The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2047 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Calm! You are calm! Dians, you are taking a little bit of a little, multi-pass. Aguiro, you say two sentences, run more, look for opportunities." Take a look at the main referee. Old Argentina raised Belong forward to mediate.

The old captain's face can't give it, Dians is very uncomfortable to make football to Aquaro, and smiled. "There is a matter, you go to one!"

"Hey! This is difficult!" Aquiro finally received the ball, turned, can't wait to break through the Chinese team's half.

Aguiro called South America's fastest forward, his speed is indeed quite powerful, running all forward, like a Pampas eagle that is flying and flying, and suddenly there is no reaction, Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu. .

"Ah, fast speed! Argentine No.9 player Aquiro broke through the middle road defense line of the Chinese team!" He Wei is untrusted to Aguoro, and now I see Agura's speed is not exempted. "

Fairness, Although the Argentina team is young, but the offensive power is good, they have a lot of talented players.

But these players don't have one to mobilize them together, maybe Dias is a leader in Argentina, but he is definitely not a good front player, he is more like a heart.

"Let me come!" The Chinese team half, Shao Jia is actively started, and Aguiro with the ball is posted.

The two people fight in the Chinese team, and finally, Aquiro still occupied the upper wind, forcibly squeezing Shao Jiayi.

"Lian Shao Jia is also getting rid of! It is amazing, and the Aguuo players have been three people in the Chinese team. This is the situation that is going to reverse the game!" He Wei called.

When I was a long-awaited Argentine's eye, I appeared to see the hope of turning over.

"I am so far!" Just rushed to Aguoro, it is necessary to rush into the Chinese team's big ban.

At the heart of the two major China's core, the core of the Chinese team appeared in the frontier of the Chinese team, the double god closed, and the two slipped in front of the Aguorore.

Aguiro completely speeds up, I feel that I have the opportunity to drop in the middle of the two people, and there is no ball, nor deceleration, and continue to strive.

! Football is fast from night long wind and Xiao Junshu.

It's a pity that Akura can't go.

What is the most important thing in the court? The ball has passed, and people have never been in the past!

Aguiro only felt that he knocked down the wall of steel, immediately slammed to the air, and he fell on the ground.

Snapped! At this time, after the night length and Xiao Junshi, Li Weifeng easily stopped the football.

Another stable defense, Today, the Chinese team defensive end shows the rule of Argentina, and even the opportunity to play Dalei.

This is not to say that the Chinese team's defensive ability is more, but Argentina has fallen into a unique circle of singles, and the Chinese team's defensive overall is very good, this is also one of the results of closed training.

"The wonderful defense cooperation, the Argentine team still can't find any chance, to the current position or a shot." He Wei is a little worried about Argentina.

Although the Netherlands of the First Half Half Fair gave the Chinese team, the Netherlands's spiritual appearance is still good, at least also to attack half a game with the Chinese team, or Wang Dalei's super god, the Chinese team will not win So easy.

Today, this game, the Chinese team is fighting against defending, and the night is not involved in the attack, and the game is naturally dull than the gorgeous performance show than before.

If Argentina is playing like this, the game may lose the suspense directly in the half.

For He Wei, he hopes to see a wonderful game, and hope that the Chinese team will win early, it is a bit contradictory.

Good evening, the long wind quickly solved this problem for He Wei, Li Weifeng passed the football to Xiao Junguang, Xiao Junguo passed the football to Shao Jiayi, who returned to the midfield, and then Xiao Junguang and night long wind two Start, rush to the front field.

"The whole staff offensive!" The night's long wind suddenly gave the Chinese team, and the Chinese team pre-midfielders flocked to the Argentine's half.

One time, Argentina's defensive pressure increased, a Xiao Junguang and Shao Jia were enough to let them headache, and now the night is also added to the attack.

Shao Jiayi Middle Road with the ball, night long wind and Xiao Junguang two people around him, next to Hao Haidong and Sun Jihai.

The Chinese team five-line attack, the momentum is like a rain!

"Blocking them! Fast!" Argentina coach couldn't sit, and ran to the scene to command Argentina's defense.

But the players who obvious Argentina lost their fighting, and they moved slowly, like there is no active look.

Shao Jiayi and Xiao Junguang and the three-year-old trend, the continuous passed, soon filled the two defense lines of the Argentine team.

When the night grew is in front of the Argentine team, the defenders of Belon and Argentina were attracted by the night.

In front of the Argentine, Rommelo, also prepared to save the night long wind, looked at the lounge, everyone thought that the night did not shoot directly.

However, the night-long wind did not shoot, but the football left foot picked up in the right road in Hao Hao East.

Hao Hai Dongxin god will not stop the ball or break through the bottom line, but to the top of the Argentine, it has passed away!

Pour the triangle!

2157 chapter, crushing Argentina (third more)

At this time, the night-lived winds were forcibly opened, and step by step accelerated into the disabled zone of the Argentina team. * Miscellaneous? Worm *

"So fast!" Old Belong has always insisted on the first line of the national team, but when he saw the night length, he went to the dust, and finally realized that he was old, no longer possible to play with the world. Confrontation.

Dang! Welcome Hao Haidong's horizontal ball, night long winds unfolded the body, directly is the left foot of one count!

Golden Eagle!

Football is a flash to make golden eagle speed drill into the left corner of the Argentina ball door, absolutely dead angle!

Golden Eagle is fast, the power is big, the angle is also a drill, and the Argentine door will express the 'Chen Chen can't do it', staying with a wooden slag standing in place, no response.

30! Silver diari-like offensive cooperation, simply destroyed, no dragging goals with water!

Night long wind plus two degrees, raised his scorpion to 6 capsules, once again, re-launch the German emperor Schneider behind him.

"Audio shine in front of a good foot, 3-0, the overall situation has been fixed!" He Yuli is relieved, not for the Chinese team, but for Argentina.

At this moment, in the cheers of the entire fans, the night long-term happiness of the goal is slowly running to the corner, and then starts the celebration of the violin of the air.

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" The whole Chinese fans are indulge in the gorgeous movement played by the night, and the cheers of boiling and anti-profile rises throughout the Yokohama. Overhead city.

"Very good!" Yudanz laughed, and the Chinese team was separated from the death team, Jenas is crash, but now Juns is almost concealed in the heart.

The Chinese team is stronger than he imagined, and no one is afraid of any opponent in the World Cup.

At this time, the other side of the Argentina is dead, the coach shook his head, he stood up and called some disciples to himself.

"Oh? The Argentinian team has a player to warm up. It seems that Argentina has to make a change in people, there is not much time left in the first half, the Argentine team can pull back a ball before the end of the first half, the second half competition There will be suspense. "He Wei noticed the situation outside the field.

However, five minutes, when Dias was once again taken away by the night, the argentine coach couldn't help but make a change.

He replaced Dians, which was unbeatable, and then replaced Aquaro and the veteran Belon.

The Argentine coach changed three young defensive players, and it was obvious, and it was a strategic to give up this group.

"Argentina actually replaced three defendings, are they going to give up the game? It is also a half of the whole half, this is not too early?" He Wei is very no solution.

In fact, there is no problem with the choice of the Argentine coach. This competition Argentina's offense is under the death of the Chinese team.

It is wasting time, it is better to let the team's three core players have a good rest, especially Dians who lost their fighting spirit, if they let go of him, may not do something out.

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