's defender forced foot.

! The football draws a sharp arc in the air. Hao Haidong's football is good. A arc is taken over the Dutch team, flying over the reincarnation area.

At this time, the night length is high in front of it, and Rjjkold only felt that the eyes were dark, and the night grew is flying to the sky.

"Fuck!" Rjjkold looked up, dumbfounded, night long wind speed made him feel desperate.

"Not good!" The attention of all people in the Dutch team was attracted by night.

However, the night-catching wind does not have the pass to Hao Haidong, and the position of this ball is too high, and the bounce in the night is not enough.

Night wind did not want to force the header, jumping up, but only attracting the attention of each other.

! I saw that football crossed from the top of the night long, and still flew behind the reincarnation.

"It's okay!" The Ling Cat is called, and it is immediately rushing to the other side.

After the Netherlands is the penalty area, the flying high jumped, and he is two meters in the Dutch team. It is like a small giant in the penket, and the points of interest is sacrificed under the body.

A squat, flying to the falling football, picking the head, turning the football top to the upper right corner of the goal.

From flying high-altitude bomb, his air pose is very beautiful!

Dang! However, the people in the Netherlands of the Dutch are stunned, and the flying heads are turned over, and they fly out of the bottom line!

"This ball ... hit it on the beam! The Dutch team also fled a robbery! No, the two sides came to me, the rhythm of the game is too fast. I recommend there to have a heart disease, don't continue to look! "He is a mouthful of parents, and the scorpion has a bit hoarse.

"Oh! It's a pity, I almost three more zero!" I got a Chinese fans on the stage.

"Top well, fly! Continue to keep!" Night lives looked at some lost flying, loudly, and then looked at Hao Haidong, "East brother, pass the ball is also good! Everyone ran, the other party is no longer!"

"Oh!" Flying and Hao Haidong should drink loudly.

Usually in the training, the night grows is very strict, very small, and in the court, the night-length wind never complains that the mistakes of the teammates or cannot go to the ball, always encourage teammates, stimulate teammates.

What is leader, this is the leader!

"Well, although there is no further expansion of the lead, the Chinese team's momentum is getting higher and higher, so playing so, the Dutch team is difficult to turn over!" He Wei analyzed the situation on the field.

"This guy! It is terrible!" The Netherlands's stars look at the night grow.

Night live wind is always arrogant for the opponent, and for teammates, if the teammates are in the spring breeze, the situation in the competition seems to be firmly controlled by him.

The ability to control the game, this is the revelation of Michael to the night of the World Cup.

A person wins the competition is domineering, but it is also important to drive the strength of your teammates.

"No! Be sure to pull back a ball, you can't get into the second half!" Brian clenched his fists, he didn't believe that such a powerful Duta team could not take a point in the Chinese team.

Snapped! On the field, Van Dessa used the ground to open the ball door to Sneider.

The Dutch team rushed to the Chinese team in the whole line, still is full of full.

There is no chance to stop at the game, whether it is the fans on the spot, or the fans of the TV, it feels that the atmosphere on the field is breathing, let alone the players on the field will bear how much pressure.

On the court, the Chinese team also returned to the whole line. Only Wang Zhongming is in the middle of the midfield, so that the Dutch team does not dare to put all people into the attack.

!! The Dutch team is a continuous conduction football. Brian has excellent ability, or it will not become the best player of the two boduts. Under his beating, the Dutch team is very smooth, and can always avoid nights The defensive area covered!

2139 chapter, spiral turning (first more)

On the field, Kaboli retraves the ball from the Chinese team, and he uses the strength of height and strength to die, and the Sun Jihai will be behind him. + + worm

At this time, the Calley suddenly changed the style of the stylus, and became a fulcrum in the front line.

"Good!" At this time, the Netherlands core Brian suddenly plugged into the frontcourt, although his speed was not worth mentioning compared with the night growth, but in the face of other players of the Chinese team, Brianby The speed of Little Fei Xia Robben is not slow.

Snapped! Take Caeli to see Bryan suddenly inserted, very tacit, push the ball to Brian.

"Opportunity!" The Dutch fan saw the hope of the goal on the table.

Night wind did not follow against Brane, but continued to stand in the midfield position, completely believe in his teammates.

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