The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2032 of the Chapter 2032 of the Prince of Tennis

"Li Yufeng's shovel!" He Wei called.

Li Yufeng saw Bryan to kill the big ban, immediately slid.

However, Brian showed his skilled control technology. He suddenly across his left foot, then transferred to the football, followed by the entire person.

"I have to think about it!" Li Yifeng said in the Chinese team to fight, he wanted Bryan to make a fancy action on his head, and the right foot that was not polite.

Segment slip movement!

Li Weifeng made a defensive action of Barcelona star Omei!

This action is actually quite dangerous, and it is to take Bryan to take the ball.

At this time, a large number of fans on the table have emitted exclusive.

Bryan suddenly made a rotating action in the air, and the football was left under the side of Li Yufeng, and he just avoided the tweet shovet movement of Li Weifeng.

"What!" Li Yufeng has widened his eyes, he found himself, I saw the best player of the Netherlands.

It is true that Bryan is completely falling in the lower wind in the opposition with the night, but Bright is actually one of the top players in the world. It is just that the night is too strong, and Brian is too weak.

Li Yufeng himself is no less than a small look of Bryan!

Snapped! Brien has turned around in the air, and the body stably landed, and one step forward is just chasing the football, once again, one!

"Wonderful air dodge movement, amazing! I still saw such a move!" He Wei was surprised.

"This is the first time I publicly use my spiral turning action! I originally want to use him to deal with that guy!" Brian's ball combined with a golden light.

"Can you think so easy?" The crisis moment, China Dragon God Xiao Jun is suddenly won by Bryan.

At this time, Brian has stepped into the big ban on the Chinese team, and his eyes have no opponents, only the Chinese team's goal is left.

In fact, this time, Xiao Junguang defensive Fani has already vacated, but Brine did not choose to pass, but suddenly used the left foot to remember the football to pick up, put a pair of one person, one person, one person, single, one person, single The landing of the defense line.

"The guy can do it, I can do it!" Brian is still a proud player, which is one of the necessary elements of top players.

! At this time, Bryan, who jumped, suddenly started to reverse the body in the air.

The night-long style is standing in the midfringing to watch Bryan's movements, he has to admit that Brian's bounce ability and the body's flexibility is quite good, so that he can easily make a variety of incredible rotation actions.

"Let's take a trick! Look at my spiral empty!" Brian turned two circles in the air, the body was full of power, caching the football flying in the air, he sideped the body, right foot with powerful inertia Side of the side of the football!

Night wind looks at Brian's movements, the eyes are bright, the spiral extract is really a very creative shot stunt.

"Do you do not exist?" Brian did this action in front of Chinese Dragon God, and thoroughly angered Xiao Junguang.

The body, such as the cow, is in all, regardless of that, directly high, with the body to block the shooting of Brian.

"Scorpio! Block, Xiao Junguo players blocked Bryan aerial smashing ball, unbelievable!" He Wei said.

Xiao Jungua felt a pain in the air, and the body was bounced by strong power on football.

The spirally extracted power with the rotation of Brian, the force is not absorbed with the left foot of the night.

"Actually blocked my shoot !!" Brian was horrified in the air, Xiao Junguo blocked his short shot with the body, which made Brian have some difficulties.

! At this time, the rotation of football is high, and the dangers in the Chinese team's goal have not ended.

Snapped! Brian turned over to land, he has not given up, and the whole person jumps again.

And in front of him, Xiao Junguang is also forcibly stabilizing the body, and after landing, it also jumps.

Brian's reaction is faster, and it is necessary to take the first to the top of the top of the Chinese team.

"Danger! Brien players should shoot twice!" He Wei said the sound.

In front of the Chinese team, a lightning figure attacked, and immediately jumped, and his hands were grabbed before Bryan, and there was a football in the air.

Thunder God is coming! It is Wang Dalei's wonderful attack!

"Beautiful! Dalei!" Xiao Junguo screamed, he saw the shadow of his Bayern's friend Linyuan three in Wang Dalei.

Until this World Cup is closed, Xiao Junguo did not think about why Wang Dalei, who made night hard work for a month, was so amazing.

"Hold! Wang Dalei hugs the football! Scorpio, today Torle shows too good!" He Wei is also a sound.

However, the rhythm of the high-speed attack and defense conversion of the game has not ended yet, and Wang Dalei is stabilized and packed, and the leader across Brian and Xiao Junguang step forward and then directly swayed.

"The captain, the ball is coming!" Wang Dalei shouted, put the football to the midfield.

"Not good!" Brian suddenly turned back.

"Haha, wait for a lot of time, big thunder!" At this time, he stood up at night, and easily stopped the chest, turned it before landing!

The Dutch team is empty!

"Worse! Fast, go back!" Everyone in the Netherlands watched the night's face, nervous, immediately retreat.

Have to say, the Dutch team's full system allows the players to start the farm, and when the night is long, the Dutch team has returned to their own half.

"On!" The night did not have a ball, but passed the football to Wu Junren inserted.

The Chinese team is also an offensive counterattack, a large number of players flock to the Holland of the Netherlands!

2140 chapter, generation legend (second more)

"Ah! This time the Netherlands players go back to prevent it. The Chinese team missed the best counterattack time. * " He Wei's voice is sorry.

On the field, Wu Junren took the ball for a long time, and immediately received the anti-Khali's impact interference behind him, and lost the ball.

Fortunately, Wu Junren's ball is calm. His psychological quality is excellent, and there is no panic, but before the ball, the football is divided into the foot of Hao Haidong.

This time, the little flying man Luo Ben poeted in front of Hao Haidong. Hao Haidong did not have a good opportunity for long distances before, so he passed football to Shao Jiayi.

The Chinese team leads the ball with tacit understanding, so that the fans in the scene and the world have a feeling of watching the South American team.

At this moment, the night length did not organize the attack. He didn't raise the frontier of the big restricted area, and immediately attracted the attention of the Dutch player.

People around the world know that when Mr. World Football is near this area, he is the most terrible.

"I will here!" At this time, the rebellion of Borg is ready to discover the football under Shao Jia.

Bogue body is outstanding, the technology is also extremely delicate, the most critical is that his single-defense ability is among the best in the Dutch team, which can be said to be a master of offensive and defense.

In the face of Bache, Shao Jiayi although the ball is excellent, but it is a little bit, and it is necessary to lose the ball.

"Jiayi, don't take them to give me the ball!" The night is completely ignored by the Dutch player around him, shouting around Shao Jiayi.

In the hurver, Shao Jia has also been in a hurry, the left foot is directly shouting in the direction of the night, and directly puts up the football.

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