The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2035 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

! Football has grown into the Dutch team's goal, the Ling Cat Van Dessa fell on the ground, looking at another big hole in the net, and the inner is full of despair.


The night of the night is in the world cup, just completed the first hat trick of the World Cup with a half.

What is the superstar of the times, what is the era flag leading the feudum?

The night's first appearance appeared in the World Cup stage, just proved the arrival of the new era of the football!

"Scorpio! Go again! Still in the second half of the first half, how about the legendary outbreak? Still can't stop the God of War!" He Wei was excited to face red.

"Ares! Invincible! War! Invincible!" The scene has become a flaming ocean again. The world's fans aware that they are witnessing the greatest players in the historic players in the highest stage. Performance.

On the field, after the goal, the night-length wind that stabilizes the landing is back and sweeps up with the players and the door in the Netherlands.

His mouth is slightly raised, "When I am shooting, you pray that I am shot, that is your only way to stop my method!"

mad! Night long-lived people do not lose this year!

A few faces of the Dutch team have become a pig liver color, and the legendary superstar Van Bazten is sigh.

In his more than ten years of legendary career, there have never seen a player like a long-winding, and there is a feeling of opposite the football, Fan Bazten first experienced.

"Although this ball is still injected by the night length player, we also saw a series of fast cooperation in the frontier of the Dutch team, the Chinese team is obviously getting better and better, which makes me more expecting the next half. The game! "He Wei has not long been how long has not seen the national football.

! Just when the Chinese team celebrated in the corner of the corner, the referee blew the whistle of the end of the first half.

The score of 41 is not accidentally accidental, and people are unexpected is that the big score is not a non-deformed king of the Netherlands, but the Asian New Wang China team!

Just half a game, the night-long wind and the Chinese team have created countless historical records, which is not clear at all.

2143 chapter, full attack full (first more)

In the middle of the field, the Chinese team players came back to the player channel, while the Dutch's big names were dignified. Π π ÷ π

Today, this first half may be the most worsened king World Cup history.

Chinese team locker room.

"Today, everyone is playing very well! Especially night! There is a king!" The coach Juns came back to the dress room and praised his players.

"In the second half, we continue to keep the lineup! After the beginning of the second half, pay attention to the Dutch stroke, but don't think all the defensive, continue to attack!" Juns face calm.

In fact, the heart of Judas is very unconcerned, three-ball leading the World Cup to win the Dutch team in one of the hotmen, in Juns's view, this is too dreamy.

"Well, it is good to say! Now it is not a champagne, three goals are not absolute safety in the football match. Moreover is just a group match, don't be too intertrosed!" Night length sweeps an eye The Chinese team, "Goal! In the second half, we will continue to go into the game!"

"Yes, the captain!" The Chinese team should drink aloud.

I have a world-famous game, a team leading the opponent in the first half of the team, they opened champagne in half, and finally wandered three goals in the second half, and finally picked up the plate. Miracle night.

This is the allusions of champagne, and the night growers mentioned incene, the Chinese team also understand what he wants to say.

"Attack is the best defense!" This sentence can be said to be the mouth of the night, and his blood is full of attack factors.

Also, the Dutch's dressing room.

After the look of depressed Dutch stars returned to the locker room, everyone did not say, the atmosphere was very dignified.

The coach Ray House knows that there is no meaning in this time, and his eyes look at Brian and Fanbasten, Zhengqi: "The goal of the second half is only one, first-first!"

"Even if it is just a ball, we have to go to the Netherlands fans who come to see the ball, and there are thousands of Dutch fans behind you! Please!" Lehart squatted to all Dutch players.

"Coach!" The Netherlands players are shocked. In the usual training, Lehat is very strict, many players call him as the devil.

But no one thought that the devil has such a tenderness.

Every team of the World Cup, their players are supported by the hopes of the whole country.

"Even if it is the defeat, there is a dignity, even if the long wind is the football, we must try to pull him down from the sky!" The most prestige of Fashersten in the Dutch team.

There is no doubt that the Dutch team is now slight, but the Dutch players have the desire of fighting, they have to maintain the dignity of the Dutch football.

After fifteen minutes, the Korean World Cup stadium, the two team players returned to the court.

"The players come back, the second half is now going to start. We can see that the two teams have no lineup adjustment. The first half of the game is very important. If the Dutch team goes, there is a suspense. If The Chinese team will be further entered again, and the game is basically the argument! "He Wei analyzed the situation in the second half.

The circle of the stadium, Brian and Take Khali are behind the football.

"Brian, you will pass it to me!" Take the Caeli's eyes and look at Brian, and then turn his head to look at the opposite night. "I know that the long wind is too powerful, but you don't necessarily lose, Take out your confidence! "

"Ah!" Bryan nodded, after the fierce confrontation in the first half, he had already understood the gap between herself and night.

But on the football field, there is nothing wrong, no one second in the game, no one knows the last win.

Once you give up in advance, you really have a good time.

! At this time, the referee blew the whistle of the second half.

At the opening of the game, the Netherlands continued to attack the entire offensive system in half. After the kick, a large number of players flocked to the Chinese team.

However, Bryan took football to the sidewalk, Robben is going to break through, but is under the wind.

The game is the first time, and the night-length wind actively participated in the defense.

"Obmal!" Little Fei Xia Luo immediately wandered the night's wind, but the night grew well kept a good defensive position, Luo Ben's body was losing, and he could not hit the night, only forced Helpless rebound.

However, when the night's wind, he went on the intention of Robben. In the Champions League in Bayern and Barcelona, ​​the night's wind is already familiar with the style of Robben kick.

As long as you are fast than him, prevent him habitually, he only has to return.

bass! Just returning the ball in Robben, the night is suddenly crossing, and after squeezing with the body, the lightning is directly broken.

"Broken ball! The Chinese War will open the ball of Robben in the next half of the battle. Do God want to start harvesting the game?" He Wei scored the gods, the second half competition has a faster trend than the last half.

"Dry well, captain!"

"War God, Long live!" Inside and outside the court, the cheers ended.

"Grab the back!" The Dutch midfielder players quickly wrapped over the night, and they were relieved.

! However, the night wind did not break through the ball, but suddenly the right foot is on the right foot, put the football directly!

Circular moon bending knife!

The football has drawn a perfect arc in the air, a large-scale transfer ball, and the night-long wind will deliver football to the feet of the Chinese Sun Sun Jihai in front of the front.

Sun Jihai often in the giants of Manchester City, suddenly in front of the front-end assisted team friend.

The Chinese team and many experts in the second half are expected to defense, but it is a big attack, which is more fast than the first half.

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