The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2048, Chapter 2048, Chapter 2048, Chapter 2048

It is clear that the Argentine coach is to compete in the final and the Dutch team to compete for the second wiring of the group.

After Argentina made a change in people, Argentina's players began no longer attacking, and the turtle contracted half a defense.

On the stage, Argentina fans were disappointed with their team, and their shout was flooded in the Chinese fans and cheers, which appeared so weak.

But even Argentina only attacked, they were still lost in the last half of the game.

The night long-faced ball dot emits a round moon, assists Xiao Junguang head to attack the goal.

40! Xiao Junguang is also a second degree of Mei, two cores, two goals, and completely killing the suspense of the game.

After half of the game, the night costs and Xiao Junguang squatted from get off work and was replaced by Yuns.

Yang Chen and the Chinese teenager Li Yi debut!

After the night length and Xiao Junguang, the Chinese team was obviously uncomfortable. The Argentine team was more and better, creating a shooting opportunity in front of the front.

Fortunately, China Raythe Wang Dalei played outstanding, and resolved these very threatened shoots.

The score of 4 to 0 was also maintained at the end, and the Chinese team won the two battles in the death team, and successfully killed the death group and became the first World Cup 16 strong team.

However, the second half of Argentina has also revealed the biggest problem in the Chinese team, that is, there is no night-long and Xiao Junguang, these two people are the cornerstone of the Chinese team, without them, the Chinese team is a plate of shared sand.

Of course, Chinese fans now don't matter these, today is a sleepless night.

The Chinese team not only rushing out of Asia, but now I have entered the Sixteen World Cup.

What small negative Netherlands, astrata, the two battles of the Chinese team sweep the Netherlands and Argentina, and the tyrants of death.

Two games have grown into 11 goals, including 6 nights, and one person scored 6, the Chinese team's offense made the world shocked.

After the same two games, there was a name into the eyes of European major gigabbles.

That is, the Chinese team is currently the national team gate, Wang Dalei.

Young, the potential, has a big heart, Wang Dalei has the potential of the top of the world, and has been stared by many giants.

In addition, Shao Jiayi and Hao Haidong and other players have also been incorporated in invisible.

The World Cup is such a huge stage, and he is a huge opportunity for all professional players.

Many stars are starting from the outbreak of the World Cup, and eventually become a legend, of course, the flowers are not in a small number.

But in any case, the World Cup is undoubtedly the most concerned about the world, the most appealing game, no one.

After the Chinese team entered the Sixteen, there were many strong teams of other groups to advance to the Sixteen, Germany, Brazil, Japan, etc., there is no exception, and their points are relatively weak, opponents Can't stop at all.

Of course, after the second round of the World Cup group, there are still a few groups of situation to be confused, and many of the second competition of the group is very intense, no one wants to go home in advance.

You know, the World Cup is four years, and the peak of a professional football player has been more than a few years. Many times, I missed it once.

There are countless legendary superstars call the rain in the club competition, but in the World Cup stage, they are embarrassed, but they have not taken the results, the World Cup has become the only stain on their honor book.

So the World Cup is so attractive, will be so concerned about the whole world!

Chapter 2158, Sixteen opponents (fourth more)

Two days later, the Chinese team ushered in the last game of their team, against the African eagle Nigeria. ≮ ≮ ≒ ≒ ≒ ≮ ≮

Nigeria can be said to be the most sad team of this World Cup. They have been brought to death.

The first two games were largely lost to the Netherlands and Argentina. It was originally able to find a little dignity on the fourth Chinese team.

But unfortunately, the Chinese team is rushing in Netherlands and Argentina, and Nigeria has little possibilities.

However, Nigerian players did not completely gave up, they didn't want this World Cup to returning to the country, at least in the game with the Chinese team, is the last goal of Nigeria.

However, when the game started, Nigeria's tragedy found that they didn't say goals, I want to break through the Chinese team's half.

The Chinese team has no relaxation in the event that the team is ensured, the team temporarily turned into a midfield, and a hub of defensive closures and offensive transformations.

This is the Chinese team coach Juns in trying more formation, preparing for the more difficult knockout behind.

Night wind and Xiao Junshuang two big superstar offensive and defensive coverage are very large, after standing in the midfield, Nigeria's player wants to break through the big breakthrough, and even the ball is also blocked, only Kicking them, they are not very good at rushing.

The game replaces Li Yi, who has played Li Yifeng, played outstanding, continuously blocking the long ball of Nigeria.

On one side, the Chinese team did not force it, Nigeria fell.

30! The Chinese team still left some faces to African friends.

This game, the night length did not go into the ball, but two assists have been passed.

Flying and Wang Zhongming entered a ball, Xiao Junguang also refreshed his number of goals to three.

After this game, the World Cup shooter list was divided into two major groups.

The first group is a night-long, Schneider and others scored 6 and 5 goals.

The second group led by the Chinese player, and many players have three world cups to enter the bill.

Before the World Cup, no one thought that the Chinese team can win three battles, with 14 get the ball, the proud record of 1 ball, Ting to the knockout.

There is no doubt that many so-called football experts have been hurt again.

Night winds have a large number of faces, the domestic media began to blow the night, this group of walls, the wind, the rudder, can be said to be the world.

The poor African friend of the death of Nigeria finally brought to the World Cup.

Some people are happy.

In the group of deaths, another Netherlands and Argentina have no concern to China and Nigeria.

Because there is a World Cup that is destined to leave the World Cup in advance.

However, the process of the game is less agreed. It was originally thought to be a game of dragons, but Argentina was hurt by the Netherlands.

In the case of the Argentine coach, the Netherlands vent them all the gas he suffered in the Chinese team.

51! The Netherlands autumn wind swears the leaves of Argentina.

This game, the Wang Vanny, who is a small restricted area, Dafa, joining three goals, directly won all the hope of Argentine.

The two World Cup champion Argentina said in a group star thanked the World Cup stage and started their reconstruction path.

"Argentina, please don't cry!" At this moment, all Argentine fans are tears.

Argentina has been dated, and they only wait patiently for a four-year.

After two days, all the team of the World Cup completed all, and the Sixteen Sixteen Teams of the World Cup came out.

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