The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2034 of the Chapter 2034 of the Prince of Tennis

"I want to shoot!" The Chinese Sun Sun Jihai has guess what Fanbas Teng wants to do, he can't stand almost simultaneously, and use the body to block the front of Fanbas Teng.

At this time, in front of the Chinese team, Ray God is also immediately on the side, the center of gravity is sinking, and the hands are unfolded, and all possible shooting angles of Fan Basten.

Dangdang loudly, Fan Bazten is forcibly to meet the football in the air, and the right foot is shot!

Zero angle is extracted!

"Van Basten's shooting, the legendary superstar's first door touched the ball!" He Wei said dull, Fan Basten did not have any angle of shooting at all, he didn't think this goal would threaten what threatened to the Chinese team.

However, the next moment, the football in Van Baz Teng whizes the scratch in the air, and the ball with violent rotation and the uncomfortable arrogant rossed the hands of China Raythene. Then the heavy bombards on the side of the goal.

! The ball drilled into the Chinese team's goal!

3! Wang Dalei squatted in front of the door in front of the door in front of the door, from the start of the ball, from the start to the side, smashing the ball to the last goal, all the moves are natural, the sky is seamless!

It's a piece of art, it's right, Fan Baastten's zero-angle disjection is a perfect art!

"Oh ... actually entered, Fan Bazten just got in the ball! Or a zero angle incredible smash, unbelievable! Unbelievable!" He Wei glanced.

The World Cup Stadium has just been quiet, and the Chinese fans are also shocked by Fan Basten this shocking.

This football brought the shock of the world's fans, the night-to-night flying flying flying in the Champions League!

Whether it is difficult, it is very similar, but Fan Basten is not so important.

"Oh! We touched a ball!" The Dutch fans in the quiet half finally stood up, all the Dutch fans ignited the desire of turning over the eyes.

On the field, Fan Bazten after going forward, as if it is just a common goal, quickly ran to the Chinese team's goal, picking up the football and ran back.

When I ran to the midline, Van Bazten was still incentive.

"There is no time to be lost, fast! The game has not ended, kicked out our football!" Fan Bazten's roaring resounded, the Dutch players ignited a red hot flame.

"We are the king of innocent, how can our Dutch football fall in the foot of the Asian team!" Everyone of the Dutch player roared in my heart.

The middle of the stadium, the night length and Xiao Junguang station after football.

"Unfortunately ..." Night lives looked at their own Van Basten suddenly.

"What is a pity?" Xiao Junguang glanced, he didn't understand what the night is saying.

"If he is young, maybe this ball will be more interesting." Night long wind is calm, and there is no influence of Fanbasten. "Since he spent the old, then I also I have a little more serious! "

"Seriously?" Xiao Junguo was shocked. "Is it true that two balls have not been serious?"

Xiao Junguang felt a little incredible, facing the Dutch team, a wave of attack, Xiao Junguo has become more and more suffocating, especially after Van Bazten, the Dutch team is even more Pick up a small climax!

At this time, the expression will become a little serious, and it is just right to play.

"You can never know that he is really strength!" Xiao Junguang suddenly remembered many experts to give evaluation of night long wind.

Snapped! At this time, the night-long winds gently allocated Xiao Junguang, and he was started, and the entire person rushed out of the shark!

Chapter 2142, only prayers (fourth more)

At this point, the Dutch team's Brian and Robben are trying to get rid of the night, but the night is directly like a whirlwind, and the speed is more exaggerated before. ? Miscellaneous?

It is also the sentence, it is impossible to have someone who can stare at the noble state, the absolute gap between the quality of the body.

"Changfeng!" Xiao Junguang took a quick push in front of the night, directly from the foot, and only a few minutes from the end of the first half, it is clear that this will be the last half of the two teams.

! Xiao Junguang's passage quality is very high, but I have just crossed the Middle Field of the Dutch team, flew to the night before the wind.

Between the breath, the night lengthy wind is already on the front of the Dutch team, and the body is unfolded in an instant, making a shot action of the bow archery.

"Good attack speed, cooperation from the night long wind and Xiao Junguang, the two are very tacit! The God of War should be shot directly!" He Wei called.

At this point, the Netherlands Sneees and Croper immediately slipped before the night length.

"Be sure to block him!"

"Don't want to go again!" Sneider and Crool furnish the resistance, they knew that the night-long wind gates were superior, but at this time, he hesitated it later.

Once the night grows in this position, it will be easily in this position. In his state, the Dutch team just put it completely.

"You move too slowly!" Night hard looks, two people seal their angle of shooting, false shoots, from a big step on the side of the two, lightning into the Dutch team.

"Worse!" Snender and Crool were shocked, the movements of the night were too realistic. They were all deceived, and they looked at the night, and they were brushing around them. .

"Remote shooting!" At this time, Rjjkald lost his own defensive people, he chose to make up, this is helpless, no one thought of the speed of the night, so fast, just now Field, with the blink of a ball to kill the disabled zone, and there is a near-feet of shooting opportunities.

Snapped! Just let Rigkald think that the night is very good or straightforward, the night is suddenly behind, and the Rjjkarrd is behind him.

"He wants to turn around, is the left side or right!" Rjjkalde is highly concentrated.

However, waited for a breathing, the night length of the body did not have a move, and the ball in the night did not see the ball in front of the night.

"It's back to the ball! Scorpio, the war gave the ball back to Sudden Shao Jiayi players!" He Wei was surprised.

"Axiang!" Shao Jiayong welcomed the roll-up football, and the other party's Canto will immediately put the football on the left side!

On the left side of the bigby area, it is also the football of the rhinestone to rush to roll, and the overwhelming is successful!

Wang Zhongming is full, and the set of night long winds go on the top of the front line has a seven or eight points.

"Good! Jia one!" Wang Zhongming has just entered a ball, the momentum is prosperous, and the confidence is completely expanded to the ultimate.

Dang! Wang Zhongming welcomed football, directly poot, small angle to sway forced!

A striking, football is immediately rotating, flying speeds to the Dutch team!

Wang Zhongming shot is a strong sinking, and the small body has an explosive shot.

Snapped! However, this time the Dutch gantry, Van Dessa finally played his strength of the world-class goalkeeper. He gave a fist with his right hand. Wang Zhongming is close to the shooting.

"Blocking, the world-class saving! Wonderful!" He Wei's expression of Van Dessa.

"Blocking him!" However, at this time, the Dutch of the Netherlands of the Netherlands is crazy. Because the football played by Van Dessa has no dangerous area, it is still in the Dutch team, but A figure is flying to catch up with football.

It's a night!

The night long body side followed Rj Kard and Crool, the two can't hate your body on the night's body.

Even so, the night length is forcibly jumping, the interference of the two major superstars of the Netherlands, the night long wind starts speed to twist rotation.

"This is ..." Bryan standing in the midfield widened his eyes, and the night-long wind applied his actions he just used in the air spiral ball.

Compared to Brian's movements, the spiral of night long wind is faster, and the body movement is more exaggerated.

A loud noise, the night is completely in the air, and the Rhard and Crool are used as air. After the rotation, the right foot takes a huge inertia, and the rebounded football will go back.

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