The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2046 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

However, the night is like a cat mice, and every time they are always in the line of Dians, let Dians have rectified.

Under the eyes of the world's fans, Dians is full of sweat, the opponent in front of you is like a Great Wall, no matter which direction he breaks through, it is no good.

Gradually Dians rose a fear, the other party is fast than me, and it is better than me, it is better than me, how do I live?

The fear of Dias, the more accumulated, and his movements began to become stiff, it seems to be frightened by fear ...

2155 chapter, strong Chinese team (first more)

If Dians is passing, the night is really good, and it is easy to make a fouler if it is forcibly breaking. Ζ

After all, it is a top South American player. This control is still full, and it is not easy to break the ball.

However, Dias is obsessed with the high-quality personal skills overnight, but it encounters the quality and personal skills of his life, the night grows in his, too much, too many movements, Dians The movement is gradually getting slower and slower, there has been a clear vulnerability.

"You are too slow!" Just in this moment, there was no action, and suddenly I suddenly stretched the left foot, instantly pressed against the football that Dians is going to be doupched.

"Ah!" Dians shouted, and felt that football suddenly stayed, and he was stumbled by the football under his feet.

"Fall down, Maradona offensive Diaz's confulvance! He has been taken care of the night-long player today, and there is no chance to perform so far." He Wei called, It is really a losing product without sigh.

In the game, the hat trick, the wind is in the heart of Dians, and the night will be a rookie.

Surprising and arrogant, there is a capital, there is no strength, and all the righteous words will become a big joke.

On the field, the night-hearting wind ignores the Dias in the ground, left football back to one, and the right foot is connected directly to the football.

Circular moon bending knife!

The football is instantly rotating, and a perfect arc is drawn in the air, and it is accurately found in the frontcourt Xiao Junguo.

Xiao Jungua's interference of the Argentine player in the front field, the chest stopped, and the air turned directly, and the next time the football was all in the front, and the two players of Argentina had passed.

"It's so beautiful, the ball is too good!" He Yizhen couldn't help.

On the field, Xiao Junguo, steadily landing, chasing the football forward, step, speed, the whole person is like a high-speed heavy tank car.

"Staring at the two strikers in the Chinese team!" Before the Argentine, the goalkeeper Romero shouted his teammates, let them carefully guard against the flying and Wang Zhongming a high and fast Chinese team stroke combination.

At this time, Xiao Junguang, who is like a tiger, has been brought to the frontier of the Argentine team. The Legend of Argentina, the Legend of the Argentina, Xiao Jun, is unable to stop, immediately prepare for a foul to prevent the further movement of Xiao Junguang.

However, in the moment of Pelon directly poured to Xiao Junguang, the Chinese dragon god left the football, and the right foot was on the ground, and the whole person flew to the air.

"Scorpio, he jumped up, so high!" There is Chinese fan on the stage, you can't imagine that Xiao Junguang can make this flexibility. .

"Worse!" Belon looked at Xiao Junguang from his head, and he did not find the opportunity of foul.

"I am coming! Now I have a wind!" Xiao Junguo shidder in the eyes, and he has already acceded to the big ban on the Argentine.

"Remote shooting!" Argentina got will attack Rommelo, and he jumped up, trying to hug Xiaojun's football with his hands.

"Too true!" Xiao Jun was flashing in his eyes, unequal balls were landed, and the right foot was directly in the air.

Bang, the football in Xiao Junguang is whirlwind from Rommelo's ear in a moment, Romero only feels that the ear is hurting, waiting for him to look back, football has been placed. The upper right corner of the goal.

20! In the second half, China Dragon God finally opened his goal account in his World Cup.

"Into the net! From China Dragon God Shao Junguang's goal! The Chinese team has two balls leading the South American eagle! Beautiful! Too perfect!" He Wei is very excited.

This Chinese team's goal is reliable, and Xiao Junguo shows his top player's offense.

Any small team of Chinese Dragon God will pay a price!

"Do good! Xiao!" The China is boiling in China, and Jenas stood up and the vibration arm shouted.

At this moment, the entire Yokohama Arena is also boiling again, and Chinese fans began to express the name of Shajunguang.

On the field, the goal, Xiao Junguang is also very excited. He launched his arms, making a movement of gliding celebration, and rushing to the corner.

In the stage of the World Cup, but it is still facing traditional heroic Argentina, the feeling of goals is that the club goal is very different.

"A Xiao, shot beautiful!"

"Great, Guang Ge!" The Chinese team also rushed over and Xiao Junguo to celebrate.

"China Dragon God is Asia, no one can block!" The dead loyalty of Xiao Junguang on the table has played a large banner.

"Is this still a slaughter? When is the Chinese team become so powerful?" The explanation of countless countries in the scene has fallen into short silence.

The first game is 7 to 1 mad slam, the second group, the competition has started more than 20 minutes, and the two goals lead Argentina. The Chinese team who did not be optimistic before the game revealed that there was no Musical strength.

At this moment, the world is watching the fans of this World Cup Group, began to realize a new super strong team rising.

"It is evil! It is evil! It is evil!" Pounted in the big ban in Argentina, Rommelo was constantly tapping.

At this point, the experience of the old road does not know how to encourage and comfort the team, the Chinese team is too strong.

This Argentine team was originally green, and the attack was brought by Dias. As long as Dias played well, other players of the Argentina team will be activated.

The current Argentina is a team that drives defensive defensive.

However, now, Dians is in the frontcourt by the other's ace player, no temper, Argentina wants to turn over, there must be other players.

The off-site Argentine coach is anxious. He really wants to directly replace Dians like a dream tour, but I can't take a better attack in the middle field, and he will follow the coach. .

"This game is hard to return, maybe we should give up, and finally go to the President!" The idea of ​​flashing in the coach in Argentina shocked himself.

"I am afraid of the Chinese team?"

Yokohama Arena is middle circle, Dians and Aquiro after the football.

Aguiro looked at Dias, I knew this game, Dians couldn't stay.

"Can't go on this again, Dians! We need more pass, not you attack, Argentina is not a team of you!" Aguiro was in Dias.

2156 chapter, solid defense (second more)

"You give it to me! Who will give me a complaint!" Dians was booked to the boss, and he was reminded by his own younger brother. It was more difficult to accept between the time. Magazine

"Betting, who is you told! You are self-private!" Aguiro is not a good temper. This ball did not receive the ball, the ball is in Dias, and he has no way.

Usually Dians played well, it was necessary to pay for the first half of the other party, but today I was obviously anti-dying in Diaz, he still didn't pass the ball, which made Aquiro never endured Dias. Overbearing.

Suddenly, the two famous Argentine stars actually got a big quarrel in the middle of the midfielder, and there was more trend.

"What is this?" Just a time, Wang Zhongming, dumbfounded, "How come the other side?"

"These stupid!" The night is long, and there is a little bit of a little.

"Is the Argentine quarrel? Please, this is the World Cup stage, I will not come to see the quarrel!" Many Chinese fans on the stage began to be arrogant Argentina.

Even Argentina's own fans no longer shouted Argentina, this is not the national football team they want.

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